Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 901 The Best Grandson

Chapter 901 The Best Grandson (Please Subscribe!)


Li Wei inherited his mother Chen Liqing's killing energy and courage. He was born as a general, and he was a general against ten thousand people.

In this regard, Li Wei is very proud and proud.

Therefore, Li Wei hoped that his own son could also be like him, fighting on the battlefield, shrouded in horse leather.

Therefore, Li Wei named his two sons Li Miedi and Li Podi respectively, and brought them to the battlefield when they were twelve or thirteen years old.

Li Miedi completely followed Li Wei's wish. He is bloodthirsty, easy to kill, brave and fearless, and born with supernatural powers. He can defeat hundreds of people in his teens, and he is deeply liked by Li Wei.

When it was Li Podi's turn, Li Wei didn't like it a bit.

When Li Podi was very young, Li Wei discovered that Li Podi was not at all like him and Li Miedi, who didn’t read anything except military books—Li Podi liked to study, and had a wide range of interests. He liked to dabble in everything. .

Li Podi is not at all as rude as Li Wei and Li Miedi. When his generals and soldiers are in a bad mood, he beats and scolds them frequently. Likes to socialize with people.

In addition, Li Podi is quick-witted, has an extraordinary bearing, and has excellent analytical skills.

Li Yan's evaluation of Li Podi is: Li Podi has a very high IQ and a very broad vision.

A son like Li Podi was obviously not what Li Wei wanted, but Li Wei still brought Li Podi into the army and fought everywhere.

Unlike Li Wei and Li Miedi, when Li Podi fought, he was never reckless—he used his brains more when fighting, and was especially good at spying and defeating the enemy.

Judging from the results of the battle, Li Podi is no worse than Li Miedi.

But Li Wei didn't like Li Podi no matter what he saw.

Just in time for Yue Fei's second expedition to the west, Li Wei threw Li Podi into Yue Fei's expeditionary army.

Not long after Li Podi arrived in the expeditionary army, Yue Fei discovered that Li Podi's intelligence capabilities were excellent.

Ever since, Yue Fei asked Li Podi to work in the Military Intelligence Department.

In this way, Li Podi was like a fish in water, and made great achievements repeatedly. Before the war in Central Asia was over, Li Podi became the chief intelligence officer of Yue Fei's journey because of his meritorious service.

Later, when Li Yan heard about Li Podi's abilities and achievements, he transferred Li Podi to his side to train him.

At that time, Li Yan had already asked Zhu Gui, Shi Xiu, and Chai Jin to deploy spies in each vassal state, so as to control each vassal state in the future.

After a long period of contact and observation, Li Yan discovered that Li Podi was born for espionage.

Moreover, because of a coincidence, Li Yan also discovered another advantage of Li Podi - he would rather be killed for his loyalty than escape for his life.

Li Yan's expedition to the west seemed to be in full swing, and he fought wherever he went.

In fact, it's not like this - Li Yan has also experienced many dangers.

Once, a group of fanatics planned for a long time, and finally got within a few dozen feet away from Li Yan, and then they violently rushed towards Li Yan, intending to assassinate Li Yan.

Of course, the guards guarding Li Yan couldn't let these assassins rush forward, they immediately shot these assassins and prevented them from rushing forward.

But what Li Yan's guards didn't expect was that these assassins were all strapped with special explosives, and the explosives they used must have been obtained from the Chinese army, otherwise the power would never be so powerful.

The short section says.

After a while, these body bomb assassins blasted a gap in Li Yan's guards, and then a dozen body bomb assassins passed through the gap, and then rushed towards Li Yan.

Li Yan's bodyguards who were closer to Li Yan, upon seeing this, all shot and killed the body bomb assassins or rushed over bravely to stop the body bomb assassins from rushing towards Li Yan.

But these body bomb assassins cooperated very tacitly, and they even lined up in two columns and rushed towards Li Yan.

At critical times, these body bomb assassins will not hesitate to detonate the special explosive packs on their bodies to create opportunities for other body bomb assassins to kill.

In the end, although all the other body bomb assassins were shot by Li Yan's bodyguards or forced to blow themselves up, there was still one person who rushed over and rushed straight to Li Yan.

At that time, the closest to the body bomb assassin who rushed towards Li Yan was Li Podi, who was reporting intelligence work to Li Yan at that time—the rest of Li Yan's entourage were behind Li Yan at that time, and because Li Podi reported The intelligence has a certain degree of confidentiality, and there is a certain distance between them and Li Yan and Li Podi.

Even more unlucky, it may have been the place chosen deliberately by the body bomb assassins. At that time, the other side of them was a wall four or five feet behind, that is to say, they had no retreat at that time.

Seeing this, Li Podi went up to the assassin without saying a word.

Under the circumstances at that time, as long as Li Podi came into contact with the body bomb assassin, even if he was only close to the body bomb assassin, there was a high possibility of death.

But Li Podi rushed over without hesitation.

Seeing that Li Podi was about to run into that body bomb assassin.




Suddenly three locust rocks flew out!

Two of the three locust stones hit the face of the body bomb assassin, and one hit the hand of the body bomb assassin holding the fuze.

The body bomb assassin fell in response.

That is to say, Li Podi's fate is high, and Qiongying's three migratory locust rocks can be hit accurately. I am afraid that if one of them makes a mistake, it may not be able to save Li Podi.

Afterwards, Li Yan asked Li Podi why he rushed over.

Li Podi said: "As far as Dazhong is concerned, one million Li Podi can be killed, but not one emperor's grandfather can be injured."

Li Yan didn't say anything at that time.

But within a few days, Li Yan handed over the entire Central Asian and European intelligence agencies to Li Podi's management.

Of course, it cannot be said that Li Podi has monopolized intelligence in Central Asia and Europe. Zhu Gui, Shi Xiu, and Chai Jin have operated the intelligence system for decades, not to mention that they built the intelligence network in Central Asia and Europe. Even if it wasn't built by them, it would never be monopolized by Li Podi.

But even so, Li Podi's power has grown.

You must know that the intelligence system in Central Asia and Europe is not only responsible for the intelligence collection of each vassal state, it is also responsible for the performance assessment and evaluation of the kings of each vassal state.

In other words, Li Podi could deprive the kings of those vassal states to a certain extent.

It can be seen from this that Li Podi's power is great.


Li Podi is the kind of person who understands the big picture by nature.

Although he has great power, he never abuses his power.

The key point is that he worked hard to deploy an intelligence network in Central Asia and Europe, collected all the intelligence in Central Asia and Europe, and then passed it on to the imperial court.

The imperial court used the intelligence collected by Li Podi to firmly control the entire Central Asia and Europe.

Let's put it this way, the reason why the vassal states in Central Asia and Europe obeyed Dazhong's command was largely related to Li Podi.

Li Yan once said to his sons: "At this stage, breaking the enemy is my best grandson."

Because there are meritorious deeds there, and Li Yan is behind it. The key point is that when he proposed candidates for the crown prince this time, Li Yan also said: Don’t choose all of your generation. In your next generation, if there are outstanding , can also be recommended.

Now that Li Yan has said such words, Li Podi was naturally elected as one of the nine crown prince candidates with a high number of votes.


(End of this chapter)

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