Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 175 Absorb refugees and expand population

Chapter 175 Absorb refugees and expand population

Today's Dahan world can be described as a pool of muddy water, extremely chaotic.The eight kings of different surnames in the Han Dynasty each occupy one side and control the general situation of the world. Now the prestige of the Han Dynasty has been reduced to the extreme.

Among the Eight Kings, there are still some small forces struggling to survive.Although there is no war in the world at this time, anyone with a discerning eye can see how long this peaceful day has passed.

Today, the three most powerful forces in the world are Li Chen, King of Qin, Cao Cao, King of Wei, and Yuan Shao, King of Jin.Among them, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao both had more than 50 armored men, while Qin Wang Li Chen had only 20 troops.

However, Qin Wang Li Chen took the route of elite soldiers. The troops in his hands are all elite soldiers, and their combat effectiveness is far higher than that of Cao Jun and Yuan Jun.

Xuzhou, Yunlong Hall.

"Da da da."

There was a sound of footsteps, and Li Chen appeared in the Yunlong Hall wearing a black python robe.As soon as Li Chen appeared, a group of civil and military ministers began to salute respectfully.

"See King Qin."

"See King Qin."

As soon as Li Chen arrived, there was a burst of saluting in the hall.

"Get up."

Li Chen saluted with a slight forehead, motioning for all the civil and military personnel to stand up.

Now that Li Chen has become the king, in such a formal occasion, Li Chen cannot be called the lord, or the palace commander, and now he has to be called the king of Qin.

"Berwen, how is the recruitment of refugees going?" After everyone got up, Li Chen asked Liu Bowen who was beside him.

"To the King of Qin, 30 people have been taken in now. After the news from our side spreads, the speed of absorbing the population will definitely be much faster." Liu Bowen replied respectfully.

In ancient times, population was the most important thing. Even poor families knew that they had more children, so that they could have a few helpers when they fought with neighbors.Ordinary people know the importance of population, how could Li Chen not know.

After the incident in Luoyang, Li Chen returned to Xuzhou and began to take the opportunity to attract refugees.In this era, there are not many things, except that there are many refugees.

When there is war, the people will go to places where there is no war; when there is famine, the people will go to places where there is no famine.This is called fleeing famine. It seems that for the common people, as long as they run fast enough, hunger will not be able to catch up with them.

Since ancient times, the Han people have had the plot of falling leaves returning to their roots. If it is not the time when they can no longer survive, who would want to leave their hometown?Fleeing from famine is just for the sake of being able to survive in this world.

Under normal circumstances, refugees are not very welcome everywhere.First, because people are so hungry that they can do anything, the influx of refugees will inevitably affect the local law and order.

Secondly, even the landlord's family has no surplus food. After accepting the refugees, they need to solve the livelihood of these people. This is not an easy matter.

Therefore, some places even choose to close the city gates and refuse refugees to enter the city when encountering the refugee dynasty.When the refugees saw that the city gates were closed, they naturally couldn't afford to waste time, so they rushed to the next city.

Of course, it is not that all places do not accept refugees at all.When it is necessary to recruit troops, or when there is an urgent shortage of people.There will also be places that will accept refugees, but this is only a very small number of cases when compared with the overall situation.

But now, Xuzhou is accepting refugees on a large scale, and it is a method of accepting all comers. As long as you are willing to come, then Xuzhou will accept it.

Even, in order to attract more people, Li Chen specially set up a slogan for accepting refugees.

He called: "Everyone who comes here is from Xuzhou."

With a population of 30, this number is actually not a lot.Today, the big Han world can be said to be vast and sparsely populated. After being dispersed to various counties and counties in Xuzhou, the population of 30 is just a waste of time.

The first batch of potatoes and sweet potatoes will soon be harvested, once the sweet potatoes and potatoes are harvested.With big killers like sweet potatoes and potatoes, not to mention Xuzhou's 30 extra population, Li Chen can afford to raise even 300 million extra population.

Li Chen nodded and said, "30 people is not a lot, and the speed of absorbing the population has to be accelerated."

Absorbing refugees in large numbers from Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's territory may not show anything in a short period of time, but in the long run, it is simply sucking the blood of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao secretly.Under the ebb and flow, the population on this person's site is getting smaller and smaller, while the number of people on Li Chen's site is increasing.If things go on like this, it will definitely affect the source of troops.You know, refugees in this era are the main source of troops for Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.

"King Qin, we can afford to support even a million more people. Moreover, once our policy of absorbing refugees spreads, more and more refugees will come to seek refuge. However, making troubles in idle time will only increase the number of people." For such people, we must find something for them to do." Liu Bowen mused.

Now, the gathering for cultivation has passed, and even if the refugees are given grain and fields, they will have to wait until next year if they want to cultivate.Now these refugees are all supported by the relief food distributed by the government, but if there are too many people, troubles will inevitably arise.

To put it bluntly, I was afraid that they would eat and run away and have nothing to do, causing trouble.

Li Chen thought for a while, and said to Liu Bowen: "It's easy to do at this time, so let them work for the government with labor. In this way, they will work every day, and there will be no trouble."

"King Qin, what do you want them to do?" After Li Chen finished speaking, Liu Bowen questioned his soul.

Liu Bowen's question also stopped Li Chen from asking.Yeah, let them do what.This method of cash-for-work is good, but what to ask them to do is really a problem.

You know, Li Chen doesn't have a big territory right now, it's just Xuzhou and Luoyang.Moreover, Xuzhou and Luoyang are also considered to be among the most affluent areas of the big man, and the infrastructure is very complete.Suddenly, it is true that there is no place that can use tens of thousands of people.

After pondering for a moment, Li Chen said, "Well, let them go logging."

In this day and age, there are vast expanses of forests outside the city, and even if you fell to your death, you won't be able to finish felling in three to five lifetimes.

Li Chen waved his big hand, saying that tens of thousands of people were sent to log.The work-for-work offering has been found, but what are we going to use for cutting so much wood?

Chen Deng is the chief housekeeper of Xuzhou. Xuzhou's money, grain, salt, iron, etc. have to pass through his hands, and he is also in charge of all kinds of warehouses.As soon as Li Chen said that tens of thousands of people would be sent to log, Chen Deng was completely bewildered.

Several 10 people are logging together, how much wood needs to be felled, and the key question is again, why do we need so much wood.Even if you don’t do anything, it still takes up space wherever you put it?
"King Qin, what do we need so much wood for?" Chen Deng asked in confusion.

"I have my own use, and you will understand later." Li Chen smiled.

What does Li Chen want wood for? Naturally, he wants to build a ship.In his hand, he has the shipbuilding map of the most powerful Ming Dynasty navy in China for 5000 years, just like the three-rail gunboat and the rushing boat, these are large ships with thousands of materials.If these ships were to be built, the wood consumption would be incalculable.

The reason why Sun Jian was able to stay in Soochow was precisely because his Sun family's warship was the only one in the navy.Your soldiers and horses are powerful, and without ships, you are naturally no match for Sun Jian.Once Li Chen's boat is built, beating Sun Jian is like a father beating his son.

(End of this chapter)

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