Chapter 240

"My plan is like this. General Cao Ren will be the main general, and General Xiahou Dun will be the deputy general, and 20 troops will be sent to conquer Ma Teng in Xiliang. Of course, this is just an excuse to the outside world. When the army is halfway through, General Xiahou will lead With an army of 15, turn back."

"General Cao Ren marched forward with 20 soldiers and horses raising flags and pretending to be 15 troops. General Xiahou led [-] troops to hide day and night and came back secretly."

"In this way, once General Cao Ren goes to Heishan Pass and confronts Ma Teng in Xiliang, those people who are hiding in the dark will all jump out." Guo Jia said to the crowd.

After pondering for a moment, Cao Cao turned to Guo Jia and asked, "Does Feng Xiao mean not to beat Ma Teng?"

Cao Cao is the kind of person who would rather let the people of the world fail me than let the people of the world fail me.Ma Teng was the first to attack Cao Cao, so according to Cao Cao's temperament, he should beat Ma Teng once and for all.But now it can be heard from Guo Jia's words that Guo Jia does not seem to advocate taking action against Ma.

You know, Ma Teng has now joined forces with Han Sui and Beigong Boyu, and their combined strength is about one hundred thousand.Even if Cao Cao sent 20 troops, he might not be able to win, let alone Xiahou Dun would bring back 20 troops with the 15 troops.

If Cao Ren rushed to Heishi Pass with [-] soldiers, it was obvious that he was rushing to defend. If he used these [-] soldiers to fight Ma Teng in the field, it would be like delivering food.

"If you don't beat Ma Teng, it won't work if you don't beat Ma Teng. We have to let the old boy Ma Teng know that we are not easy to mess with." Dian Weiweng said in a low voice.

"That's right, if you want to fight Ma Teng, my old Xu will be the vanguard. I have to let Ma Teng know why I, Xu Chu, is called a tiger idiot." Xu Chu echoed.

The reason why Xu Chu is called a tiger idiot is mainly because there is no English at this time at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Without English, there would be no ABCD, and without ABCD, he would not have the word tiger B.It is precisely because there is no word for tiger B that Xu Chu can only be called a tiger idiot.

"Shut up both of you, Feng Xiao, you continue to talk." Cao Cao glared at Xu Chu and Dian Wei, and then signaled Guo Jia to continue.

"His Royal Highness, if Ma Teng is our only opponent, we will naturally send troops to Xiliang now. However, since all the heroes in the world are attacking, we can't fight Ma Teng for a while."

"At this time, if the main attack direction is placed on Xiliang, then we will stretch our necks under the knife of others."

"This is a life-and-death battle. If we want to win, we must support the war with the war, and the premise of supporting the war with the war is victory. Everyone knows the combat effectiveness of the Xiliang Army. If we want to win Ma Teng, we must We have to pay a heavy price. But, have you ever thought about what we can gain after defeating Ma Teng?"

"Liangzhou is vast and sparsely populated. First of all, it is difficult to replenish troops, and secondly, it is bordered by the grassland. Even after we defeated Ma Teng, we occupied Liangzhou. Instead of gaining any benefits, we had to divide our troops to defend against the alien race in the grassland. In this way Come on, don't you pick sesame seeds and throw watermelons?" Guo Jia asked everyone.

After Guo Jia said this, everyone suddenly realized.What Guo Jia said made sense. Even after defeating Ma Teng, he would not benefit from occupying Xiliang.Xiliang produces horses, which is indeed a benefit.However, apart from horses, Xiliang has nothing to ask for.

The most important thing is that after occupying Xiliang, they will divide their troops to defend the grassland aliens.Facing the heroes of the world, Cao Cao's troops are not sufficient. If he divides his troops to defend the grassland, it is indeed an act of death.

"Following Xiao's words, it makes sense. This Liangzhou is a tasteless place. It's a pity to throw it away if it's tasteless. If you don't fight, don't fight. Let Ma Teng be proud for a while. When I have free hands, I will deal with him." Cao Cao said coldly. said coldly.

"General Cao Ren, after you arrive at Heishi Pass with [-] troops, you will guard Heishi Pass together with General Cao Hong. This Heishi Pass can be guarded according to the rules. If you can't hold it, you can withdraw to the front line of Fufeng and block Ma Teng's army from outside Fufeng City. Just do it?" Guo Jia urged Cao Ren.

Now Cao Hong at Heishiguan still has more than ten thousand soldiers and horses in his hands. If Cao Ren brings fifty thousand troops, the combined hands of the two will be sixty thousand soldiers and horses.The [-] soldiers and horses facing Ma Teng's [-] Xiliang army should be able to defend the city if they defend the city.

Moreover, even if Heishi Pass could not be defended, Cao Ren could retreat to Fufeng.Fufeng is the largest city in the northern border of the Wei region, second only to giant cities like Xudu, Yecheng, Xuzhou, and Luoyang.

"No, the military commander can rest assured, with Cao Ren here, Ma Teng must not take a step forward." Cao Ren firmly promised.

After Guo Jia arranged for Cao Ren to block Ma Teng's Xiliang army, he turned his attention to the map.Guo Jia was thinking and calculating, he was calculating who would be the next one to strike.

The current Cao Cao can be said to be a piece of fat in the eyes of the heroes of the world. There is never a shortage of people in this world.Now that Yuan Shao is taking the lead, everyone wants to take a bite of this piece of fat.

The more Guo Jia looked at this map, the more he felt that their defense was like a broken sieve, with holes everywhere.However, as the saying goes, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, and now the whole world is enemies from all directions.There is not enough troops in hand, even the genius Guo Jia can't do anything about it.

Since Ma Teng can't be moved for the time being, is it the second person who jumps out that Guo Jia wants to hit?But if you want to fight, you have to prepare soldiers, horses, food and grass. Now that the problem of food and grass has been solved, Guo Jia is thinking about where to transfer troops.

It may not be easy to win the battle with only 15 troops.This battle must be won. If the first battle is lost, the morale of Cao Cao's side will be completely drained.

Guo Jia stared at the map, wondering where he could mobilize troops?At this time, we can only tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall.

Although Cao Cao claims to have hundreds of thousands of soldiers, his territory is large and there are many places to defend.This is like those rich men in the previous life. Although each of them has a net worth of tens of billions or hundreds of billions, if he really wants to come up with working capital, he may not be able to have much.

"His Royal Highness, we don't have many troops to mobilize now. What I mean is to mobilize [-] troops from Zhuo County." Guo Jia said to Cao Cao.

"King Wei, if Zhuojun's [-] soldiers and horses are transferred out, then for Li Chen, Zhuojun will be defenseless?" Xiahou Dun said.

"Listen to Feng Xiao, if Li Chen wants Zhuo County, I will give it to him. And if I want to see others, they may not look down on our Zhuo County. After all, after they occupy Zhuo County, they will give it back to us." Cao Cao said to him. All the generals under his command said.

In Cao Jun's camp, after some discussions, the matter of transferring troops from Zhuo County was temporarily settled.

(End of this chapter)

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