Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 824 Regaining "Freedom"

Chapter 824 Regaining "Freedom" (Please Subscribe!)


Following Li Yan's voice: "Serve the food.", one after another the food and wine began to be brought up by the palace lady Chuanshan.

Every time a dish is served, the maid of Chuanshan must announce the name of the dish loudly.

Zhao Gou counted in his mind, and served a total of twelve dishes, namely: double-boiled perilla fish, sautéed shark with meat and vinegar, steamed lychee kidneys, lamb gizzard with milk, lotus duck, hand-washed crab, green onion Spilled rabbit, stir-fried lungs, sheep's head with juicy sauce, crab stuffed with oranges, fresh shrimp hooves, fried belly with mandarin duck.

In addition, there are one soup and one soup: Baiwei soup and goose gizzard soup.

Finally, the palace lady Chuanshan brought up a jar of Guanglu wine—the jar was dark red, and the mouth of the jar was sealed with yellow silk.

Zhao Gou knew this wine. It was Huangfeng wine, the national wine produced by Guanglu Temple in the Song Dynasty, and it was also the royal wine in the mouth of the people.

This royal wine is very small, not to mention Zhao Gou, even Zhao Gou's father, Zhao Ji, is usually reluctant to drink it.

Zhao Gou really didn't expect that Li Yan would take it out and share the food with his concubines casually.

Zhao Gou said in his heart: "This villain is not only lustful, but also a greedy drinker!"


Zhao Gou guessed wrong this time.

After opening the bottle, the strong aroma of wine gradually wafted out.

A person who loves wine will never be able to resist this temptation.

But Li Yan only drank a small cup, and stopped drinking - Li Yan can drink, but never greedy for drinking. To put it simply, Li Yan is very dedicated, and he only loves women. The rest, compared to Li Yan, are all floating clouds .

After drinking and eating, Li Yan wiped his mouth, and then said to Zhao Gou: "Your mother and Wan'er are my beloved women. They hope that I can let you live."

Speaking of this, Li Yan took another look at Xing Bingyi, Tian Chunluo, and Jiang Zuimei, and then said: "Besides them, there are many other women of mine. I also hope that I can let you live."

As soon as Li Yan said this, Xing Bingyi, Tian Chunluo, Jiang Zuimei, and even Zhang Xiner and Liu Meiren all lowered their heads.

Who can be absolutely ruthless when a couple is in love for a day and a hundred days?If they had a choice, how could they hope that the person next to them would end up in a tragic end? Even, some of them wished to go back to the past. Zhao Gou was still the prince who had no ambitions. A piece slowly grows old.

It's a pity that good luck tricks people!

Li Yan went on to say: "I will not make my beloved woman sad, so, for the sake of these women, I will give you a chance to change your surname to Li Gou from now on. I heard that you are well-read and memorized, and you can write well, so go and be a editor for me to compile the canon."

Taking away Zhao Gou's "Zhao" surname is basically equivalent to taking away Zhao Gou's succession to Zhao Song Dynasty-as long as Zhao Gou agrees to follow Li Yan's surname "Li", then Zhao Gou will basically be considered abolished in this life. Even if Zhao Song can really be restored in the future, it is absolutely impossible for Zhao Gou to be the emperor of Zhao Song again.

It can be said that Li Yan's knife was accurate and ruthless, and it hit Zhao Gou's weakness, completely defeated Zhao Gou, and made Zhao Gou never have the possibility of turning over. Ordinary people, and ordinary people who have been supervised, or be dead.

Wei Shi and Wu Shi quickly understood Li Yan's meaning.

Webster desperately gave Zhao Gou winks, urging Zhao Gou to thank him quickly.

As for Wu, although she also wanted to urge Zhao Gou, she knew that once she did this, it would probably backfire and harm Zhao Gou instead.

In the end, Wu could only choose to remain silent, and secretly prayed for Zhao Gou!
How could Zhao Gou not think of things that Webster and Wu could think of?

