Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 96 Expansion of the Army

Chapter 96 Expansion of the Army

on the school field.

Looking at the two battalions of soldiers neatly, everyone, one counts as one, they are all amazed at their discipline!
Li Yan was very satisfied with everyone's reaction, got up and said: "Recently, I, Liang Shanbo, have joined many leaders, among them Brothers Lu Zhishen, Brother Xu Ning, and Brother Shi Bao are all capable of leading troops. With the contribution of Brother Tang Long, I, Liang Shanbo, have won Ten thousand soldiers and one thousand good horses. Therefore, I decided to expand the army from the original one battalion of infantry, one battalion of horses, and two battalions of sailors to two battalions of infantry, one battalion of horses, and three battalions of sailors. .”

According to the armor that Shuibo Liangshan has, it is enough to expand twenty battalions.

But the problem is that there are only more than 7000 people in Shuibo Liangshan and less than 3000 soldiers who can fight. The expansion of the army to two battalions of infantry, one battalion of horses, and three battalions of navy is already the limit.

In addition, although the newly joined Lu Zhishen, Xu Ning, and Shi Bao all know how to lead troops, there are leaders like Ou Peng, Ma Lin, and Zhang Shun who don't know how to lead troops and have to let them lead troops. Therefore, blindly expanding It will not increase your own strength, it will only increase your burden.

Therefore, after discussing with Liu Huiniang, Wang Lun, and Wen Huanzhang, Li Yan decided on the general policy of expanding troops.

The details of the military expansion are as follows:
Change Bian Xiangdu to Ma Jun.

Change the mountain Shiqi capital to the horse army.

Order Xu Ning to form a capital horse army.

Order Shi Bao to form a capital horse army.

Lin Chongdu, Bian Xiangdu, Shan Shiqidu, Xu Ningdu, and Shi Bao all formed the horse battalion, with Lin Chong as the commander and Bian Xiang as the deputy commander.

In order to form an army as soon as possible, Li Yan drew 40 people from Lin Chongdu and gave them to Bian Xiang, Shan Shiqi, Xu Ning, and Shi Bao respectively.

Order Guanghuidu and Zhu Jingdu to expand to the infantry of the two capitals, and order Ou Peng to form the first infantry battalion of the capital, with Guanghui and Zhu Jing serving as the principal and deputy commanders respectively.

He ordered Lu Zhishen to form the Liangdu infantry, ordered Deng Fei to expand to the Liangdu infantry, ordered Ma Lin to form the Yidu infantry, and combined to form the second battalion of the infantry, with Lu Zhishen and Deng Fei as the principal and deputy commanders respectively.

Just like Ma Jun's army expansion, in order to allow the infantry to form an army as soon as possible, Li Yan selected 20 people each from Bian Xiangdu, Shanshiqidu, Guanghuidu, Zhu Jingdu, and Deng Feidu. Peng, Ma Lin.

In addition, Li Yan asked Zhang Shun to form a battalion of sailors—Li Yan took a hundred sailors from Ruan Xiaoer's and Ruan Xiaowu's first sailor battalion and Ruan Xiaowu's second sailor battalion respectively, and gave them to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun was asked to pick two hundred recruits to form a third battalion of the navy, which was not satisfied with the size of the navy. Since Li Yan took out [-] sailors each, the first battalion of the navy and the second battalion of the navy also became a navy battalion that was not satisfied with the size.

Some people may wonder, Li Yan expended so much effort, is it just for two hundred more recruits?
How can it be?In doing so, Li Yan actually had two intentions:
The first one is to properly arrange Zhang Shun, who is capable, so that Zhang Shun will not leave because he feels that Li Yan is neglecting and despising him.

Second, for Shuibo Liangshan, which is surrounded by [-] li of water, the navy is too important, and there must be no mistakes. Therefore, the navy cannot only be in the hands of the Ruan brothers, even if they are three brothers. Loyal to Li Yan.

