Invincible from the beginning of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 452 Selling off-plan flats, Sun Shangxiang goes north

Chapter 452 Selling off-plan flats, Sun Shangxiang goes north

Zhang Ming returned to Beiping City.

Peking City is still prosperous.

Behind the prosperity is the hard work of Zhang Ming and his army.

Back in Beiping, Zhang Ming immediately called the cabinet.

"My lord, the war has been fought so far, we should sweep away the fallen leaves with the autumn wind, take down Jingzhou immediately, and then take down other places."

Tian Feng said with some excitement.

Up to now, Zhang Ming suddenly stopped attacking.

Although there are also climate reasons, northerners are not suitable for fighting in the south.

For example, a soldier walked for less than an hour and was covered in sweat until he was about to collapse.

It's serious, and soldiers get sick in large numbers.

However, with their huge army, they can still be defeated.

"No, we need a process of adaptation. The other is to put pressure on the enemy and let them work hard to develop the south."

"As far as I know, Cao Ang and Sun Ce are actively cultivating around Dongting Lake and Poyang dialect."

"The two lakes are familiar, and the world is full. Give them enough pressure, and they will have enough motivation."

Tian Feng still didn't take it seriously, he said: "We can also develop it ourselves."

Of course, they can also develop their own.

But Zhang Ming still likes to let the enemy do it for him.

In fact, Zhang Ming still felt that his side was going too fast.

Talent did not keep up.

To win three important places at once requires a lot of talents to manage.

In addition, he has also assessed that delaying for a while will not increase the difficulty.

Therefore, Zhang Ming planned to delay for a while.

Zhang Ming firmly disagreed, and everyone had no choice.

Then Zhang Ming said: "The civil war has reached a controllable stage, and the next step is to invest in construction."

"Immediately begin to divide the province system, starting from Jizhou, Jizhou is divided into three provinces."

"Afterwards, appoint local governors and let them manage well, and replace those who can't."

The smaller the local division, the more efficient it will be.

It is no longer possible for the official to do nothing or do everything in a high position.

Zhang Ming wants to push forward quickly while the war is not completely resolved.

At this time, the war has not been resolved, and the main conflict is the foreign war. If someone wants to make trouble at this time, Zhang Ming has many reasons to deal with the troublemaker directly.

Seeing Zhang Ming's determination, several cabinets could only start to make suggestions and start to divide the provinces.

This time, it is mainly Jizhou and Qingzhou. Jizhou is divided into three provinces, and Qingzhou is temporarily divided into two.

"This matter will be fully implemented within three months, including the allocation of officials."

"In the future, every province will be connected by high-grade highways. The first highway will run from Liaodong to Beiping, and construction will begin soon."

A highway is not a highway in the sense of later generations.

It's a cement road. The difference is that Zhang Ming intends to pave it very wide.

It is as wide as eight lanes in later generations, and even some trunk lines require ten lanes, with two lanes in the middle, separated by flower beds, dedicated to military use.

This requires substantial investment.

Now, the cost of cement has been reduced to a level that Zhang Ming can accept.

In the future, a large number of people will become craftsmen and produce products.

That way, many people would not be able to farm, so for food security, additional planning is required.

Under Zhang Ming's strong intervention, the provincial system began to be implemented.

"Tian Feng, how much money do we have now?"

"My lord, the number is negative, and the debt is more than 1000 million."

It's only more than 1000 million in debt. From Zhang Ming's point of view, this is not a problem at all.


To be rich, build roads first.

Zhang Ming said: "Borrow money from those wealthy businessmen and calculate the interest. In addition, after the completion of Yecheng, they can settle in first."

"In addition, anyone who borrows more than a certain amount can give a shop for free. The standard is based on the most expensive streets in Beiping City."

Zhang Ming knew that they were very rich, and it would be a waste of money to let them go.

Therefore, Zhang Ming wants them to take out the money.

Take out this part of the money, and Zhang Ming will use it for urgent needs.

This is very necessary.

Zhang Ming felt that they would definitely be willing to pay interest and give gifts to the store.

Tian Feng promised to do his best to arrange it.

Then, Zhang Ming began to arrange other things.

"My lord, do you really want to rebuild Luoyang?"

"That's right, rebuilding Luoyang and bringing the world back together is an important step."

"To reshape a dynasty, Luoyang City must be rebuilt."

Luoyang City is too important.

Reconstruction is also a multi-faceted consideration.

After assigning various tasks, Zhang Ming asked, "Chen Gong, how is this year's imperial examination?"

"This year, there are only more than 5000 candidates from all over the world, and there are only so many candidates in the two subjects."

