Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 231 Han Sui: Cheng Gongying, you are a shit stirrer.

Chapter 231 Han Sui: Cheng Gongying, you are a shit-stirring stick.

Ma Teng looked at his son, who was bandaged with conviction, and at Han Sui, who had a smug expression on his face, and his heart was filled with anger.

Ma Teng thought to himself, you, Han Sui, didn't come to ask me to cooperate, you just came to annoy Lao Tzu.Although he felt aggrieved, Ma Teng couldn't say it out.After all, in this matter of fighting, I am willing to bet and admit defeat. If you lose, you lose. What can you say?

Ma Teng walked ahead with his waist knife supported, while Han Sui and Beigong Boyu followed behind.Beigong Boyu and Han Sui walked while observing Ma Teng's soldiers along the way.They both had to admit that Ma Teng's soldiers were indeed more elite than theirs.

You know, this Wuwei County originally not only stockpiled food and grass, but also hoarded a lot of military supplies.It is true that the grain and grass were burned by Ma Chao, but these armored weapons have all become Ma Teng's trophies.

You know, because Liangzhou is close to the grassland, his situation is actually the same as that of the grassland.Ma Teng's soldiers were originally more inclined to the soldiers on the grassland.Although there are many cavalry, but due to lack of iron and wood.In fact, soldiers rarely have armor. Even if they have armor, most of them are mainly leather armor, and few people can be equipped with iron armor.Even the weapons of the soldiers are mostly short weapons, and rarely equipped with long weapons.

You know, food can be burned by fire, but these iron utensils can't.After occupying Wuwei County, Ma Teng seized a large number of armor weapons from Cao Jun, and of course some armors were pulled directly from the dead.

In this way, half of the elite soldiers under Ma Teng had changed their outfits.With sharp weapons, this also makes Ma Teng's soldiers look extraordinarily elite. In things like war, the winning side always benefits.

"Brother Ma, the armor and weapons on your soldiers look so fine. These things were captured from Cao Jun? It really makes my brothers greedy." Han Sui looked at the equipment on the soldiers who came and went, rather Said enviously.

Hearing Han Sui's words, Ma Teng said in his heart, you are greedy, I will not give it to you if I am greedy to death.

Among the feudal lords in this world, Huainan Yuan Shu is the wealthiest. In terms of armor, Huainan Yuan Shu made the most elite soldiers.The weapons and equipment of Cao Jun soldiers are actually not very good.That's just the average level of the Central Plains, but for people like Han Sui and Beigong Boyu who have lived in the frontier for a long time and have no knowledge, such standard armor is indeed quite good.

After listening to Han Sui's words, Ma Teng nodded and said to Han Sui: "Brother Han, yes, these things were indeed seized from Cao Jun. Good things are indeed good things, but they are too few and not enough. No Many, not many. It’s only [-] pieces of armor. In order to fight for these things, these people under me almost didn’t fight.”

When Han Sui heard Ma Teng's words were not many, not many, but only [-] armors, he almost didn't lose his temper.My heart said, good guy, you Ma Teng is old Versailles.

However, Han Sui couldn't help but feel a little jealous when he saw that Ma Teng had achieved such a great harvest just by conquering Wuwei County.Sure enough, compared with the Central Plains, this Xiliang is really too barren.

Han Sui and Beigong Boyu followed Ma Teng into the county government office, where a banquet had already been set up for them.

After the three of them were seated, Ma Teng's military advisor, Cheng Gongying, accompanied him. Ma Teng ordered a drink first. Ma Teng just wanted to mention the matter of letting the two of them join the gang, but before he could speak, Cheng Gongying kicked Ma Teng under the table. .Ma Teng is not a fool, so he naturally understood what Cheng Gongying meant.He simply suppressed the words he was about to speak, and chatted with the two about his family's troubles.

At this time, Ma Teng took the initiative.With Wuwei County in hand, Han Sui and Beigong Boyu were anxious to join the group.

On Ma Teng's side, he kept talking about him, and didn't mention the matter of letting the two of them join the gang.As a result, the two became a little anxious.

Beigong Boyu's scheming was a little deeper, so although he was anxious, he could still bear it.Han Sui was impatient, Beigong Boyu could bear it, but Han Sui couldn't.

"Brother Ma, now that you have captured Wuwei County, what is your next step?" Han Sui asked Ma Teng.

Before Ma Teng could speak, military adviser Cheng Gongying spoke first.

"General Han doesn't know, my King Liang has already planned to use this Wuwei County as the foundation, and then slowly go to the south to map it." Cheng Gongying twirled his goatee and said to Han Sui.


"Take Wuwei County as the foundation, and then gradually map it, don't worry, don't worry." After Cheng Gongying finished speaking, Ma Teng agreed.

Ma Teng knew that the three of them together were no match for a literati like Cheng Gongying.Simply, I followed what Cheng Gongying said.

In fact, can Ma Teng figure it out slowly?He definitely can't take it slowly.Cao Cao has hundreds of thousands of troops, but he has only tens of thousands of troops.Although it was the four families who joined forces to attack Cao Cao, he would be the first to be wiped out if he tried to do it slowly.

Now that he has already fought with Cao Cao and won Wuwei, the next thing he has to do is to attack.Through a series of onslaughts, he stunned Cao Cao and let Cao Cao know that Ma Teng is not easy to mess with.In this way, Cao Cao will definitely focus on the weakest Liu Bei or Yuan Shu as the first target to solve.Only in this way can he have a chance to breathe.

"Brother Ma, you are in full swing now, how can you show it slowly?"

"In this march and battle, the emphasis is on going all out. In my opinion, we should take advantage of the momentum and continue to attack hard, so as to occupy a few more cities of Cao Cao."

"One Wuwei makes my brother so fat, if he occupies a few more cities, then wouldn't my brother soar into the sky."

"It's just that if my brother fights for a long time, the loss of troops will be very serious. I don't know if my brother has enough troops?" Han Sui continued to beat around the bush.

Han Sui's words meant that if he continued to attack fiercely, his troops would be depleted.You don't have enough troops, but we have them, so let's partner up.

As soon as Han Sui's words fell, Cheng Gongying twirled his beard again, and then said: "It is not impossible to continue the fierce attack. As for the loss of troops, it is also simple. The Central Plains is no different from Liangzhou, which has a large population and few troops. It’s easy to supplement, but there are a lot of people in the Central Plains, so it’s very convenient to replenish troops.”

After Cheng Gongying finished speaking, Han Sui stared at Cheng Gongying viciously, wishing to stab him to death.In Han Sui's view, this Cheng Gongying is his mother's shit-stirring stick.Between the three of them, there was a bloody mess.

(End of this chapter)

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