Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 873 Happy early

Chapter 873 Happy early (seeking subscription!)

Shangjing, the imperial palace.

Looking at the snowflakes falling profusely from the sky, all the kings and ministers of Dajin were full of smiles - the gods favored his people, and the snow fell, and Dajin will surely overcome this difficulty.

Everyone thought: "If this difficulty can be overcome smoothly, Dazhong should not easily attack Dajin again, because the facts have proved that Dajin is not afraid of Dazhong's attack, and then the two sides can sit down and talk about it. Talk about how to coexist peacefully, and then Dajin can find a way to develop, wait until Dazhong becomes unstable, and then fight back to avenge this big revenge..."

Just thinking about it made Wanyan Quan and his ministers very happy!
Wanyan Zong said dryly: "The Han people have a saying that weaving baskets and baskets is all about shutting up. In this last period, we must not be careless."

Wanyan Wushu said: "I know, I have already ordered people to cast the city wall carefully again, and started to demolish houses to accumulate stone and wood, and I promise that there will be no slack."

Wanyan Zongqian nodded, and then concluded: "We were able to repel the Chinese army this time mainly because of the weather, not our strength. We have all seen how powerful the Chinese army's muskets are. In order not to be attacked by the Chinese army again in the future." Bullying, we must also develop muskets."

Wanyan Wushu echoed: "That's right, use the other's way to repay the other."


Wanyan Quan, Wanyan Zongqian, Wanyan Wushu and others talked for a while, and it was almost dark before Wanyanqian returned to the harem.

As soon as he arrived at the harem, a servant stepped forward and asked, "Which empress is your Majesty going to tonight? Or continue to stay overnight in Jingyang Palace?"

Some time ago, when the Chinese army was attacking most urgently, Wanyan Quan gathered the Empress Pei Manshi, his concubines and six daughters together, and waited with a knife. He immediately killed Pei Man's and other daughters. He was by no means the same as Yelu Yanxi, Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and other failed emperors. Not only did he lose his country, he was also put on countless green hats by Li Yan.

But in the end, that period of time was just a drill, and Wanyan Wushu defended Shangjing time and time again.

In this way, it will be embarrassing!

Pei Manshi was not a fuel-efficient lamp either. Since then, Pei Manshi had turned against Wanyan Quan, and Wanyan Quan's other concubines were also full of complaints against Wanyan Quan.

In addition, during the recent period, the Chinese army has been attacking the city violently, and emergencies often arise.

Therefore, Wanyan Quan simply rested in the Jingyang Palace which is the closest to the imperial palace during this period of time - if something happened, he could react in time.

in fact--

The conflict between Wanyan Quan and Pei Manshi was not just because Wanyan Quan wanted to kill Pei Manshi, it was just a fuse.

Wanyan Quan has always been a puppet emperor since he ascended the throne—first he was the puppet of Wanyan Zongpan, Wanyanchang and others, and now he is the puppet of Wanyan Zonggan and Wanyan Zongbi.

Under such circumstances, Wanyan Quan's personality was very gloomy, even a little sick, and he lost his temper at every turn.

And Pei Manshi is an extremely powerful and ambitious woman. The key is that Pei Manshi's background is too deep, so Pei Manshi doesn't pay much attention to the wimpy Wanyanquan.

This led to many conflicts between Wanyan Quan and Pei Manshi.

Unfortunately, the house leak happened to be raining all night, and Ban Chi was hit by a headwind. Not long ago, Pei Man's son Wanyan Quan's son Ying Mourning Crown Prince Wanyan Ji'an died suddenly, which completely broke the bond between the two.

Wanyan Quan was heartbroken, so he wanted to make his other son Wanyan Daoji the crown prince.

Wanyan Quan is so anxious to establish a crown prince, not only because Wanyan Daoji is Wanyan Quan's only son, Wanyan Quan has no other better choice if he does not establish Wanyan Daoji, there is also a very important reason, that is, it is related to the Yan Quan's political views.

As we all know, the reason for the Jurchen's rebellion was that the Wanyan family first unified the Jurchen tribes, and then destroyed the Liaoping and Song Dynasties.

