Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 208 Battle for the City Wall

Chapter 208 Battle for the City Wall

As soon as Chen Qingzhi's order was issued, Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing selected five hundred of the most elite soldiers to climb up from the crossbow bolts nailed to the city wall.

Zhending County is only a small city, and the height of the city wall is only two or three feet high. For experts like Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, climbing the city wall is not a very difficult task.

Now with these crossbow bolts that go deep into the wall as a boost, climbing the city wall is even less difficult.

"Catapult ready."

"The eight-ox crossbow is ready."

"Bowmen ready."

Chen Qingzhi observed the situation on the battlefield all the time, and at the most intense moment on the battlefield, Chen Qing issued an order.


Chen Qingzhi looked solemn and waved his hand.On the battlefield, catapults, eight-ox crossbows, and crossbowmen fired instantly.

In an instant, boulders, crossbow arrows, and arrows shot out towards the city wall like dense locusts.

Stones the size of a human head, arrows the size of an arm, and sharp arrows all raged on the city wall.

In terms of long-range attacks, Qin Jun can be said to have completely crushed Cao Jun. A burst of long-range attacks caused heavy casualties to Cao Jun on the top of the city in an instant.

Qin Jun's long-range attack poured down like heavy rain, suppressing Cao Jun on the city wall under the battlements.At this time, Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing had already led five hundred soldiers to the base of the city wall quietly.

The five hundred soldiers led by Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing were the most capable soldiers under the Qin army.At this moment, including Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, they were all shirtless and crawling towards the city with a steel knife in their mouths.

These soldiers are different from the soldiers who climbed the ladders in front of them. Those soldiers who climbed the ladders, the climbing surface of their ladders is inclined, so they can use their strength.But these soldiers are different. Their climbing surface is straight and relatively difficult to climb.

If one is wearing armor, then the movement of climbing will definitely be affected.And when climbing up, the armor will inevitably make a sound.

It was in the evening when the Qin army officially launched the general offensive. After this offensive, the sky is now completely dark.

On the one hand, it was because of the problem of vision, and on the other hand, it was because Cao Jun's attention was attracted by the soldiers attacking from the front.It is precisely because of this that Yuwen Chengdu and others were not discovered by Cao Jun on the city wall.

At this time, when Cao Jun on the top of the city was suppressed by his own long-range firepower.Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing led five hundred soldiers, one on the left and one on the right, climbing up the city wall.At first glance, it looks like there are many geckos hanging on the city wall.

Not long after, Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing turned over the city wall, and then it was time for hand-to-hand combat.

Near the section of the city wall that Yuwen Chengdu, Pei Yuanqing and others climbed, happened to be a team of dozens of archers.When Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing turned over the wall, they bumped into this group of people head-on.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Shouts sounded, and Yu Wencheng and others were seen holding steel knives and killing the crowd.A cold light shone on the sharp steel knife, harvesting life like a death scythe.

How could these Cao Jun's archers be able to defeat these elite and powerful opponents, and they were all cut down to the ground in almost an instant.

"The Qin army is on the city!"

"The Qin army is on the city!"

"The Qin army is on the city!"

The Qin army's team that came out suddenly caught Cao Jun by surprise in an instant.With Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, two tens of thousands of enemies, Cao Jun fell on the city wall in an instant.

When Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing entered the crowd, it was like a tiger entering a herd of sheep. These ordinary soldiers of the Cao army couldn't even survive together.Many Cao Jun soldiers didn't even realize how they died.

Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing led five hundred elite soldiers of the Qin army to rampage on the top of the city, quickly causing chaos on the city wall.

In this case, the only way to deal with these people is to shoot arrows.However, at this time, the 500 people in Yuwen Chengdu had mixed with Cao Jun who was several times with him.If you shoot arrows, it must be Cao Jun who died the most.

After Yuwen Chengdu and others came up to the city wall, Cao Jun on the city wall was in chaos.Cao Jun, who was able to suppress Qin Jun on the ladder and prevent him from climbing up, could no longer suppress it at this time.

When the first Qin soldier climbed the top of the wall from the ladder, it meant that Zhending County had fallen.

First, the soldiers on the first ladder climbed up the city wall, and then the soldiers on more than ten ladders climbed up smoothly. The Qin army climbed up the city wall continuously and began to firmly occupy the ground.

It didn't take long for this kind of hand-to-hand battle, and the soldiers of the Qin Army on the city wall had begun to steadily suppress the soldiers of the Cao Army.

This kind of hand-to-hand combat is the most important test of the soldiers' fighting qualities, as well as physical strength and so on.From the perspective of the overall quality of the soldiers, the Qin army has a crushing advantage over the Cao army.

At most, it only took about half an hour. At this time, the Qin army had completely gained the upper hand on the entire city wall.On the city wall, under the command of the general Cao Ren, Cao Jun could only tenaciously guard a small section of the city wall.Moreover, seeing that this small section of the city wall is about to lose its hold.

As the battle was postponed, more and more Qin troops were on the city wall, and Cao Jun's disadvantage was getting bigger and bigger. Even with Cao Ren stabilizing the army's morale, it seemed that it was already difficult to restrain Cao Jun's soldiers.The soldiers of Cao Jun are about to collapse.

In the battle of cold weapons, morale is the most important thing, and morale is contagious.If a person collapses, it will soon infect the people around him to collapse, and finally it will lead to a complete defeat.

"General Cao, brothers can't stand it anymore, let's retreat quickly?" At this time, a member of the Cao army came to Cao Ren and said.

Abandoning Zhending County meant that all of Cao Cao's military goals were in vain, so Cao Ren was unwilling to give up Zhending County unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Is there no way to support Beicheng?" Cao Ren asked.

Before Cao Ren sent [-] soldiers to the northern city wall to defend the Black Mountain Army, but at this time he didn't care about that side, so he could only tear down the eastern wall to make up for the western wall, and take back the city wall here first.

"General Cao Ren, the Black Mountain Army is storming the North City, and the defense of the North City is too weak to support." The great sage replied.

At this time, the Cao army in front had reached a desperate situation, and Beicheng could not support them. With them, they could not regain the city wall at all. They could only watch their soldiers fall one after another, and finally were completely driven off the city wall.

Cao Ren didn't want to give up Zhending County, but it seemed that he couldn't give up at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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