Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 822 Retribution

Chapter 822 Retribution (please subscribe!)


This hour is the most difficult hour in Zhao Gou's life!

Wu's, Pan's, Zhang's, Liu's, Xing Bingyi, Tian Chunluo, Jiang Zuimei... His mother Wei's voice, one after another, familiar to Zhao Gou, echoed in Zhao Gou's ears in various filthy forms. The side rings kept ringing, torturing Zhao Gou's will, destroying Zhao Gou's soul, and making Zhao Gou suffer a lot!

Zhao Gou finally survived!
Zhao Gou felt that his own soul had been sublimated again, and became more open-minded.

Zhao Gou smiled slightly, "These insignificant people are insignificant compared to being alive."

Not long after those unbearable voices ended, Mrs. Wu hurried downstairs!
Goodbye to the beloved, Wu looked very excited, and there were thousands of words in his heart that he wanted to tell the other party!

In the end, these thousands of words turned into four short words: "Are you okay?"

Different from Wu's excitement, Zhao Gou looked calm on the surface, but felt indescribably disgusted in his heart, especially after hearing Wu's still flushed face, messy hair and untied clothes. Shi this seems to be after caring about his words.

Zhao Gou secretly said: "If you really love me, you should keep the chastity for me, instead of helping that villain Li Yan humiliate me!"

Even today, Zhao Gou has not attributed the responsibility for the current result to himself, but stubbornly believes that the reason why he was humiliated by Li Yan is that all his concubines, including his mother, are shameless. They can't keep the festival for him and Da Song, if they can commit suicide to keep the festival for him and Da Song, how can he be humiliated today?

Zhao Gou did not dare to offend Wu.

Today is different from the past. Now, Zhao Gou is no longer a high-ranking emperor, but a prisoner under his rank, but Wu is still the emperor's woman, and a domineering emperor's woman. If Zhao Gou really will The Wu family was angered, maybe it would bring death to him, Zhao Gou, you know, throughout the ages, countless heroes died under the wind.

Zhao Gou wanted to follow the example of King Goujian of Yue, who tried his best to make a comeback in the future. How could he be so petty that he could not bear it and make a big plan?

So, after listening to Mrs. Wu's greetings, Zhao Gou saluted Mrs. Wu respectfully, and then said politely, "I'm sorry for your concern, my villain is doing well."

Wu hurriedly went downstairs, in order to say a few more words to Zhao Gou to express her heart, but Zhao Gou treated her with an attitude that was based on thousands of miles away!

This made Wu, who was full of expectations, feel like falling into an ice cave in an instant, and didn't know what to say!

Seeing Mrs. Wu standing there blankly, Zhao Gou felt a sense of revenge in his heart!

Zhao Gou couldn't help but carefully looked at the current Wu family again, and found that Wu family seemed to be taller and more beautiful than a few months ago. Moreover, because Wu was wearing a cheongsam (the resting For more than three months, Li Yan was idle and bored and taught the tailors in the palace to make it, and now it has become one of the women's favorite clothes in the palace), allowing Wu's good figure to be seen at a glance.

Watching, watching, Zhao Gou began to regret not touching Wu Shi, "She is actually quite beautiful."

It's a pity that it's too late for Zhao Gou to regret it now, not to mention, Wu is now Li Yan's woman, and Zhao Gou has no chance to get involved. Taking a step back, even if Wu is now naked and standing in front of Zhao Go Zhao Gou can't do anything.

After experiencing so many things, coupled with not receiving timely treatment, Zhao Gou has completely become a useless person.

This is probably one of the reasons why Zhao Gou was able to withstand this insult.

At this time, Mrs. Pan, who was also wearing a cheongsam, also walked downstairs slowly.

As soon as he saw Mrs. Pan, a trace of resentment flashed across Zhao Gou's face!

Zhao Gou thought, "If it wasn't for this woman's stupidity, how could I have been arrested?"


Zhao Gou glanced at Pan's lower abdomen inadvertently, and was shocked to find that Pan's lower abdomen was slightly swollen!

