Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 227: Xiliang's 3 Factions Join Forces 1

Chapter 227

Just as Han Sui was tangled in his thoughts, he heard a rush of footsteps outside.

"Report" A soldier hurried in and knelt on one knee to report: "General Han, General Beigong is here to visit."

"Quick, invite him in." Han Sui said hastily.

The General Beigong who came to visit was naturally another warlord of Xiliang, Beigong Boyu.At this time, after the complete annihilation of Dong Zhuo's faction, there were only three major factions left in the entire Xiliang warlord.

The biggest faction among them is Liang Wang Ma Teng, followed by Han Sui and Beigong Boyu.Although the power of these two people is not as great as that of Ma Teng, but together, they are not far behind Ma Teng.

Of course, Beigong Boyu is different from Ma Teng and Han Sui.The soldiers and horses under Ma Teng and Han Sui were mainly Han Chinese, supplemented by grassland barbarians.But Beigong Boyu is different. Beigong Boyu has Qiang blood, so his army is also dominated by Qiang people.

After a while, Beigong Boyu walked in under the leadership of the soldiers.This Beigong Boyu is not a pure-blooded Han Chinese at first glance, he has both Han and Qiang characteristics, this man is of mixed race.

"Brother Han, long time no see, long time no see." After seeing Han Sui, Beigong Boyu immediately saluted Han Sui as his brother.

"Brother Beigong, sit down quickly, sit down quickly." Han Sui hurriedly called Beigong Boyu to sit down.

After the two sat down, they didn't exchange excessive greetings. Beigong Boyu asked straight to the point: "Brother Han, have you heard about Brother Ma's affairs?"

"Brother Boyu is saying that Brother Ma took down Wuwei County?" Han Sui asked.

"That's right, that's exactly what happened. Brother Ma is really capable, no wonder he was crowned king by the emperor?"

"The one who keeps silent will bring down this Wuwei County. But, again. This country is easy to attack, not easy to defend. Cao Cao is not easy to get along with. I am afraid that it will not be long before Cao Cao counterattacks. It's coming. Brother Ma alone, I'm afraid it will be difficult to defend Wuwei County." Beigong Boyu said solemnly.

"Brother Boyu, what do you mean?" Han Sui asked.

Beigong Boyu paused, and then said: "As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands. Brother Ma and we are both from Xiliang, and we Xiliang people have to help us Xiliang people. From my point of view, this At that time, Brother Ma needed help, so we should lead the troops to help Brother Ma fight against Cao Cao."

What Beigong Boyu said was beautiful, but although the words were beautiful, the way things were done was also quite dirty.When Ma Teng was going to fight Wuwei, he sent someone to notify them to send troops together.It's just that these two people thought that they were not sure about attacking Wuwei. If they failed to attack and offended Cao Cao, there would be no good fruit to eat.So, at the beginning, these two people were all pretending to be deaf and dumb.

Now, Ma Teng himself sent troops to capture Wuwei County.The two men remembered that they were going to merge with Ma Teng to fight against Cao.This is a real person who doesn't see rabbits and doesn't scatter eagles. When he is working, he runs faster than anyone else.

Xiliang, this is a barren land close to the grassland.There is nothing here except the green grassland suitable for horse racing.Not to mention the small population, but also lack of iron and wood.In this kind of place, it is undoubtedly a dream to rise in this place.

It is also because of this that none of the Xiliang warlords does not want to take control of the Central Plains.Although Dong Zhuo was brutal, when Dong Zhuo was in power, it was the most glorious time in Xiliang.It is also because of this that Dong Zhuo is still the pride and idol of the Xiliang Army until now.

Now, Ma Teng has taken Wuwei County, which undoubtedly gave the Xiliang Army another hope of taking control of the Central Plains.At this time, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu said that they wanted to fight Cao Jun together with Ma Teng, but in fact they wanted to go to the Central Plains with Ma Teng to pick up bargains.

"Brother Boyu, when Big Brother Ma came to see us a few days ago, we both didn't see each other behind closed doors. Now that we're getting together, do you think Brother Ma can treat us?" Han Sui said hesitantly .

"No, no, no."

"Brother Han, can there be an overnight feud between these brothers? We didn't say at the time that we would not fight. This is not when we are thinking about it. Brother Ma attacked Wuwei first without waiting for the two of us."

"We always wanted to send troops, but we came too late." What Beigong Boyu said was plausible.

Hearing this, Han Sui thought to himself, good guy, you Beigong Boyu are really shameless.It really is torn off the cheek on the left and pasted it on the right. The left is shameless, and the right is double-faced.

After Beigong Boyu finished speaking, he said to Han Sui, "Brother Han, don't worry, if we go this time, Brother Ma will settle down and accept us."

"Think about it, Brother Ma is going out with all his troops now, I'm afraid he has less than [-] troops on his territory. If we stole his home when he was fighting with Cao Cao in front of him, then he It’s not that the backyard caught fire and became rootless duckweed.”

"So, at this moment, if we join forces with him, that's the best result for Brother Ma. Brother Ma is a smart person, so he must be able to figure this out."

Beigong Boyu was using words to point Han Sui, he was saying that it would be great if Ma Teng was willing to share the Central Plains profits with them.If Ma Teng wanted to monopolize the profits of mastering the Central Plains, then the two of them would take advantage of Ma Teng's fighting in the front and jointly swallow Ma Teng's territory in Xiliang.

In other words, this Beigong Boyu is really shameless.In his mouth, he called him a brother, but in his heart, he was always calculating.

Wuwei County, county government.

"Father, the two thieves Han Sui and Beigong Boyu are here." Ma Chao came to his father Ma Teng and said angrily.

Ma Chao didn't like to see Han Sui and Beigong Boyu very much. When they invited Han Sui and Beigong Boyu to send troops together, they simply closed the door and disappeared.Now seeing that they captured Wuwei and gained control of the Central Plains, these two bastards came here again to take advantage of it.

In Ma Chao's opinion, even if these two people were pulled out and beheaded ten times, that would not be too much.

Ma Chao is still young at this time, and his face is full of joy and anger, but Ma Teng is not like this. Ma Teng has experienced the beatings of the society, and he has come to the present. shape and color.

"Go, invite your two uncles over here." Ma Teng said to Ma Chao.

"Uncle, what a shitty uncle."

"Father wants me to watch, just shoot one by one and count the ball." Ma Chao said angrily.

"Chao'er, go and invite someone here, don't be rude to your two uncles." Ma Teng urged.

"Yes." Ma Chao replied indignantly.

(End of this chapter)

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