Chapter 202

At this time, it was not far from the Cao Jun checkpoint.

Zhao Yun was riding a white horse, holding a silver gun, and behind him were twelve men also riding white horses.

Ever since Gongsun Zan wanted to exchange Zhao Yun for Liu Bei in the city of Xuzhou last time, Zhao Yun was rescued by two fellow villagers, and the three returned to their hometown of Changshan, Zhaojiazhuang.

At the same time, among Baima Yicong under Gongsun Zan's command, some people from Zhaojia Village also sneaked away after hearing what happened to Zhao Yun, and returned to their hometown Zhaojia Village.

Like the army, Zhao Yun and the dozen or so people behind him were all from Gongsun Zan's white horse followers.Although there are only a dozen or so people, all of them are elite soldiers and strong generals.

For a chivalrous and courageous person like Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong, he is most particular about repaying what he has been kind to.The Black Mountain Army and the hundreds of people in Zhaojiazhuang have the grace to survive. It can be said that without the help of the Black Mountain Army, the people in Zhaojia Village might have starved to death in the famine years.

Zhao Yun plus the 12 people behind him, no more, no less, a total of thirteen riders.These 13 people are also among the hundreds of people in Zhaojia Village, and they are one of the few who have armored horses.

Zhao Yun took the twelve cavalry and horses and was waiting on the hillside not far from Cao Jun's camp.Just waiting to find an opportunity, he led the 12 people to rush down from the hillside, and took the opportunity to kill the general of Cao Jun.

The Heishan Army and the Cao Army have equal strength, and now the two sides have been strangled together. The soldiers of both sides are mixed together, and there is no way to tell the winner in a short time.

At this time, if you want the Black Mountain Army to win a big victory, there is only one possibility, and that is to kill the general of Cao Jun and make Cao Jun leaderless.In this way, Cao Jun was in a panic inside, and it was possible for the Black Mountain Army to fight a bloody road.

Not to mention, on the current battlefield, it is really possible for Zhao Yun to carry these twelve cavalry to kill Cao Jun's chief general, that is, Cao Anmin.

At this time, on the battlefield on the right, the death squad led by Zhang Yan entangled Cao Jun's [-] soldiers and horses. Zhang Niujiao, the leader of the Black Mountain Army, and Yu Po, the three leaders, led [-] soldiers and horses, and they were also entangled with the main force of Cao Jun. together.

At this time, on the left where Zhao Yun and the others were, there were only two thousand soldiers and horses.Although there are only a few hundred people in Zhaojiacun, they are all highly skilled in martial arts. In a real fight, Cao Jun's two thousand soldiers may not be the opponents of Zhaojiacun.


"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong yelled, and saw the twelve cavalry behind him, together with him, like arrows flying off the string, heading towards Cao Jun's checkpoint not far below.

At this moment, Zhao Yun's eyes were only on the big flag of the Chinese army erected by the Central Army of Cao Jun, and Zhao Yun's eyes were only on Cao Anmin under the big flag rolled up in the middle.

"Ma'er, we haven't fought side by side for a long time." Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong said softly with their legs clamped around the horse's belly.

Since leaving Baima Yicong, Zhao Yun has not experienced such a big battle for a long time.

At this time, figures in white robes and horses appeared in Zhao Yun's mind, many of them were his brothers.Zhao Yun was thinking about it, he was thinking about the scene when he fought against the aliens in the grassland in Baima Yicong.

Zhao Zilong is a born god of war. Although he hasn't experienced a battle for a long time, his movements are not jerky at all when he is charging now. It seems that this is his instinct, engraved in his flesh and grain.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A trace of determination flashed in Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong's eyes. Zhao Yun knew that they were one of the few people in Zhaojia Village who had horses and armor.Therefore, in the first wave, they had to cut through the defense line of the two thousand Cao troops, so that the villagers of Zhaojia Village could be spared casualties as much as possible.

If not, Cao Jun relied on the defensive line to defend, and could easily cause huge casualties to the villagers of Zhaojia Village.

As the saying goes, cavalry has horses, but infantry has no horses.Infantry without horses is far less powerful than cavalry in terms of impact and endurance.The defense line formed by the two thousand Cao troops is like a layer of membrane. As long as the people led by Zhao Yun can break through this membrane, the situation waiting for Cao's army will inevitably be vented for thousands of miles.

A moment later, the twelve cavalry led by Zhao Yun faced the direction of two thousand Cao troops head-on, and the two sides officially collided.

In an instant, Zhao Yun, the twelve cavalrymen, slammed into Cao Jun's defense line fiercely. Under the neighing of the horses, Cao Jun's screams were heard incessantly.

In fact, even when Zhao Yunlian rushed into Cao Jun's camp with the twelve cavalrymen.The two thousand Cao troops in charge of the defense were still in a state of confusion. They didn't react at all, and they didn't figure it out. They dared to attack the defense line of 13 people in order to make peace with only 2000 people.

Damn, thirteen cavalrymen broke into the camp, you are somewhat out of order.

The thirteen cavalry formed a cone formation, with Zhao Yun as the tip of the cone, and stabbed fiercely towards Cao Jun's defense line.In just an instant, a hole was opened in Cao Jun's defense line, and Cao Jun lost no less than dozens of people.

Zhao Yun is so powerful, it can be said that he has undue courage.Under his command, these ordinary soldiers were nothing more than a group of chickens and dogs. If he was given some time, these 2000 soldiers would not be enough for him to kill alone.

The silver spear in Zhao Yun's hand was like a sea dragon, rolling wantonly, reaping Cao Jun's life.It seems that this battlefield is Zhao Yun's home field.

At this time, hundreds of villagers from Zhaojiazhuang also rushed over.Then Zhao Yun and others came out of the gap, and the villagers of Zhaojia Village immediately went up to meet them.

These people in Zhaojia Village all started to practice martial arts when they were young. Let's put it this way, if prenatal education was practiced, they would all start practicing martial arts in the womb.

The hundreds of villagers in Zhaojia Village have practiced martial arts for more than ten years, although not everyone is as brave as Zhao Yun.However, it is the worst of these people, it is not a problem to fight three or five Cao Jun alone.

In a short while, these soldiers of the Cao army saw how powerful the Zhao family's marksmanship was. They were pierced with transparent holes by countless spears, and their bodies were bleeding profusely.

"Zilong, rush to the battle and kill the enemy general."

"Leave these youngsters to us." The old village head stabbed a Cao soldier to death with a single shot as he spoke, and suddenly drew out his spear, which was stained red with blood.

"Grandpa Village Chief, be careful." Zhao Yun said with a little worry, and then continued to kill in the direction of the Chinese army with the twelve cavalry behind him.

"Boy Zilong, you underestimated your grandpa, the village chief. When your grandfather was a soldier and killed people, your father was still peeing and playing with mud." The old village chief said, stabbing out the spear one after another, He was always strong and went to kill Cao Jun around him.

At this time, Cao Anmin, who was under the banner of the Cao Jun Zhongjun, also noticed the situation here, and he thought to himself, where did this group of reckless people come from?

At this time, Cao Anmin had no more soldiers to use. Although there were only a few hundred people in Zhaojia Village, they became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In an instant, a sense of uneasiness arose in Cao Anmin's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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