Chapter 225 Ma Teng wins Wuwei

Cao Hong led his soldiers down the city wall, and rushed towards the direction where there were few people. He wanted to rush out of the city wall as soon as possible to avoid being entangled by the Xiliang army.

At this time, the entire city was in chaos.Although the city gate has not been breached, the Xiliang army has occupied a large area of ​​the city wall.Except for a small number of soldiers who stayed in the rear of the palace, behind Cao Hong, Wu Yang and Wu Yang followed in groups of Cao Jun soldiers, all of whom were in a hurry to evacuate.

On the one hand, Cao Hong led his brothers to retreat in the opposite direction, and on the other hand, he also let the generals under his command restrain the soldiers, so as to prevent the army from retreating into a rout.Now that he has decided to evacuate, at this moment Cao Hong only thinks about being able to get away safely with his brothers.

However, contrary to expectations, it is often that he will come to whatever you are most afraid of.As we said earlier, after Ma Chao burned the food and grass, he led his soldiers to kill in the direction of the city gate.Ma Chao charged in the direction of the city gate, while Cao Hong charged in the opposite direction of the city gate.At this moment, the two just collided head-on.

At this time, the two sides met together, and the atmosphere was extremely awkward.In this case, it is naturally impossible for the two of them to say hello and ask if you have eaten?What are you having for dinner tonight?Then go their separate ways.

At this time, the two collided head-on, which highlighted the fact that the brave wins when they meet on a narrow road, and the jealousy of an enemy when they meet.

When Cao Hong saw Ma Chao, he immediately realized that this was the enemy army that somehow sneaked into the city wall.There is no doubt that their food was burned by this group of people.If this group of people hadn't burned their food, Wuwei County would have nothing to lose.

Cao Jun has put in a lot of effort in Wuwei County these years, but someone made Cao Hong lose it within a day and night. For Cao Hong, it was really fucking embarrassing.And all of this was caused by Ma Chao.

Seeing Ma Chao, Cao Hong immediately became unhappy, and shouted: "Brothers, take this man down for me first."

Cao Hong pointed, and most of his troops surrounded Ma Chao's men directly.Ma Chao was also complaining in his heart at this time, he was not afraid of Cao Hong's truth, but his brothers were not as many as Cao Hong's.

The number of people Cao Hong led was more than double that of his own. With this kung fu, Ma Chao was no match for two fists and four hands.

The soldiers under Ma Chao's command were aggrieved, and Ma Chao was also aggrieved at this moment. Cao Hong led more than ten generals of the Cao army, and launched a siege against Ma Chao.

Most of Ma Chao's martial arts are on horseback. Although it is not bad for foot combat, it is far inferior to horse combat.But now, under the siege of Cao Jun's more than ten partial generals and Cao Hong, this made Ma Chao somewhat stretched.

"How can you bully the few with the more?" Ma Chao cursed angrily while fighting back.

"Fuck you, if there are 6 to 1 people outside the city, and [-] people beat me, does that count as bullying the few?" Cao Hong replied without hesitation.

"Boy, you are good at martial arts. I can save your whole body today." Cao Hong shouted to Ma Chao.

"Your grandfather is Ma Chao, tell me your name." Ma Chao replied.

"I'm Cao Hong." Cao Hong shouted.

"Cao Hong, good for you, Cao Hong. Today you bring a dozen people to beat me. Next time you meet, I have to bring 20 people back. You wait for me, we will regret it later." After Ma Chao finished speaking, he rushed The brothers under his command shouted loudly: "Don't get entangled with them, let's go out and meet King Liang at the city gate."

The Xiliang army's goal was to occupy Wuwei City, and Ma Chao was too lazy to entangle with Cao Hong. If he continued to entangle with Cao Hong at this time, if his own troops were exhausted, he might not be able to win the city gate later.

"If you want to leave, it's not that easy." Cao Hong said, and stopped Ma Chao with his gun.

Ma Chao said heartily, I don't want to entangle you, but you're still slapping your face, right? You really want to die?

Thinking of this, Ma Chao raised the tiger-headed golden gun in his hand, and slammed Huashan with a blow towards Cao Hong.Hearing a loud sound of "dang", Cao Hong was knocked flying a distance of seven or eight meters, and fell heavily to the ground.

The tiger-headed golden spear in Ma Chao's hand weighed seventy or eighty catties, and it was hard to be underestimated when Ma Chao struck it down with such force.

"Cough, cough, cough."

The smoke cleared, and Cao Hong was lying on the ground coughing violently. The spear in his hand had been bent, and there was blood on the tiger's mouth. It could be seen that Cao Hong's arm should have been broken.

"General Cao, General Cao."

"Hurry up, save people." Cao Jun's generals hurriedly blocked Cao Hong, and several other soldiers helped Cao Hong up.

Ma Chao saw that it would not be easy for him to take Cao Hong's life today.Although these partial generals are not as good as Cao Hong in martial arts, but with more than a dozen of them together, it is really difficult to deal with them without horses.

The urgent need at noon now is to find a way to open the city gate and bring in the army from outside the city. This is his task.You must not show off your courage for a while and ignore the overall situation.

Thinking of this, Ma Chao didn't bother to tangle with Cao Hong anymore, he called his soldiers and headed towards the city gate to kill.

At this time, Cao Hong was defeated and seriously injured.Although Cao Jun has a large number of soldiers, he has no intention of intercepting them.Ever since, he let Ma Chao lead the army to kill them.

"Cough cough!"

"This kid is too strong, so brave. Let's retreat quickly. If we let him lead the army into the city, I'm afraid it will not be so easy for us to leave." After Cao Hong said, he was supported by several soldiers and continued to move towards the city. The city gate in the other direction retreated.

In the dark night, there were shouts of killing everywhere in the city, and the fire at the granary had begun to spread to the surrounding area.Not long after, Cao Hong led his people to retreat to another city gate. Fortunately, this city gate was still under the control of Cao Jun.

The gatekeepers brought horses for Cao Hong and other generals, and then they abandoned the city with Cao Hong and fled to the rest of the city.

At the same time, on the other side, Ma Chao also captured the city gate and led the Xiliang army into the city.As soon as the Xiliang army entered the city, it meant that Wuwei County had now changed ownership.Now Wuwei County is not surnamed Cao, but surnamed Ma.

On the top of the city, the originally flying Cao character flag has also become the current horse character flag.

"Father, when I came to seize the gate just now, the main force of Cao's army retreated. In order not to delay the capture of the city, I ignored them just now. Father, I want to lead three thousand cavalry to chase them." Ma Chao Please fight with your hands.

Ma Teng did not agree, but asked the military adviser Cheng Gongying beside him, "What do you think the military adviser thinks?"

Cheng Gongying pondered for a moment, pinched her mustache and said: "His Royal Highness Liang, don't chase after the poor, let's look there, the urgent need at noon is to put out the fire."

(End of this chapter)

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