Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 245 2 Cao Shuang vs. Yan Xing

Chapter 245
According to the ranking of the local military generals of the Three Kingdoms, one Lu, two Zhao, three Dianwei, four passes, five horses, and six Zhang Fei.Of course, this ranking is a bit unfair, but it can be regarded as a reference.

First of all, Lu Bu is the only one among the local generals of the Three Kingdoms. This can be seen from the fact that after Lu Bu died, Guan Erye saw that everyone was the one who inserted the bid and sold the leader.Therefore, there is no doubt that Lu Bu belongs to the super class.

Zhao Yun, Dian Wei, Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Zhang Fei, these should belong to the upper class of first-class generals.Then, for example, Xu Chu, Xiahouyuan, Xiahoudun are the top middle among first-class generals.Although Cao Ren is good at using troops, but in terms of martial arts alone, he can only be regarded as the tail of the crane among first-class generals.

Speaking of this Yan Xing, although he is unknown, his martial arts are really not bad.At least he was comparable to Ma Chao, so Cao Ren really wasn't Yan Xing's opponent.

The two fought, and in the first twenty or thirty rounds, Cao Ren was on par with Yan Xing.But after these [-] or [-] rounds, Yan Xing had completely figured out Cao Ren's way. At this time, Cao Ren's life would not be so easy.

At the forty or fiftieth round of the fight, the two of them hit the horses again, and Yan Xing raised the spear in his hand and stabbed Cao Ren's leg.Although Cao Ren's martial arts skills are not as good as Yan Xing's, his experience on the battlefield is quite sophisticated.

At the critical moment, as soon as Cao Ren's leg was retracted, Yan Xing's spear pierced Cao Ren's thigh and pierced through.


Cao Ren let out a loud cry, and felt a tingling pain.Although he hid fairly quickly, he was still stabbed by Yan Xing, and blood flowed out "chunchun".

However, Cao Ren escaped in time, and only suffered some skin trauma.But his horse couldn't dodge, and was firmly stabbed in the abdomen by Yan Xing.

"Hey Rhythm"

Under the pain of Cao Ren's group of horses, they suddenly raised their front hooves and threw Cao Ren away abruptly.

Although Cao Ren fell off the horse, he was lucky at this time. Fortunately, he took it quickly, otherwise he would have lost his children and grandchildren today.

Seeing Cao Ren fall from the horse, Yan Xing's eyes were burning.Just now Cao Ren said that Yan Xing is just a nobody.But if he killed the famous Cao Ren today, he would be famous from now on.The most important thing is that he will be able to firmly dominate Ma Chao in the future.

Yan Xing galloped his horse, trying to take Cao Ren's head.Fortunately, the soldiers brought out by Cao Ren were quite loyal. They used their own lives as the price to delay Cao Ren for some time.

At this time, Cao Hong in the city saw that Cao Ren had fallen from his horse, and hurriedly brought out soldiers to support him.

"Brother go first, I'll fight him." Cao Hong yelled at Cao Ren, and then shot at Yan Xing.

Cao Hong and Cao Ren are both Cao Cao's younger brothers. They belong to the same family and grew up together.Cao Hong was a few years younger than Cao Ren, if the two were talking about martial arts, Cao Hong might be even worse than Cao Ren.

Although Cao Hong's martial arts are not as good as Cao Ren's, Cao Hong has more tigers than Cao Renhu.This kid is desperate to fight, and he fights with his life.

Although Cao Hong asked Cao Ren to go first, but the younger brother was fighting with others, how could Cao Ren, the older brother, go first.So, without further ado, Cao Ren tore off a piece of his inner shirt, tied his bleeding legs, then turned his head to ask for a horse from the soldiers behind him, and killed Yan Xing.

Cao Hong and Cao Ren fought Yan Xing together, Cao Ren fought steadily, while Cao Hong fought fiercely.Cao Hong's desperate Saburo's style of play really made Yan Xing a little afraid.

Cao Hong can be injured, because after he is in the hands, Cao Ren can help him.But Yan Xing didn't dare to be injured. Once he was injured, Cao Ren would definitely take advantage of his illness and kill him.It was also because of this that Yan Xing couldn't help beating up a little bit.

"Use more to bully the less, no more beatings, no more beatings."

"You two, don't leave, watch me go back to the camp and call for someone." Yan Xing swung away the weapons of the two of them with a spear, and he was about to return to the camp after riding his horse back.

Yan Xing said to Cao Ren and Cao Hong, don't leave after school, I went back and called someone?Cao Ren and Cao Hong must go. Together, they are evenly tied.When Yan Xing calls people back, they will definitely explain here.

If you don't leave at this time, then Cao Ren and Cao Hong are two idiots.Therefore, there is no doubt that after Yan Xing withdrew, Cao Hong and Cao Ren decisively returned to Heishan Pass.

"I only heard that Ma Chao, Ma Teng's son, is brave enough to be undeserved, but I never thought that since such a strong general is hidden?" Cao Ren said to the military commander Cheng Yu after the two returned to the city.

"The courage of a reckless man is nothing more than the courage of a reckless man. The courage of a reckless man is nothing more than the enemy of a hundred people, the enemy of a thousand people, and the enemy of ten thousand people. How can it be the enemy of 10 people?"

"It doesn't matter, general, he is brave, and I have a plan to break it." Cheng Yu said with a smile.

It was night, the sky had just turned dark, and the Xiliang army launched a night attack on Heishiguan.

Ma Teng likes night raids very much, because most of Ma Teng's soldiers are from Liangzhou, and a small part are even Qiang, Huns and other ethnic groups.Regardless of whether they are from Liangzhou or foreign races, they all have one thing in common.That is to live on the grasslands, and the main source of food is meat.

In this era, Han people seldom eat meat.And if there is no meat for a long time, there will be a problem, that is, poor night vision, and even more serious night blindness.

Most of Cao Jun's soldiers have poor night vision, and some even suffer from night blindness.Ma Teng's army did not have this problem, so this night battle was very advantageous for Ma Teng.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

As soon as it got dark, the archers of the Xiliang Army began to suppress Cao Jun who was closing on Heishan Pass.At this time, the dangers of night blindness are revealed.

Most of Cao Jun on the city wall couldn't see far at all. They could only hear the whistling sound of arrows, but they couldn't see which direction the arrows were coming from.

After several rounds of arrow rain, Cao Jun on the city wall fell in pieces, like stubble being harvested.

"Hide behind the wall."

"Hide behind the wall." Cao Hong shouted.

At this time, it is absolutely impossible to shoot each other with the Xiliang army at a long distance.They could only hide in the city wall and wait for the Xiliang army to attack the city.

"There are some masters in the Xiliang Army, so we have to make some changes to our plan." Military Adviser Cheng Yu said beside Cao Ren.

Originally, according to Cheng Yu's plan, once the Xiliang army attacked the city, the black stone would be locked up for them.At this time, dry firewood had already been piled up in Heishan Pass, and kerosene was doused on it. Just waiting for the Xiliang army to enter the city would be a big fire.

But now it seems that there are some masters in the Xiliang army. If they retreat rashly and their acting skills are too poor, they may be seen through.

"Resist, let's resist first. At least some corpses must be left behind, otherwise it will be difficult for the Xiliang army to fall into the trap." Cheng Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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