"The quality of this year's candidates is not bad. There are two foreign candidates, Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang, who participated in the preliminary examination in Jizhou, and the popularity is very high."

"In addition, there is a man named Xu Shu, who has a slanted sword. Although his literary talent is average, he has unique insights."

Zhang Ming was taken aback, Zhuge Liang may have the same name, but he and Zhuge Jin are brothers and talented, so there is only one.

Zhang Ming also looked for these two brothers, but the history was greatly changed by him.

Zhang Ming did not find him.

Now it came out by itself.

He actually came to take the imperial examination.

And Xu Shu.

That's fine, it's also a good thing to be able to include such talents under one's command.

Zhuge Liang and Xu Shu took the lead, Zhang Ming was very happy.

While Zhang Ming was assigning missions in New Beiping City, Zhang Zhao returned to Sun Cena.

"Marquis Wu, the conditions proposed by Zhang Ming require us to bleed."

"The appetite is really big. I actually want to rebuild Luoyang."

Zhang Zhao, Zhou Yu, and Sun Ce were discussing matters.

Zhou Yu said: "Zhang Ming has already started rebuilding Yecheng, is he still capable of rebuilding Luoyang?"

The three pondered, and finally Zhou Yu said: "Regardless of whether it is true or not, we must try. Now is the most critical time. If Zhang Ming suddenly attacks Jingzhou because of this, we will be in big trouble."

At this time Liu Bei has not yet sent troops, but is preparing.

About a month later the troops will be dispatched.

At this time, if they don't agree to Zhang Ming's conditions, maybe Zhang Ming will send troops immediately.

At that time, Liu Bei ran away, but Sun Ce of Jingzhou did not get it.

At that time, he could only surrender directly, and there was no need to fight at all in Changsha alone.

"Okay, Zhang Zhao, you go to Liu Bei immediately and ask him to prepare other things, and I will send the girl to Jingzhou right now."

Helpless, Sun Ce could only agree.

For the sake of his country, he sent his younger sister away.

Zhang Zhao went to make arrangements immediately.

He is going to see Liu Bei and ask him to prepare money.

A few days later, Liu Bei received the news.

"Okay, I'll pay the money, and I'll pick another ten beauties."

Liu Bei was very happy this time, although he also felt distressed, this is a lot of money.

Now Liu Bei has secretly assembled [-] troops and is preparing food and grass.

At this time, he was ready to invade Shuchuan at any time.

He didn't dare to offend Zhang Ming at this stall, so he had to agree to the conditions.

The conditions were agreed, but Zhang Ming also asked for a large amount of food and grass, which had to be transported to Luoyang.

This caused Liu Bei a lot of trouble.

Because, this will delay his preparation time by at least half a month.

He could only take out the rations he had prepared and prepare them himself.

Liu Bei had no choice but to do so.

Soon, they entered the substantive preparation stage.

Sun Shangxiang was sent to Xiangyang.

At this time, Sun Shangxiang felt a little cold.

She is used to make love.

used as chips.

The marriage team was quickly formed.

After Zhang Ming received the news, he immediately ordered to start cleaning up the ruins of Luoyang.

At the same time, [-] troops were dispatched, unloaded their weapons and equipment, and prepared to start work immediately.

At the same time, mobilize the corresponding materials around.

In addition, a bank was opened nearby.

Materials and funds will be delivered.

Soon, Liu Bei and the others also received news through other channels that Zhang Ming really wanted to rebuild Luoyang.

In fact, as early as two years ago, Zhang Ming had someone design Luoyang's drawings.

It is necessary to rebuild Luoyang.

At that time, Zhang Ming just let some people who study design practice.

In the past two years, dozens of drafts have been designed, and now it can finally be finalized.

After the matter was confirmed, Zhang Ming called Tian Feng.

"Tian Feng, let the newspaper issue an announcement immediately, I want to rebuild Luoyang, and now start auctioning the shops and houses in Luoyang City ahead of schedule."

"This time I will not ask them to borrow money, but directly auction it, and the blueprint will be released soon."

Tian Feng was a little dumbfounded, Zhang Ming's idea was too advanced.

This is to directly sell the things that have not been built.

This is to use other people's money to build the city.

However, it seems to be possible.

"In addition, another 1000 million silver coins will be transferred to the past. Now that our territory has expanded, we are not afraid of inflation."

Zhang Ming dug back a lot of silver from Fusang.

Many were still silver ingots, sitting in warehouses, waiting to be minted into silver coins.

Some were minted into silver coins and piled up in the warehouse by Zhang Ming.