But Zhao Gou was not reconciled, not reconciled to a complete failure.


Then again, what if you are not reconciled?The current situation is that Li Yan is Daozu and Zhao Gou is fish and meat. If Zhao Gou is not aware of current affairs, he may die on the spot in the next moment.

In the end, although he was extremely unwilling, Zhao Gou still chose to live, and then he knelt down to Li Yan and said, "Li Gou, my son, kowtow to my father."

Li Yan nodded when he heard the words, and said, "Good son."

After speaking, Li Yan got up and left, walking, saying: "Sit down and eat something, if you can't eat, take it home and eat."

Seeing Li Yan leave, all of Li Yan's concubines followed suit.

They walked faster one by one, for fear of getting involved with Zhao Gou, no, for fear of getting involved with Li Gou, which would cause Li Yan's misunderstanding!

Among them, the one who walked the fastest was Wu Shi - she was tall and burly, she quickly passed the crowd, and then came to Li Yan's side and rear.

Walking, walking, Li Yan put his arms around Wu Shi's waist, and brought Wu Shi into his arms.

Wu Shi did not resist, but obediently nestled in Li Yan's arms, and left with Li Yan.

Webster didn't leave in a hurry, but came to Li Gou and said, "You made the right choice just now. Nothing is more important than being alive."

While talking, Webster secretly stuffed Li Gou a small bag, which contained ten orchids and a bankbook of 1 yuan.

Li Gou knew the importance of money to him now, so he hurriedly put away this small bag.

Wei Shi said again: "Gou'er, you must remember that your father will never give you a second chance. Once you fail to abide by your duty, he will definitely kill you without hesitation. Therefore, you must Be an ordinary person obediently and don't think about restoration. Not everyone can be an emperor. It not only requires one's own ability to stand up to the sky, but also needs luck. The Song Dynasty has completely perished, and there is no possibility of restoring the country , based on your past experience, it is a great fortune to have the opportunity to be an ordinary person, you must cherish it!"

Although Li Gou was very tired of the words "your father" and disgusted with Webster's saying that "the Great Song Dynasty has no possibility of restoring the country", Li Gou still responded respectfully: "My child understands."

Webster didn't dare to delay here for too long, so seeing that Li Gou had responded to what she said, she hurriedly said: "It's good that my son is sensible, and I will find a chance to see you for my mother in the future, and then bring your two younger brothers Let me see." and then left.

When Webster walked away, a maid suddenly came to Li Gou.

The maid said to Li Gou: "I am the maid of the punishment lady, my mother asked me to give you this."

While talking, the maid also gave Zhao Gou a bag, which was full of gold, silver and jewels, and the value should not be much less than what Webster gave to Zhao Gou.


Unlike accepting the bag that Webster gave him immediately, Li Gou was hesitant when facing the bag that Xing Bingyi gave him!

The reason why Li Gou didn't take the gold, silver and jewelry that Xing Bingyi gave him was naturally because he was afraid that this bag of gold, silver and jewelry would bring him death.

Seeing this, the maid said: "It's okay for you to accept it. My mother has already reported this matter to the officials. The officials agree that my mother will help you. Moreover, the gold, silver and jewels are not given to you for nothing. My mother will use it for you." It buys the same thing as you."

Hearing this, Li Gou asked, "What do you want to buy?"

The maid said: "My mother said, you know what it is."

"I know what it is?" Li Gou murmured.

Seeing this, the maid said again: "My mother also said that if you have that thing in your hands, it may bring you a fatal disaster. You should sell it to her, so that the two of you can break up completely."

When the maid said this, Li Gou immediately understood what Xing Bingyi wanted to buy from him.

At the beginning, Li Gou and Xing Bingyi had been married for less than a year, and Li Gou was about to go to Jinying as an envoy.

When parting, Xing Bingyi took off one of his earrings and gave it to Li Gou, saying that seeing this ring in the future is like seeing a concubine.

Li Gou kept this earring all the time, and kept it in a small gold box.

