Chapter 19 Lu Bu is here
Peiguo, under 21 counties.According to the division of Peiguo during the period of Emperor Han Ling, this place is under the jurisdiction of Yuzhou.However, the location in Peiguo is special, and he is like a long knife ruthlessly inserted between Xuzhou and Yanzhou.

Compared with Yanzhou and Xuzhou, Yuzhou is much weaker in both economic and military strength.Therefore, the enclave of Xiaopei has been under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou since Dong Zhuo's chaos.

When Peiguo was under the jurisdiction of Yuzhou, the government was located in Xiaxiang County.But since it came under the jurisdiction of Xuzhou, the administrative office has been moved to Xiaopei, which is only ninety miles away from Xuzhou.

Xuzhou has been an important place for military strategists since ancient times, and it was the place of the Four World Wars, and this Xiaopei is an important place among the important places.

If the 21 counties of Peiguo are a knife inserted between Yanzhou and Xuzhou, then Xiaopei is the tip of the knife.

If Cao Cao wanted to compete for Xuzhou, he had to take Xiaopei first.If not, Xiaopei can attack the hinterland of Yanzhou, and retreat to cut off its food road.

It is precisely because of Xiaopei's special geographical location that the city is extremely tall and strong.Settling Lu Bu here, Cao Cao must first take Lu Bu if he wants to go to Xuzhou first.In this way, he can be regarded as a shield.

Outside Xiaopei City, more than ten miles away from Xiaopei, Lü Bu led three thousand remnants and marched in the direction of Xiaopei.

As the saying goes, a rotten boat still has three nails.Lu Bu is far from being a bad ship now, although his soldiers were scattered by Cao Cao.But Lv Bu has the courage of a man, and he has first-class counselors like Chen Gong under his command, and first-class generals like Gao Shun and Zhang Liao in Wu.

There are counselors and generals, plus Lu Bu himself, a top general, this is already a small group second only to Cao Cao and Yuan Shao.As for soldiers, the most indispensable thing in this era is soldiers.

These days, there has been a lot of rain in the Xuzhou area, and the drizzle is hazy under Xiaopei City.

In the faint white mist, a group of soldiers and horses came slowly. The leader was wearing a bright red cloak and a black armor stomach. Under his crotch was a big maroon horse, holding a Fang Tian painting halberd.

There is no doubt that this person is Lu Bu.

Li Chen had already led [-] Mo sword soldiers early in the morning, plus [-] Xuzhou soldiers and Xiaopei city to greet them.The following generals were Yu Wencheng, Li Siye, and Zang Ba.

Lu Bu's elite soldiers are mainly Gao Shun's [-] camp and Bingzhou iron cavalry, while Li Chen's Mo Dao soldiers specialize in defeating cavalry, and his soldiers are far more than Lu Bu's.Therefore, even if Lu Bu has bad intentions, Li Chen is sure to drive him away.

Lu Bu is known as the number one general of the Three Kingdoms, but Yuwen Chengdu may not be much worse than him.

From a distance, Lu Bu had already seen Li Chen and others waiting in full force under Xiaopei City.

At this moment, Chen Gong's face darkened, and he came to Lu Bu and said softly, "My lord, it seems that we have no choice but to take this Xiaopei."

"Gongtai, didn't you say that you can take advantage of Xuzhou?" Lu Bu asked with some doubts.

Originally, according to Chen Gong's strategy, he did not recommend that Lu Bu be stationed in Xiaopei.Being stationed in Xiaopei means that they will face Cao Cao's army directly and become the sword in Li Chen's hands.

Xiaopei, as a buffer zone between Xuzhou and Yanzhou, once a war breaks out, Xiaopei will be the first to be unlucky.

Originally, Chen Gong's suggestion was to come to Xiaopei first, and then not enter the city, but go straight to Xuzhou.However, Li Chen is not a fool.He led his army to wait in Xiaopei early in the morning. If you, Lu Bu, are willing to station in Xiaopei, I will welcome you.However, if you don't enter the city, my eight thousand troops will come to attack you, Lu Bu.

Chen Gong collected himself, and then said to Lu Bu: "Master, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. We only have three thousand exhausted troops, and we have no chance of winning against them. At this time, let's advance to Xiaopei, recharge your energy and make plans. .”

Lu Bu had no choice but to nod his head.My family knew their own affairs, and they were driven all the way from Yanzhou to Xuzhou by Cao Jun. Not to mention exhausted, they had already lost their morale.At this time, I'm afraid it will collapse at the touch of a button.

Lu Bu, who was far away, stopped his men, and rode his horse towards Xiaopei city alone.

"The one in front is Wen Hou Lu Fengxian." Li Chen looked at the red-robed general in front of him and asked loudly.

"It's Lu Bu, I don't know it's Brother Li." Lu Bu responded.

Lu Bu dared to come to the front of the battle alone, and Li Chen was naturally not timid.He hurried forward to meet him, and Lu Bu quickly got off his horse too.

"Brother Fengxian, I'm looking forward to you." Li Chen hurriedly said familiarly.

Seeing Li Chen's enthusiasm, Lu Bu felt a little embarrassed.As for Xuzhou, who was plotting against others just now, he never thought that Li Chen would be so enthusiastic.Lu Bu was chased by Cao Jun all the way, and others were afraid that they would not be able to catch up. Li Chen's enthusiasm made Lu Bu feel warm in his heart.

"Thank you brother for taking me in. Lu Bu will always remember such kindness." Lu Bu said solemnly.

"It's just a little effort, brother Fengxian, hurry up and go to the city." Li Chen hurriedly greeted.

"Brother Fengxian, this Xiaopei city has high walls and thick walls, and it is an important military site guarding Xuzhou. This place is the most important place in Xuzhou. The only way to hand over this place to Brother Fengxian is the big heart in my heart. The stone has fallen to the ground."

While entering the city, Li Chen praised Lu Bu.Lu Bu is arrogant and arrogant, and Li Chen's flattery made Lu Bu feel a little elated.He also began to feel that in the whole world, only he, Lu Bu, could guard Xiaopei.

After a while of flattery, Li Chen said to Lu Bu: "Brother Fengxian, you shouldn't be afraid of Cao Cao, right?"

Lü Bu had newly defeated Cao Cao. When he heard that Li Chen asked him if he was afraid of Cao Cao.Lu Bu was furious in an instant, and said with a straightened head, "Hmph, if it wasn't for Cao Cao's victory with a small number, how could I have lost to him. I am all soldiers of Yanzhao, and I can fight against three or five. Down."

"Brother Li, Yanzhao, you know." After speaking, Lu Bu seemed afraid that Li Chen would not believe him, so he hurriedly asked.

The land of Yanzhao refers to the territories of Yan and Zhao during the Warring States Period.The location is now in Beijing, Tianjin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia and other places.Because it borders with the grassland alien race, the folk customs here are tough, and it is especially rich in cavalry.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that there are many knights in the land of Yanzhao.

Lu Bu is from Bingzhou, and most of the Bingzhou cavalry under his command are naturally from Bingzhou, and Bingzhou belongs to the land of Yanzhao.

When Lu Bu asked, Li Chen subconsciously said, "Yanzhao, I know Yanzhao, it's the one from Guanxi and Baizhi?"

"Guanxi and Baizhi?" Lu Bu asked a little confused.

Li Chen explained with a feeling: "That's right, Guan Xi is my friend in the land of Yanzhao. He is very righteous, he eats meat and doesn't forget to give soup to his brothers."

As soon as Li Chen said this, Lu Bu immediately said affirmatively: "That's right, people in my land of Yanzhao have always valued brotherhood."

(End of this chapter)

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