Chapter 205
In the eastern sky, a fiery red morning glow gradually leaked out.

After the bloody battle, the 30 soldiers and civilians of the Black Mountain Army passed the checkpoint set by Cao Anmin and began to move towards Changshan.

Judging from their current speed, they will be able to reach the direction of Changshan in the evening, and then attack Li Chen back and forth, completely defeating Cao Ren in the direction of Changshan.

At this time, Cao Ren in the direction of Changshan only had [-] troops in his hands, and it was not a big problem to defend Li Chen by taking advantage of the danger.However, once the Black Mountain Army from the rear arrived, they would be powerless to resist the front and back attacks.

On the way of the Black Mountain Army's migration, Zhang Niujiao also met people from Zhaojia Village who helped them.

"Thanks to the old village chief for saving his life. My 30 soldiers and civilians were able to escape smoothly only because of the old village chief's help." Zhang Niujiao came to the old village chief and bowed heavily to thank the old village chief.

"Boss, if you say that, you will be out of touch."

"If there were no Black Mountain Army, our Zhao Family Village would have starved to death a few years ago. Back then, it was your Black Mountain Army that saved our Zhao Family Village. Now that you are killed, our Zhao Family Village cannot stand by and watch."

"I don't understand such a big truth. I only know that if we owe others a favor, even if we risk our lives, we have to pay it back." The old village head said solemnly.

The old village head of Zhaojia Village is a reasonable person with a righteous spirit like the sea.

"General Zilong, you really have the courage to be undeserved." Zhang Yan gave Zhao Yun a thumbs up.

At this time, the people in Zhaojia Village also followed the Black Mountain Army and retreated towards Xuzhou.After all, they offended Cao Cao. There are not many people in this world who can protect them, except Li Chen from Xuzhou.

Chang Shan, really set the direction.

Zhending County is a small city, the city wall is not high, only about two feet, and the city wall is not made of stone, but made of clay.

Cao Ren led an army of [-] and stationed in Zhending County. Li Chen had launched several tentative attacks on Zhending County.The city wall is not high, if Li Chen really does not have the time to attack the casualties, it will take a few hours to take it down.

However, Li Chen did not intend to really fight Cao Jun to the death, and the purpose of this battle was only to take the Black Mountain Army out.If there are too many casualties, it will not be worth the loss for Li Chen.

Because of this, after several tentative attacks on Zhending County, Li Chen stopped the attack.

At this moment, Li Chen really didn't need to attack by force.Although the strong attack can be attacked, it is obvious that after the Black Mountain Army arrives, they will be encircled on both sides, so that Cao Jun will lose sight of the other and the casualties will be smaller.

Under Zhending City, inside Li Chen's camp.

"His Royal Highness, the scouts have sent information that the 30 soldiers and civilians in Montenegro will be able to arrive at the opposite side of Zhending in the evening." Chen Qingzhi reported to Li Chen.

"Qingzhi, how do we fight?" Li Chen asked.

Chen Qingzhi nodded at Li Chen and said: "The Black Mountain Army has come from a long distance, and the people are still behind them. Letting them attack will definitely cause heavy damage. What I mean is, before the Black Mountain Army arrives, let's attack for an hour to attract Zhending Most of the troops in the city."

"At this time, the Black Mountain Army is attacking from behind. Zhending is only a small city, the city is not high, and the walls are not thick. Under the attack from both sides, we can take Zhending City in at least two hours."

When Chen Qingzhi said this, Li Chen felt that it was reasonable.The Black Mountain Army came to take refuge in themselves, and these people are also their own soldiers.They escorted the people from a long distance, and they must have no siege equipment in their hands.If they were to be the main attackers, the casualties would definitely be heavy. These are all my own soldiers.

"Okay, since that's the case, let Qingzhi arrange the attack." Li Chen nodded and said to Chen Qingzhi.

At the same time, when Li Chen received the information, Cao Ren also received the information.

In the city of Zhending, the government office.


There was a loud shout, and a soldier covered in blood rushed in.

"Report to the general, our army did not stop the Montenegro army. Now the 30 soldiers and civilians of Montenegro have rushed towards Zhending, and they will arrive in the evening."

Hearing this, Cao Ren's face darkened. If the Black Mountain Army also came, it would be impossible to defend.

"Where's Cao Anmin?" Cao Ren asked.

Cao Anmin is Cao Cao's nephew, and Cao Ren is Cao Cao's younger brother.Cao Ren was naturally Cao Anmin's uncle, so Cao Ren immediately thought of Cao Anmin.

"Report to the general, General Cao Anmin died on the battlefield." The messenger reported.

"Brother Cao De, how can I explain to you?" Cao Ren sighed.

Cao Anmin was Cao De's son, and Cao De was also Cao Ren's elder brother. Now that his nephew died, Cao Ren felt a little distressed.

After receiving the news of Cao Anmin's death and knowing that the Black Mountain Army would arrive before dark, Cao Ren was caught in a dilemma.

This Zhending county is only a small county, and the city walls are not high or thick, so it is not considered a strong city.If he continued to defend, Cao Ren himself didn't know if he could hold on.

However, if you don't keep it.In the past, Yu Jin lost Qiao County, and later he lost Cao Anmin and his 30 troops.If this is really lost, then it is tantamount to letting go of [-] soldiers and civilians of the Montenegro Army.

In this way, in this battle, it can be said that Cao Jun failed to achieve all his military goals.He also lost the city and lost the general, which is completely because of the loss of soldiers with his wife.

After thinking about it, Cao Ren felt that he could not withdraw no matter what.At least, Zhending cannot be evacuated without Cao Cao's permission.

"Notify all the soldiers in the city that reinforcements are on the way, and they will arrive before dawn tomorrow."

"Our army must defend the city, and not a single soldier will abandon the city until the end of the battle." Cao Ren's order was conveyed.

Whether this order is true or false is naturally made up by Cao Ren himself.Cao Ren didn't know if there were any reinforcements, and Cao Ren didn't know where the reinforcements were.The reason why the lie that the reinforcements will arrive before dawn tomorrow is to give the soldiers something to look forward to.

With hope, even if this bloody battle is fought, no matter how heavy the casualties are, the morale of the soldiers will not be easily slackened.

As for reinforcements, Cao Ren was indeed planning to call in reinforcements.

"Also, send another messenger to rush to King Wei and Brother Xiahou to ask for reinforcements, and tell them that Zhending County is urgently needed." Cao Ren ordered.

The messenger who was in charge of asking for help left Zhending County in a hurry, and Cao Ren could be regarded as doing his best and obeying the destiny.Anyway, the people asking for help have been sent out, as for when the reinforcements will come.Whether to come before Zhending County was destroyed, or after Zhending County was destroyed, this can only be left to fate.

After giving all orders, Cao Ren personally rushed to sit on the city wall, ready for the upcoming battle at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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