Later, when Li Gou fled south in a hurry, he even threw away the ancestral god tablet, and he didn't forget to run away with this small golden box.

It can be seen that Li Gou attaches great importance to this earring or Xing Bingyi, the owner of this earring.


Li Gou can no longer keep this earring no matter what.

Keeping it any longer will not be a good thing for Li Gou or Xing Bingyi.

So, even though he was very reluctant, Li Gou took out the small gold box containing Xing Bingyi's earrings from his pocket, handed it to the maid, and said, "Please tell Niang Xing for me, I wish her happiness. "

The maid took the small golden box and said: "Of course my mother will be happy. You know, my mother gave birth to three sons to the official family in three years. What a favor it is, and it is comparable to others. So, if you If you really loved my empress, please don't do stupid things, don't harm my empress!"

After saying this, the maid handed Xing Bingyi's gold, silver and jewelry to Li Gou, then turned and left.

Touching the cold jewelry in his hand, Li Gou secretly regretted it!

If I had known today, he might as well have brought the army back to save Bianliang City, his father and brother, his clan, Xing Bingyi, his concubines and her five daughters in spite of everything!

In that case, he would never live such a useless life!

There is no regret in this world for selling medicine!

So, after standing quietly for a while, Li Gou said kindly to the maid beside him, "Please help me to pack this table of delicacies. Your Majesty rewarded me with it."

The maid heard the words, brought a lunch box, packed all the leftovers from Li Yan and others, and handed it to Li Gou.

Li Gou took the lunch box, held it in his hand, and followed the guards who escorted him back to the place where he was under house arrest.

This is Li Gou's last night under house arrest, and he will regain his "freedom" tomorrow.


Datong four years, mid-February.

Wang Yan personally led the army to break through the last city defended by the Song army, and killed Tang Zhong, the last loyalist of the Song Dynasty, in street fighting.

The Sichuan-Shanxi area was completely restored.

Later, under the order of the imperial court, Wu Jie was in charge of Shu, Wang Yan was in charge of Shaanxi, and Zhang Xian led the army to continue westward, preparing to recover the Longyou Governor's Mansion.

Longyou Duhufu is the administrative region of the Northern Song Dynasty, and it was part of the Chinese territory during the Song Dynasty.

During the Jingkang period, it was abandoned by the Song Dynasty due to the invasion of the Jin people, the occupation of Xining by the Xixia, and the rebellion of the Tubo people.

To be fair, it was not unreasonable for the Song Dynasty to abandon the Longyou Dufu Mansion.

The situation in Longyou is quite complicated. Xixia, Tubo, Khotan, and Gaochang Uyghurs have surrounded it. Although the local people have a high degree of Sinicization, they have always been dependent on whoever is strong, and whoever is strong will dominate. Government there.

After decades of hard work by several generations of emperors from Song Shenzong to Song Huizong, Wang Hou and Tong Guan of the Zhao Ji faction finally completely recovered the six states of Dang, Die, Tao, Min, He, and Lin (Xi) more than 20 years ago. The territory of the Song Dynasty increased by more than [-] miles. In the Qinzhou area at the junction of the Qingtang regime and the Song Dynasty, more than [-] Tubo tribesmen belonged to the Song Dynasty. The six prefectures of Xi and He, which had been occupied by Tubo in the later period, were put back under the rule of the Central Plains regime, and finally destroyed the Northwest local regime that had been passed down for six generations, completely occupied the Hehuang area, and also allowed the Song Dynasty to gain a Ma Liangdi.

It's a pity that the battle of Jingkang broke out, turning the land of Longyou into a land without an owner, where the remnant Song Dynasty, Xixia, Tubo, Khotan, and Gaochang Uighurs began to compete there again.

At the beginning, before the Song Dynasty was about to send troops to recover the land of Longyou, Wang Shao, an official of the Song Shenzong Dynasty, presented a comprehensive plan for the Xixia strategy to the Song Shenzong who had just ascended the throne.

