Chapter 218

Since Li Chen and Cao Cao, the two largest warlords in the world, forged an alliance under the city, the general trend of the world has more or less the meaning of turbulent waves.

Among the kings that Liu Xie enfeoffed, the two with the largest territory are Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, but the two with the strongest soldiers are Li Chen and Cao Cao.Now that the two strongest soldiers have signed a non-aggression pact, it is naturally clear that they will attack the rest.

Li Chen is only in one state, in the eyes of the princes of the world, Li Chen is a poor soldier, although he looks very strong now, it is just an appearance.Just relying on the land of Xuzhou and adding Luoyang to support such a huge army, Xuzhou will be dragged down sooner or later.

The princes of the world don't know that Li Chen has two kinds of artifacts, potatoes and sweet potatoes, in his hands. The biggest food problem that plagues the princes of the world is nothing to Li Chen.

In the eyes of the princes of the world, Li Chen's behavior of such a poor soldier and silent martial arts will suffer the consequences sooner or later, so in their eyes, Li Chen is nothing to worry about.But Cao Cao is different. Cao Cao's territory is second only to Yuan Shao among the princes in the world, and his military front is far stronger than Yuan Shao.

The attention of Li Chen and Cao Cao is to annex the small warlords respectively first, and then the two sides are engaged in a decisive battle to determine whether the surname belongs to Li or Cao.Similarly, in the eyes of the rest of the warlords, if they want to avoid being annexed, the best way is for them to work together to swallow both Cao and Li.

From everyone's point of view, Li Chen is a poor soldier and silent warrior, nothing to worry about.But Cao Cao has become a major problem for the princes of the world. It can be said that if Cao Cao is not dead, the world will be uneasy.

Originally, in the eyes of the princes in the world, Li Chen and Cao Cao's territories were next to each other, and if they fought, they must be the first to fight.However, now that the two have signed a non-aggression covenant, it is clear that they want to pick a soft persimmon.

Of course, although persimmons are soft, they also know how to hold together.Just after Li Chen and Cao Cao's alliance was announced, Yuan Shao's letter of alliance was also issued.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are old rivals, and the two brothers have not been fighting for a year or two.At this time, Cao Cao became the target of public criticism, and Yuan Shao naturally would not give up this opportunity to add insult to injury.

Yuan Shao came from a famous family, four generations and three princes. More than half of the officials in the Eastern Han Dynasty were disciples of their old Yuan family, so he naturally liked to be the boss.No, after seizing this opportunity, Yuan Shao immediately made a letter of alliance, summoning the princes of the world to deal with Cao Cao.

Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have also been fighting for many years. Yuan Shao thought to himself, I can't beat you Cao Cao, but I can fight people. I will fight you Cao Cao.

In this world, no one who can become a vassal is a fool.Everyone knows that the final winner of this competition is Cao Cao most likely.At this time, it is the best choice to be able to drive Cao Cao out of the finals first.

It is also because of this that immediately after Yuan Shao's book was published, princes from all walks of life responded one after another.Among them, the kings are Yuan Shao, king of Jin, Liu Bei, king of Shu, Ma Teng, king of Liang, and Yuan Shu, king of Qi.In addition to these kings, there are also some small warlords who come to join in the fun, such as Shangdang prefect Zhang Yang, Wancheng's Zhang Xiu and so on.

For a while, Cao Cao seemed to have stood on the opposite side of the world.

Yuan Shao wants to fight Cao Cao, as his good brother, Yuan Shu must not stand idly by.Ma Teng always wants to enter the Central Plains, and Liu Bei wants to have a real place.Yuan Shao's war with Cao Cao this time is a good opportunity for Liu Bei and Ma Teng.

Yecheng, the living room.

The princes from all walks of life gathered in Yecheng, with the four kings as the leaders, and with the addition of many small princes, the whole hall became much more lively.

As the saying goes, where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. At this time, these little princes will naturally want to beat the kings.

In the middle of the hall, Yuan Shao sat at the head seat, his brother Yuan Shu sat on Yuan Shao's right, and beside Yuan Shu sat Liu Bei.Sitting next to Yuan Shao's left head is Ma Teng who came from afar.

"Brothers have come from afar, don't say anything else, let's do the best for the landlord." Yuan Shao said, raising the wine glass in his hand, and drank the wine in it.

"Cao Bandit is powerful now, and we need to work together to fight Cao Bandit together. Today, since Brother Yuan has gathered us together, I, Ma Teng, have something to say." Ma Teng said to the crowd.

"Brother Ma, you can speak up if you have something to say." Yuan Shao said to Ma Teng.

Ma Teng is from Xiliang, a big man from Xiliang has always been straightforward and doesn't like to play tricks.

"Everyone, the four of us join forces to attack Cao Cao. Cao Cao is definitely not our opponent. However, as the saying goes, sharing adversity is easy, and sharing sweetness is difficult."

"As the saying goes, brothers should settle accounts clearly. I think we should make a decision on how to divide the battle power first." Ma Teng said what was in his heart.

When Ma Teng said this, Yuan Shao frowned involuntarily.Sure enough, this Ma Teng appeared to be a rough and careless man on the surface, but in fact it was not that simple, this Ma Teng was very shrewd.

Of course, Yuan Shao is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Before Ma Teng and others came, Yuan Shao's counselors had already made a plan for Yuan Shao.Therefore, Yuan Shao did not panic at this time.

Yuan Shaozheng didn't know how to mention this matter, but now that Ma Teng opened his mouth, Yuan Shao happened to mention this matter just right.

"Brother Ma is right. Brothers have to settle accounts clearly. If this battle really starts, everyone will invest real money in it. If the matter of dividing up the spoils is not clear, we will have to fight Cao Cao. Mess up yourself first."

"Let me see it this way. Let's attack Cao Cao from our own directions. Whoever takes down the territory will own it. Whoever eats the meat first will eat it first. As the saying goes, if you have fast hands, you can get as much as you can. Ourselves."

"Guys, what do you think of my attention?" Yuan Shao asked.

Why did Yuan Shao think of such a notice?Because for Yuan Shao, he didn't mean that he must take the greatest advantage in attacking Cao Cao.As long as Cao Cao falls, it will be a good thing for Yuan Shao.

If according to the plan, the four of them divided the Cao, no matter who took the big head, then he would not be Yuan Shao's opponent.Therefore, from Yuan Shao's point of view, anyone can take the top spot, because among the three, no one can surpass himself if he takes the top spot.

And Yuan Shao set such a rule, which means that whoever wants to get the big head, who wants to get more benefits, then he should contribute more.

As soon as Yuan Shao's attention came out, Liu Bei, Ma Teng and others had nothing to say.More work, more pay, this is indeed a very fair way.

(End of this chapter)

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