Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 860 The imperial conquest

Chapter 860 The imperial conquest (for subscription!)


Big worry.


Jin, Yuan, Qing.

That is, Jurchen, Mongolia, Jurchen.

They are definitely the biggest border troubles of the Central Plains Dynasty!

Li Yan made up his mind a long time ago that they will be completely suppressed, and they will never be soft on them. When necessary, Li Yan can even issue a massacre order!
However, Li Yan has not found a suitable opportunity for a long time - Li Yan is very afraid of attacking rashly, if they cannot be wiped out in one fell swoop, they will adapt to the fighting style of the Chinese army, and it may not be possible to eliminate these Stubborn troubles.

Li Yan's worry was not unreasonable.

In the current Dazhong, it should not be a big problem to defeat the Dajin and Mongolian tribes, even if they are really united.

The point is that it is easy to defeat them, but it is very difficult for the Chinese army, which is seriously lacking in maneuverability, to completely wipe out the Dajin and Mongolian tribes, especially the latter who come and go without a trace.

Therefore, Li Yan has never acted rashly, and has always let Yelu Dashi use the conflicts between the various kingdoms and tribes in the grassland to divide them, make them dog-eat-dog, and make them unable to unify.

In addition, Li Yan also asked people to vigorously develop automobiles and motorcycles, hoping to solve the mobility problem once and for all.

in fact--

As early as the birth of the train, the first steam engine car was also born.

It's just that the development speed of automobiles is far behind that of trains. Even though Dazhong has developed a relatively simple diesel locomotive train, it is still far away that a car can be put into use.

But then again, that's normal. Cars have to solve not only maneuvering problems, but also spark ignition, water cooling cycle, steel tube frame, leaf spring suspension, rear wheel drive, front wheel steering, brake handle Wait a lot of questions.

In addition, there is another key issue, that is tires - although Li Yan has asked people to look for rubber trees in all the areas that the Chinese can reach, until now no rubber trees have been found, and without rubber, there is no rubber tree. Tires with high load-carrying performance, traction performance, and cushioning performance, but without such tires, it is empty talk if the car is really put into use.

And most importantly, the roads—if a car is to be truly maneuverable, it must be supported by roads.

With so many problems to be solved, in Li Yan's opinion, it may not be possible to produce a car that can be put into use in another ten or even twenty years.

Under such circumstances, if Dazhong wanted to destroy the Dajin and Mongolian tribes on the grassland, he still had to rely on traditional war horses.

Therefore, over the years, Dazhong has been trying his best to breed and purchase war horses.

The spring of the seventh year of Tietong.

After completely pacifying Xixia and getting enough rest, under the order of the court, Wu Jie led an army of [-] to the west of Yumen Pass, and Zhang Xian also led an army of [-] to leave Longyou. The two armies killed like two dragons. Into the sand sea of ​​the Western Regions.

After repeated studies, Li Yan, Xu Guanzhong, Zhu Wu and others finally decided that they must not fight on two fronts, especially when there are strong opponents such as Dajin and Mongolian tribes among their opponents.

In addition, it was still the original problem, that is, insufficient mobility, so that Dazhong could not wipe out Dajin and the Mongolian tribes in one fell swoop.

Therefore, Li Yan and others finally decided to solve the problem in the northwest first.

Only then did Wu Jie and Zhang Xianbing leave the Western Regions, preparing to completely merge the Western Regions into Dazhong's territory.

Facing the menacing Chinese army, the king of Gaochang Uyghur Kingdom thought for a long time, but did not organize a resistance, so he surrendered to Dazhong.

Wu Jie sent people to "invite" all the high-ranking officials and nobles of the Gaochang Uighur Kingdom back to Yanjing.

At the same time, Lehe and a large number of experienced officials sent by Dazhong to govern the Western Regions also came to the Western Regions.

After that, Wu Jie and Zhang Xian began to sweep all the resistance forces in the Western Regions who did not obey Dazhong's rule.