Putting too much money will inevitably cause inflation. At that time, some poor people who have no money in their hands will not be able to buy things at all.

But now, with the further expansion of the territory, there are many places that need money, which can be digested.

At this time, Zhang Ming can use part of the money in the warehouse.

Zhang Ming can also inject part of the money into banks in various places.

Now, productivity has also increased, which can absorb part of the funds without causing serious inflation.

"My lord, is there really someone willing to buy a shop and yard that haven't been built yet?"

"Yes, after the auction, pay 20.00% immediately, and then pay 20.00% in two months."

"We will announce the progress of the construction of the city in a timely manner, and those who buy it can also go to the site to see it in person."

In fact, this is nothing in later generations. This is selling off-plan properties.

The developer buys the land, plans it, and then starts selling the building.

In this way, they can get the money in advance to build the building.

Of course, there are many disadvantages to this, that is, if the project is unfinished, the person who bought the house will lose all his money and have to bear debts.

But Zhang Ming cannot be unfinished, and Luoyang City must be built.

No matter what the reason is, this Luoyang city must be rebuilt.

According to the credit accumulated by Zhang Ming, he believed that he could sell it smoothly.

Two days later, the news was announced.

Immediately, the wealthy businessmen in New Beiping City immediately took action upon hearing the news.

Many people even go to banks to inquire about loans.

In their view, Luoyang is the capital of the country.

This is Zhang Ming preparing for becoming emperor.

If you don't rush to take a good position, they will have nothing to do in the future.

That place is not only prosperous, but also a symbol of power, a symbol of the upper class.

Therefore, many businessmen flock to it.

"Buy, definitely buy."

"This shop starts at 30."

"30? How much do you think your store in Beiping City can earn a year?"

"Well, one million yuan isn't expensive for a building as big as the yard."

Many people want to buy yards, and some want to buy shops.

In short, rich people are moving.

This is still around Beiping City. When the news spreads, more people will definitely join in.

These people have made a lot of money by relying on Zhang Ming. They have been in business for many years and have a lot of money.

However, Zhang Ming didn't allow them to invest in real estate, and didn't allow them to raise diners, so the huge sum of money piled up and had nowhere to go.

Now, Zhang Ming gave them a vent so that they could spend the money.

Several more days passed.

More and more people are consulting and buying.

Luoyang's industry is really popular.

Tian Feng came to Zhang Ming after learning about it.

"My lord, it is estimated that a lot of money can be raised this time. It is no problem to sell 5000 million yuan. The funds for building the city have been greatly eased."

Tian Feng still finds it incredible.

It turns out that things you don't have can be sold, and you are rushing to buy them.

"My lord, almost everyone regards Luoyang as the future capital, you"

"It is impossible for Luoyang to become a new capital, but its location is important and it can become an accompanying capital."

"Oh, I want to develop overseas in the future, the inland is no longer suitable, and the focus of development in the future will be on the south and overseas."

"However, the emperor guards the gate of the country, and Beiping directly faces the grassland, which is just right for a country's capital."

Zhang Ming didn't plan to move the capital to the south, nor did he plan to put it in Luoyang.

Luoyang is no longer suitable.

It's not surprising that Tian Feng didn't say anything.

It is also reasonable that Zhang Ming does not intend to use Luoyang as the capital of the country.

"Okay, we will pay attention when we promote it."

Tian Feng went to work again.

He discovered that making money can be so simple.

You can make so much money by getting a project that hasn't started yet.

He calculated that at least one-third of the money was paid by these merchants.

We can do the same for any new cities we want to build in the future.

A few days later, Zhang Ming received another message that Sun Shangxiang was going north.

Although Zhang Ming proposed to get married in Luoyang, Sun Ce and others have always asked to be married in Beiping.

After all, Luoyang is still in ruins now.

After procrastinating for a while, Zhang Ming still agreed to get married in Beiping.

"The sugar-coated cannonballs are here, so I'll take them all."

The supplies were left in Luoyang, and Sun Ce sent 500 men to escort them up.

The money and grain remain in Luoyang, but there is still a lot of dowry that needs to be brought.

All the way north, because there are many female relatives in the team, it will take a month to arrive.

At this time, Zhang Ming asked people to get ready in Luoyang.

Sun Shangxiang, Zhang Ming thought of that slightly naive but very beautiful face.

At the same time, Liu Bei also sent twenty beauties up, this is to completely capture Zhang Ming with Gentle Township.

But their thinking was too simple. With Zhang Ming's status, it was not easy to be beautiful.

"In another year, I will unify the country."

(End of this chapter)

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