However, the Wanyan family is not monolithic, but has several major forces.

Before Wanyan Aguda, the succession of the chiefs of the Jurchen tribe was from brother to brother, which resulted in the descendants of every former chieftain having a very strong political influence.

In addition, in addition to the Wanyan Aguda family, there are also many powerful families such as Wanyan Aguda's cousins ​​and uncles.

At the beginning of the Jin Dynasty, Wanyan Aguda was more like the head of these powerful families, or the convener, and he did not have absolute authority and supreme power like the emperor of the Central Plains—when something happened, he was completely Yan Aguda wanted to gather the leaders of the major families and political forces, and everyone discussed it.

Of course, Wanyan Aguda's opinion is the most important.

However, Wanyan Aguda can't just make a decision without discussing it.

At that time, the Jurchens were actually in the process of transitioning from the original military democracy to the state and imperial autocracy.

When Wanyan Aguda was in office, he was very good at balance. He was very charismatic and a leader, and he was also a military genius, so everyone was convinced by Wanyan Aguda. Everyone listened to what Wanyan Aguda said. Wherever Wanyan Aguda points, everyone will fight. These major political forces are very obedient to Aguda.

When Wanyan Aguda died and Wanyan Wu Qimai succeeded to the throne, things changed—when Wanyan Aguda led the army to fight, Wanyan Wu Qimai stayed in Shangjing as the heir to the throne for a long time, and he never left his hometown in Northeast China. The merits of size were not established on the battlefield, and later, because of Wanyan Wu's decision-making mistakes in begging and buying, Dazhong slaughtered a large number of Jurchens, and Dajin became a sworn enemy with the extremely powerful Dazhong. All factions feel that Wanyan Wu Qimai has no right to criticize us?Gradually, the tradition that everyone must discuss things has been strengthened.From the perspective of families outside the Wanyan Aguda system, Wanyan Wu Qimai is just the leader of the Wanyan Aguda Department, and they do not obey the leadership of Wanyan Wu Qimai.

This is also the reason why Wanyan Wu begged to buy Wanyan Zonghan's board.

After the death of Wanyan Wu Qimai, the situation became more complicated, and there were more Taizu Wanyan Aguda and Taizong Wanyan Wu Qimai families.

As for imperial power, it became even smaller.

As a last resort, after Wan Yanquan inherited the throne of the emperor, he could only implement the Sinicization system in the Jin Dynasty and centralize power in the hands of the emperor.

Therefore, Wan Yanquan promulgated and promulgated the new laws of the emperor's line successively, with a total of more than a thousand pieces—most of them followed the imitation of the Song Dynasty, and there were also founders during it.

All its positive measures played a positive role in accelerating the feudalization of the Jin Dynasty and accepting Han culture.

And in this process, the most important thing is to establish the crown prince, otherwise, according to the original rules of the Jurchen, there would be countless people peeping at Wanyan Quan's emperor's throne.

But on this crucial matter, Pei Manshi just didn't let go, and insisted on making her son born in the future the crown prince.

Wanyan Quan doesn't even want to touch Pei Manshi now, where will Pei Manshi give birth to a son?

In addition, Pei Manshi also privately rewarded King Hailing and Prime Minister Zuo Wanyanliang with gifts.

That Wanyan Liang, a genius since he was a child, is deep and generous, with a leisurely and peaceful demeanor, a majestic and sophisticated figure, and he highly admires Han culture, and has been in contact with famous people in the Liao and Song Dynasties. Moreover, he is also the biological son of the powerful minister Wanyan Zonggan, so he is very fond of it. It was because of Wan Yanquan's fear.

Who is not good for Pei Manshi to make friends with, but Wan Yanliang!
This isn't deliberately against Wanyan Quan, what is it?
Therefore, the relationship between Wanyan Quan and Pei Manshi has reached a freezing point.

"That bitch is looking for death!"

Wanyan Quan walked into Jingyang Palace while thinking about it.

Just as Wanyan Quan took off his coat and was about to call a beauty to celebrate that Dajin was about to repel the Chinese army, someone rushed in to report: "Your Majesty, it's not good, the Chinese army has started attacking the city again!"


(End of this chapter)

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