In addition, for those forces that obey the rule of Dazhong, Lehe and others also broke up and relocated them, and rigidly stipulated that each tribe must not have more than 100 people-tribes with more than 100 people must be dismantled, and Among the dismantled tribes, only one tribe is allowed to stay in their original territory, and the rest must move to distant places. If there are any tribes that do not obey the arrangement, they will be exterminated!
Just as Dazhong regained and digested the Western Regions, the decisive battle between the expeditionary force and the Eastern Karahan Dynasty in the Kashgar region had also come to an end.

There is no suspense in the outcome of the war. The Chinese army defeated the army of the eastern Karahan Dynasty with its overwhelmingly superior weapons and equipment and advanced tactics. The king and all members of the royal family of the eastern Karakhanian dynasty.

Seeing that the Chinese army was so good at fighting, Ge Luolu and Kangli rebelled and dealt a fatal blow to the Eastern Karahan Dynasty.

The powerful Eastern Karahan Dynasty was destroyed.

Just when the expeditionary army was about to continue its westward march, the envoys sent by the imperial court found the expeditionary army-the imperial court ordered the expeditionary army to temporarily stop its westward advance, return to the country immediately, and made other calls.

The expeditionary force went on this expedition for nearly four years.

During this period, although the expeditionary force also had a rest, it did not rest for a long time.

Therefore, some veterans of the expeditionary army are really tired, and it is time to take a break.

The most important thing is that the expeditionary force still has 70 million war horses in their hands. These war horses are the key to pacifying the Dajin and Mongolian tribes in the Northeast.

Therefore, Yue Fei and others obeyed the order of the imperial court and seized all the horses, cattle and sheep of the Eastern Karahan Dynasty, and then escorted all the royal family, clan, and high-ranking officials and nobles of the Eastern Karahan Dynasty back to Beijing.

At the same time, Dazhong sent General Lu to lead a group of capable officials to the eastern Karahan Dynasty to take over here.

Not long after the expeditionary force returned to Yanjing, Wu Jie and Zhang Xian completely pacified the Western Regions, turning the Western Regions into an inseparable part of Dazhong, and the territory of Dazhong was officially extended to the Tianshan area.

Even without counting the eastern Karakhan region on the other side of the Tianshan Mountains, the territory of Dazhong has already surpassed the Tang Dynasty to become the largest dynasty in history.

Next, Dazhong still did not attack the Northeast. Instead, the Fifth Military Region, the Seventh Military Region, the Eighth Military Region, and the Ninth Military Region simultaneously sent troops to the southwest to recover Tubo.

The four major military regions are fighting at the same time, how can the divided Tubo resist?
In just a few months, the Lhasa, Ali, Yaze, Yalongjue, and other forces in Tubo either surrendered or were wiped out. .

At the same time, Dazhong sent Hu Quan to lead a large number of officials to take over the Tubo area.

So far, with the exception of the Northeast region, all border problems in Dazhong have been resolved.

The time has come to Tietong eight years.

This year, Li Yan was 49 years old.

In the eyes of people of this era, Li Yan has already begun to age.

But Li Yan felt that his physical function was still similar to that of a young man in his twenties, and he could control twenty or thirty women in one night without getting tired. It is called a high pet.

Li Yan didn't want to leave the Northeast issue to future generations, because they didn't know how much harm the Jurchen and Mongols did to the Central Plains dynasty.

Therefore, while he was still young, Li Yan transferred 100 million troops from the nine major military regions of Dazhong, including Yue Fei, Wu Jie, Liu Qi, Han Shizhong, and Yang Yizhong, the five founding marshals, Zhang Xian, Wang Yan, Wu Lin, and Guo Guo. Hao, Wang De, and Li Yanxian, the six founding generals, formed an unprecedentedly powerful Northern Expeditionary Army. Moreover, this time Li Yan did not appoint the Generalissimo of the World's Soldiers and Horses, but Li Cun supervised the country and personally led the expedition—Li Yan wanted to destroy the army himself. Get rid of the Dajin and Mongolian tribes, wipe away the last hidden dangers of the Dazhong Empire, and leave an imperial foundation that can last at least 100 years for your descendants!

(End of this chapter)

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