Zhao Gou thought in disbelief, "Is this bitch pregnant again?"

Pan glanced at Zhao Gou, then deliberately touched his lower abdomen, and said to Zhao Gou, "We didn't bother you just now, did we?"

Zhao Gou, who managed to put on a smile all over his face, froze immediately after hearing Pan's words!
Mrs. Pan came to Mrs. Wu's side, looked at Mrs. Wu with red eyes, shook her head and said, "You are so stupid, useless men, you will not admit that the responsibility for the subjugation of the country lies with them, they will only blame us for not sticking to the rules." , and filled us with resentment."

Pan turned to look at Zhao Gou, and then said to Wu: "So, put away your tears, it's not worth crying for such a useless man."

Speaking of this, Pan asked Zhao Gou deliberately: "Hey, who is that, tell me, am I right?"

Zhao Gou squeezed a few times before forcing out a smile, and said, "Yes, your mother is right."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Pan pointed to the false smile on Zhao Gou's face, and said to Mrs. Wu without hesitation: "Look, this is the face of the man you've been thinking about day and night."

Zhao Gou hated the Pan family, so why didn't the Pan family hate Zhao Gou?
If it weren't for Zhao Gou's favor and trust in eunuchs and Wang Yuan, not rewarding meritorious deeds and not punishing demerits, how could the Miao Liu Mutiny break out and how could his son die?

Even Pan didn't want to live for a while.

If it wasn't for Li Yan's luck, Pan's got pregnant again, giving Pan's new hope.

Pan may have gone mad.

This is why Pan came to humiliate Zhao Gou.

Seeing that Wu Shi did not cooperate with her in humiliating Zhao Gou, Pan Shi was unwilling to let it go, looked at Zhao Gou and said, "I have some good news for you, people in our palace, including me, already have 22 pregnant women." The dragon of Shangguan’s family has been planted, the official family is really powerful, it’s not like you, hey, let’s not talk about it, if I don’t experience a real man like the official family, I don’t even know what a man is!”

Hitting people without slapping them in the face, swearing at others without revealing their faults, Zhao Gou's biggest psychological obstacle now is this, but Pan's grasps this to humiliate Zhao Gou.

No matter how tolerant and open-minded Zhao Gou was, he couldn't force a smile.

Zhao Gou couldn't help but said coldly: "How dare Xiaomin compare with His Majesty the Emperor, Xiaomin is just a bug that can be crushed to death by others, and His Majesty the Emperor is a real dragon!"

After listening to Pan's words, she wanted to say some more unpleasant words to stimulate Zhao Gou.

But at this moment, Webster's voice suddenly sounded: "Sister Pan, no one told you that the official family doesn't like mean women?"

After hearing the words, Pan closed her mouth unwillingly. She had already fallen in love with Li Yan, a domineering man. Moreover, their mother and son would have to rely on Li Yan for a living. Therefore, she didn't want to arouse Li Yan's dislike, even if It was to humiliate Zhao Gou.

Webster came to Zhao Gou, looked Zhao Gou up and down several times, and then said in a trembling voice, "Gouer, you've lost weight!"

After three or four years, Zhao Gou's eyes turned red when he saw his mother whom he depended on at the beginning. Then he knelt down and said, "My son knocks on his mother!"

Wei Shi helped Zhao Gou up, and then wanted to tell Zhao Gou how she missed Zhao Gou these years.

But at this moment, Webster heard footsteps upstairs.

Upon hearing the powerful footsteps, Webster judged that it was Li Yan's footsteps.

In other words, Li Yan was about to go downstairs.

Wei Shi hurriedly whispered to Zhao Gou: "Son, in front of your father, you must be careful in what you say, and you must not rush him. Whether you can get out of trouble depends on this time. This is for your mother and Wan. Er (Wu's) sister finally gave you the opportunity, you must cherish it!"

After speaking, without waiting for Zhao Gou to reply, Webster hurried to the stairs to meet Li Yan!

Not long after, Li Yan went down the stairs accompanied by Xing Bingyi, Tian Chunluo, Jiang Zuimei and others...


(End of this chapter)

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