Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 905 Unlucky Reminder

Chapter 905 Unlucky Reminder (please subscribe!)

The spring of Dading 13 years.

Although the election of the crown prince is not over yet, according to the votes that have been cast, Li Ji is the next crown prince.

Having learned the experience and lessons of last year's election failure, every time Li Ji goes to a county this year, he will look around before the election just like the previous Li Xiu, and then during the election, when he speaks, he will focus on the specific local conditions Come up with constructive ideas.

In addition, Li Ji also discovered a talented person—Liu Zheng.

This Liuzheng is a Jinshi in Dading for 11 years. He is upright, honest, outspoken and dare to advise, and he is very talented in governing the country.

In history, this Liuzheng is not an ordinary person. He served in the three dynasties of Xiaozong, Guangzong, and Ningzong. , Wei Guogong, and Wei Guogong, who were given to the grand master after death, posthumously named Zhongxuan, Shaoxichu, and worshiped the Prime Minister of Zuo. Zhongneng is tolerant and magnanimous, and he is dedicated to serving the public and never doing anything private. Song Xiaozong called him "pure and trustworthy" and "true prime minister". He was a rare virtuous prime minister in the early Southern Song Dynasty.

You Liuzheng is planning for Li Ji, and with Li Ji's original contacts in the royal family, Li Ji can be said to be invincible this year, and his family has always been dominant.

Li Bi, Li Xu, and Li Podi failed to defeat Li Ji, which made Li Yan secretly sigh!
But rules are rules, since Li Ji is able to overwhelm everyone to win the general election, then Li Yan must let Li Ji be the crown prince, and then train him carefully.

Li Yan only hoped that Li Jizhen did not show his ability because he had no chance to prove himself.

in fact--

Li Yan quickly figured it out.

Li Ji won the election by his own ability, which is enough to show that Li Ji is at least a political master. As long as such a person does not act recklessly, he will never lose his country.

Moreover, before Li Ji became emperor, he still had five years to test his ability as the crown prince.

Taking a step back, Li Ji has just passed the five-year test of the crown prince, and there is still a five-year term limit. If he can't do well as the emperor, he will definitely be replaced after five years.

Therefore, although Li Ji did not quite suit Li Yan's wishes, Li Yan was still ready to support Li Ji as the crown prince.

At the same time, under Li Yan's training, Li Xiu has been able to handle political affairs very well, and can already inherit his throne.

Moreover, Li Xiu did not take the path of Li Cun who had to do things himself, but like Li Yan, he used people to help him share the political affairs.


Li Xiu and Li Yan use a lot of female secretaries to help themselves.

Li Xiu used ministers and scholars to help him handle state affairs and political affairs.

On this point, Li Xiu's evaluation is much higher than Li Yan's.

It can be seen from this that in the Dazhong Dynasty, women probably have no chance to stand up.

In Li Xiu's third year as the crown prince, Li Yan began to let go of everything, leaving everything to Li Xiu without even asking questions. Moreover, Li Yan began to stay away from court for a long time.

That is to say, from this moment on, Li Xiu has already started to take over the power of Dazhong.

And Li Yanna, regardless of his 61-year-old age, is still increasing the population of the royal family.


After reaching the age of 60, Li Yan has also restrained himself. Instead of recruiting thousands of beauties from all over the world to his palace every year as before, he only accepts a few hundred every year, and this number is increasing year by year. reduce.

It's not that Li Yan's health is not good - although he is over sixty, Li Yan's body is still so good, and he still looks like he is in his 20s.

It was because there were too many women in Li Yan's harem. Many women were still virgins when they reached the age of leaving the palace. Some women even chanted Li Yan's name before they died, hoping that Li Yan could take a look at her.

Therefore, Li Yan decided to recruit less, or even no longer recruit women into the palace, and put more energy on those women who have been with him for many years, and less disappoint women.

At times like this, time flies very fast.

Soon, it will be the summer of Dading 14.

The election of the crown prince is finally coming to an end.

In fact, last autumn, Li Ji had already won for sure.

The reason why the election is still going on is because the election law specified by Li Yan stipulates that all counties and vassal states must be completed before the election can end.


The last dozens of stations are actually just a formality.

Almost everyone is waiting for the new crown prince Li Ji to come back, and then Li Yan will step aside, Li Xiu will take over as the emperor, and Li Ji will be the crown prince at the same time.

But just when everyone was looking forward to it, a bad news came back suddenly——Li Ji was dead, and was killed by the Khwarazmo people.

Even Li Yan was dumbfounded after receiving this telegram, and then couldn't help but scold Han Yanzhi (Han Shizhong's third son) and Niu Tong (Niu Gao's son) who were the guards this time. They brought [-] elites to accompany Li Yan. How could it be possible for Li Ji to be killed by the Khwarazmo people if Ji and others went to participate in the election?

Soon, Li Yan knew the details of what happened through the telegram.

turn out to be--

At the beginning, Shah Jisi of Khwarazmo fled with those who were willing to follow him on the eve of the fall of the capital, and then fled westward all the way to Asia Minor.

But not long after they arrived in Asia Minor, they caught up with the Crusaders.

Ah Jisi and the others, who were seriously injured, naturally couldn't defeat the Crusaders.

In desperation, Ah Jisi led his people to flee to the north of Khwarazmo, and got mixed up with the Kipchak people.

Using intermarriage and other methods, Ah Jisi and the others gradually grew stronger with the help of the Qincha people.

Soon after, Ah Jisi died, and his throne was succeeded by his son.

His son always hated Dazhong's hatred of destroying the country, so from time to time, he sent people to rob Dazhong's caravan to strengthen themselves.

This time, the Khwarazmites were bumped into by the Electoral College while they were robbing a caravan.

Originally, this matter had nothing to do with the Electoral College.

But Li Ji felt that the Khwarazimo's plundering of Dazhong's caravan was provoking Dazhong, and he had to fight back immediately.

Therefore, Li Ji found Han Yanzhi and Niu Tong and asked them to attack and destroy the flower bandits.

Niu Tong is a passionate young man through and through, so he agreed immediately.

Seeing that Niu Tong agreed, Li Ji will personally lead Niu Tong and ten thousand elites to attack.

Han Yanzhi disagreed with Li Ji going to fight in person, Li Bi and others also advised Li Ji not to go, and Li Bi even expressed his willingness to fight on behalf of Li Ji.

But Li Ji said boldly: "Little Hua Lazimo has thousands of troops, and I dare not lead my troops to fight against them. How will we lead our Dazhong in the future?"

Li Ji's position as the crown prince has been determined, and his status will surpass the others by a large margin invisibly.

In this case, Li Ji insisted, who can stop him?
As a result, Li Ji and Niu Tong led [-] elite troops to attack.

Niu Tong's blood belongs to his blood, but his ability to fight is not covered, otherwise, he would not be sent to protect Li Ji and the others.

Therefore, the battle went smoothly, and the Khwarazmo people were defeated by Li Ji, Niu Tong and the others and fled.

But for some reason, it was only this inch, and a stray arrow just hit Li Ji's face who was charging too far forward.

Before Niu Tong brought Li Ji to the nearest city and county for treatment, Li Ji lost his breath...


(End of this chapter)

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