In addition to the horse army, infantry army, and navy army, Li Yan also set up a medical battalion——Li Yan asked Wang Lun to recruit one hundred men aged 14 or older (most of the men above have served as soldiers, and those who did not serve as soldiers were also in Shuipo Liangshan shines in various positions.) The bright young man, handed over to An Daoquan, Kong Hou, and Mou Jie, and they taught medical skills.To be honest, it’s not that Li Yan has never thought of recruiting some women to be taught by An Daoquan, Kong Hou, and Mou Jie. Needless to say, Li Yan can even fill up the medical camp for An Daoquan, Kong Hou, and Mou Jie at once. But men and women are not so easy to challenge, they need the right opportunity.

Since Sun Jing and Wen Huanzhang could guess the identities of Li Yan and the others, there is no guarantee that there are other people around Gao Qiu who could guess the identities of Li Yan and the others.

That is to say, the time for Shuibo Liangshan to develop is getting less and less, and one day, there will be a large army.

Under such circumstances, Li Yan naturally had to start preparing for the battle.

It is precisely because of this that Li Yan began to expand his army as soon as he came back, and then each army began to train separately.

During the training process of each army, Shi Bao's training method is unique and unique.

Shi Bao's training method can be summed up in four words - simple and rude!
Shi Bao only told his soldiers the key points and precautions of riding a horse, and let them get on the horse.

Anyone who is dawdling will inevitably need a stick!
Anyone who was thrown to the ground by the horse, as long as he did not fall to his death, had to climb back at the first time—slower, Shi Bao would directly beat him with a stick!
Anyone who fails to meet Shi Bao's requirements within the specified period will be directly thrown back to the reserve team—substitution.

It can be said that Shibao is as simple and rude as it wants.


Although Shi Bao's method was simple and crude, it achieved surprisingly good results—including Lin Chong's Ma Jun, Shi Bao's Ma Jun was the fastest to learn how to ride a horse.

Seeing that Shi Bao's method was effective, Bian Xiang immediately learned Shi Bao's method to train his Nadu horse army.

Within two days, Shan Shiqi also learned Shi Bao's method of training Ma Jun.

In the end, even the good-tempered Lin Chong and Xu Ning were so anxious that they often yelled on the school field.

As a result, the overall atmosphere of Ma Jun became rough.

Although the soldiers in Shuibo Liangshan were extremely obedient, there were also complaints, and finally the complaints even reached Li Yan's ears.

Ma Jun is no different than other arms, it is not easy to train well, Shi Bao has an effective training method, Li Yan is too happy to be happy, how can he stop it?
But then again, blindly corporal punishment, without a vent, is not a good thing if it goes on for a long time.

Li Yan thought it over and ordered: Ma Jun trained for five days and rested for one day, played polo for one day, combined work and rest, and strengthened his riding and killing skills while playing.

What Li Yan didn't expect was that Li Yan's prestige in the Ma army reached a new high because of the issuance of this military order.

Seeing this, Li Yan launched football (yes, football that pays more attention to confrontation, not Cuju, which pays more attention to skills), archery, swimming and other sports that can exercise soldiers' physical and quality.

In order to arouse the enthusiasm of the soldiers, Li Yan also held some large-scale competitions from time to time and set up some rewards.

The soldiers in Shuibo Liangshan, including others, have enriched their spare time, and everyone's emotions have been well vented.

But it didn't take long for Li Yan to discover that someone was using these games for gambling.

Li Yan was greatly reminded.

A few days later, a betting station called "Sports Lottery Station" was born, and all other betting sites were pulled out overnight by Zhu Gui, the steward of the sports lottery station, and the sports lottery station became the only betting place in Shuibo Liangshan. stand.

Due to the monopoly of sports betting sites, a large amount of money flows into them every day.

Relying on the sports lottery station, Li Yan recovered a large amount of money from the soldiers.

But that's all for later.


(End of this chapter)

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