Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 215 The Alliance Under the City

Chapter 215 The Alliance Under the City
Cao Ah is worthy of being a friend of a wife. When talking about this wife, he is eloquent and eloquent.

But let's not talk about it, it's really exciting to hear Cao Cao talk about this wife.

Outside Xiaopei City, Li Chen and Cao Cao were cooking wine with green plums and discussing the wife of a hero.

As the saying goes, as the saying goes, if you don't speculate, you will spend more than half a sentence, but if you meet a bosom friend, a thousand glasses of wine will be less.Today, Li Chen and Cao Cao have met their bosom friends.

The sun was setting little by little, and in the blink of an eye, the two had chatted from noon to evening.

"Cough cough."

"Brother Cao, it's getting late, let's hurry up and get down to business." After coughing twice, Li Chen corrected the completely distorted topic.

Cao Cao looked at the sun, and it was really late.After hesitating for a moment, he said: "My brother and I hit it off right away. The more we talked, the more speculative we became. I actually ignored the time."

Li Chenxin said, good guy, you don't feel tired at all when talking about wives, you didn't even drink your saliva after talking for a whole afternoon.What kind of bullshit hit it off at first sight, you just want to talk about young women.

"Brother, I just said that there are countless heroes in this world like carp crossing the river. However, the only real heroes are me and my brother."

"All the princes in this world are mediocre people. In terms of strength, no one can surpass me and my brother. If we both fight, I may not be my brother's opponent, and my brother may not be my opponent. If we both fight Getting up and falling will hurt both sides, but it will make these mediocre things gain, I wonder if my brother thinks what you say is right?" Cao Cao looked at Li Chen with piercing eyes, and said with certainty.

After Cao Cao finished speaking, he looked at Li Chen like this, as if he wanted Li Chen to express his opinion.What Cao Cao said is naturally reasonable. As the saying goes, when two tigers fight, one will be injured. If the two tigers injure the other, it will benefit the wolves raging around.

"Little brother thinks what brother said makes sense, but what does brother mean?" Li Chen asked.

As soon as Li Chen finished speaking, he heard Cao Cao say: "Brother means, you and I, brothers, form an alliance with this Xiaopei city, and we will not invade each other until the world is settled. We brothers join hands, After sweeping the princes of the world first, how about a victory?"

"Okay." After Cao Cao said, Li Chen agreed without too much hesitation.

Cao Cao doesn't want to start a war with Li Chen now, and Li Chen also means the same.The big bosses like Cao Cao still have to be left at the end to farm, and now they still focus on fighting the elite monsters first to upgrade.

After Li Chen and Cao Cao reached a consensus, they each summoned their own military advisers, namely Guo Jia and Liu Bowen.Guo Jia and Liu Bowen drafted an alliance letter together, and Li Chen and Cao Cao signed the alliance letter separately.

The alliance book is a bitch's underwear, and it is useless.The alliance between Li Chen and Cao Cao is even more unrestricted.The agreement only stipulated that the two would not invade each other, and there was no such agreement.

It was getting dark, and after the two sides signed the alliance, they each withdrew their troops and went home.

Although this letter of alliance is just a bitch's underwear, after all, it has just been put on, and it can still play a certain role in covering up the shame in the early stage.Therefore, the two sides will definitely not have any conflicts before this.

After a few more days, Li Chen settled the 30 people of the Black Mountain Army.These people were scattered all over Xuzhou, and their welfare benefits were naturally better than those of refugees.As soon as he joined Li Chen's camp, the government gave him a house and food, so he could settle down quickly.

After the people are settled, all that remains is to settle the soldiers.Li Chen is following the model of elite soldiers, not all the original Black Mountain Army can still serve in the army.Li Chen will conduct a series of screening work for the Black Mountain Army, and only those soldiers who pass the screening can continue to join the army.

After finishing all this, Li Chen thought of a serious matter.I haven't seen the daughter of the great virtuous teacher Zhang Jiao, yes, it's the girl named Zhang Ning.

"Niujiao, where is your miss, why haven't I seen it?" Li Chen asked Zhang Niujiao.

"Report to His Royal Highness King Qin, as soon as my senior sister arrived in Xiaopei, she went to Yunlong Mountain to practice with Uncle Yu Ji." Zhang Niujiao said.

"Your lady is a Taoist nun?" Li Chen asked curiously.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Niujiao said: "Senior sister has learned Taoism from Master since she was a child, so she can be considered a Taoist nun."

"Then does your lady wear Taoist robes all day?" Li Chen continued to ask.

Li Chen's question, in Zhang Niujiao's view, is a bit inexplicable.This nun doesn't wear Taoist robes, what can she wear.


"Of course they are wearing Taoist robes?" Zhang Niujiao replied.

Upon hearing this answer, Li Chen immediately became excited, and thought: "It's good to wear Taoist robes, it's good to wear Taoist robes."

Li Chen and Cao Cao's hobbies are different. Cao Cao's hobbies are relatively simple, and he likes women.In contrast, Li Chen's hobbies are much wider. Apart from wives, Li Chen also likes uniforms.

Good guy, in the past, most of them were little sailors, little bunny girls. This is really the first time for this nun, is it so exciting?

"Niujiao, how come your lady didn't know to greet me when she came to Yunlong Mountain?" Li Chen asked Zhang Niujiao.

Zhang Niujiao recalled what Zhang Ning said before he left, Junior Brother and Senior Sister considered that the King of Qin wanted to take Senior Sister as a concubine, and this King Qin had no good intentions for Senior Sister, so Senior Sister went to Yunlong Mountain to escape first because he was greedy for Senior Sister.

That's what Zhang Ning said when he left, but now Zhang Niujiao has specified that he can't tell Li Chen the original words, so Zhang Niujiao said: "Reporting to the King of Qin, my senior sister's eyes are not good. Uncle Yu Ji is good at medicine. I went to ask Uncle Yu Ji to check his eyes."

After hearing this, Li Chen's mood suddenly became a little less beautiful.Of course, this is not to dislike Zhang Ning's bad eyesight.

But in the future, if she and Zhang Ning are married, when they quarreled, Zhang Ning said, I fell in love with you because I was blind.

If the two of them quarreled and Zhang Ning said that, Li Chen seemed really powerless to refute.

"Niujiao, what's the condition of your lady's eyes?" Li Chen continued to ask with concern.

"Reporting to the King of Qin, my senior sister did divination many times for the future of the Yellow Turban. This divination was a revelation of the secrets of the heavens. Naturally, it will suffer from the heavens. The eyes that cannot see far away are the heavens." Zhang Niujiao replied, nervously Then Zhang Niujiao described the condition of Zhang Ning's eyes to Li Chen.

"You can't have farsighted eyes?" Li Chen thought for a while and asked after thinking for a while: "Does your lady like to read?"

"Yes, my senior sister likes to read." Zhang Niujiao replied.

Li Chenxin said that the inability to be farsighted is the natural barrier of bullshit. This is because of reading too much and getting severe myopia.

Zhang Ning's eyes are probably overworked from looking at various historical sites all day long, and there is no such thing as eye exercises in this era.Moreover, the lights are dim, so reading in the long run will inevitably lead to myopia.It is estimated that Zhang Ning has acquired myopia now.

(End of this chapter)

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