In this plan called "Ping Rong Policy", Wang Shao prescribed a powerful medicine for the centuries-old illness of the Song Dynasty in the Northwest - if you want to defeat Xixia, you must first occupy the nearby Hehuang area.Only by conquering the local Tubo tribes can the Xixia flank be cut off.And then eliminated the hateful party regime in one fell swoop, and relieved the northwestern frontier troubles of the Song Dynasty.

It is not difficult to see from this that the Dazhong imperial court sent troops to recover the land of Longyou, but it was actually targeting Xixia.


One month later, that is, in April of the fourth year of Datong, Yue Fei ordered people to build all [-] warships that could adapt to the Dongting Lake water battle, and then ordered land and water to attack Yang Yao's rebels.

Yue Fei personally set up the formation: divided his troops to blockade the key towns in the lake area such as Xiangyin, Qiaokou, Yiyang, Gong'an, Nanyangdu, etc., and ordered Yang Yizhong to lead his troops towards Ding and Li, and attack Yang Yao, Xia Cheng and other villages from upstream.

In May, Yang Yizhong went to Dingzhou and dispatched people to Yang Huahua to enter the stronghold to join Yang Mo's subordinates and lure the rebels to surrender.

At the beginning of June, Yang Qin, the leader of Dazhai in Xunzhou Village, Longyang, the rebel army, led 3000 people and warships to land.

Soon, the other leaders of Dazhai, Liu Heng, Jin Cong, Liu Shen, Huang Zuo, etc., also raised their villages and recruited one after another.

Most of the rebel army was disintegrated, but Yang Yao and Xia Cheng still defended themselves.

Yang Yizhong knew that the terrain of the lake area was difficult and unpredictable, and that the rebel vehicles and boats were difficult to deal with, so he sent people to open the weirs and gates to release the water, put rafts to block the ports in the lake, scattered green grass on the lake, and used the vehicles and boats to stall, followed by Yang Qin. As a guide, he led the army into the siege of Yang Yaozhai.

Yang Yao led his troops to break through the siege, but was defeated in a fierce battle. He was captured and killed, and the rest of them were wiped out.

Xia Cheng defended his stronghold to the death, but was also attacked by the government army.

So far, Zhong Xiang and Yang Yao's rebels have been completely wiped out, and Dazhong has completely completed the initial unification.

Li Yan did not let Ma Nanshan go, but secretly ordered Yue Fei: Prepare to attack Dali.

At the same time, Li Yan also secretly ordered Wang Lun, Shi Bao, Hua Rong and others to prepare to fully capture the Indochina Peninsula.


Dazhong mobilized more than 100 million craftsmen and millions of civilian husbands (the extra was recruited by Wang Shiyong later), and spent more than one billion yuan to build the palace.

Before that, what Li Yan wanted to build, the railway from Tokyo to Yanjing, had been built to Yizhou in the north, and to the Yellow River in the south. The Yellow River Viaduct, which was built for trains, was almost completed.

Moreover, the train has been in trial operation for several months.

On the basis of these premises, Li Yan formally proposed: In May of next year, that is, in May of the fifth year of Datong, the capital will be moved, and the capital of Dazhong will be moved from Tokyo to Yanjing.

It is said that the capital will be moved in May next year. In fact, since Li Yan’s order to move the capital, Dazhong has already begun to move the capital—moving is a very cumbersome matter. It is not just about moving, but also shifting the center of power in the empire. , Therefore, there are too many things to do and consider, so it is impossible to make one size fits all. As for next May, that is the day when Li Yan will leave Tokyo.

Now, Li Yan is relying on the prestige of great unification, who dares to disobey Li Yan's will?
What's more, Li Yanqian's slogan is still: the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country!

This excuse is firmly supported by hundreds of millions of people.

Therefore, although many people are unwilling to move the capital because their own interests are damaged, they still have to hold their noses and move the capital obediently...



PS: This is a two-in-one chapter, so that's it for today.

(End of this chapter)

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