Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 254 The World Situation

Chapter 254 The World Situation
After the Battle of Heishiguan, Cao Ren retreated to defend the area around Fufeng City and defended Fufeng City.And Ma Teng has lost the strength to attack because of the loss of troops.It can only occupy a dozen or so county towns behind Heishiguan, and then defend the city.

It is rare for the world to fall into a piece of silence, but this is the tranquility before the storm.

Xuzhou City, inside the Yunlong Palace.

Li Chen took the information from Luo Yangxing, and after comprehending the information from Wei and Liang, Li Chen had already analyzed it.At this time, Ma Teng had already used up a lot of his strength, but Cao Cao had only calculated three parts of his strength at most.

Ma Teng alone is not yet able to force out all of Cao Cao's cards.Since ancient times, no emperor in this world has left the boundary of Liangzhou.It is true that Liangzhou horses run rampant in the world, but he really has nothing but horses.

Not to mention the lack of copper and iron, the population is still very sparse. Now Ma Teng, I am afraid that trying to replenish the lost source of troops is now a big problem.

"Where is Yuan Shu from Huainan?" Li Chen asked Luo Yangxing.

Yuan Shu has always been a person who can't stand things, as can be seen from the fact that Yuan Shu dared to be the first to proclaim himself emperor in his previous life.Not only does this Yuan Shu have no city mansion, but even his subordinates don't have any capable people.

If Li Chen hadn't made up his plan to send troops to Jiangdong early, then Li Chen would definitely move Yuan Shu at this time.Yuan Shu can be said to have few soldiers and not many generals.And it occupies the wealthy Huaihe River Basin, which can be said to be the most populous and richest place in the world.

Of course, those who are greedy for Yuan Shu's territory belong to Yuan Shu's territory. At this time, Li Chen will definitely not make a move against Yuan Shu.This is the time when all the warlords fight against Cao Cao with their enemies. If he wants to attack Yuan Shu now, he will block the gun for Cao Cao.

"Reporting to His Majesty the King of Qin, Yuan Shu of Huainan's General Ji Ling led 30 troops, known as an army of [-] to the outside world, and has already sailed side by side and headed straight for Yingchuan. I think they will fight each other in half a month at most." Luo Yangxing told the news about Yuan Shu in Huainan Tell Li Chen.

Ma Teng, Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei, at this time Ma Teng and Yuan Shu have already made a move, so will Yuan Shao or Liu Bei be next?
On the face of it, Yuan Shao's strength is on par with Cao Cao's, although the two generals Yan Liangwen and Chou were defeated by Yuwen Chengdu a few years ago.But there are other generals in his hands who can stand alone, Ju Yi, Gao Lan, and Zhang Yun.These three people are not under Cao Ren when it comes to commanding troops and fighting.

Luo Yangxing continued to report to Li Chen the intelligence he had inquired from various places, but there was no news from Yuan Shao's side, and the direction of Yecheng was only mobilizing troops until now, but no troops were dispatched for a long time.Apparently, Yuan Shao, as the leader of these four clans, was fighting and wanted to be the last one to send troops.

Similarly, Yuan Shao did not send troops, and Liu Bei was not in a hurry.Liu Bei's power is incomparable with Yuan Shao's. He only has one Beihai County, and the total strength of the entire county is only [-] to [-].

Soon, Luo Yangxing reported a piece of news to Li Mu, which aroused Li Mu's interest.

A few days ago, Liu Bei invited a military adviser.As we all know, the quality of generals under Liu Bei's command is really not low. His second brother Guan Yu and third brother Zhang Fei are all people with undue courage.

However, although the generals under Liu Bei are not low in quality, the civil servants under him are a bit stretched.Although there are Mi Zhu, Sun Qian, Jian Yong and others, these people are all second-rate military advisers and first-rate military advisers.Not to mention top-notch, it's not even top-notch.

At this time, when Li Chen heard that Liu Bei had invited a military advisor, he thought to himself, this kid Liu Bei must have invited Zhuge Liang.You know, the real beginning of Liu Bei's rise was when Zhuge Liang was recruited.

In the thatched cottage in Longzhong, Zhuge Liang proposed a plan for Liu Bei to divide the world. It can be said that Liu Bei, who has always been confused, has a clear goal.

"The military adviser Liu Bei found, but his surname is Zhuge, and he has a single name?" Li Mu asked Luo Yangxing.

"Zhuge Liang?"

"No, His Majesty the King of Qin, the military adviser Liu Bei found, surnamed Shan, named Fu, is a Taoist priest." Luo Yangxing replied.

Hearing this name, Li Chen's eyes also brightened, this Liu Bei is really capable of pulling, and he actually pulled this person under his command.

Is this Shanfu great?That can be said to be very powerful, definitely a strategist on the same level as Zhuge Liang, Guo Jia, and Jia Xu.

At first glance, it seems that during the Three Kingdoms period, there was no Taoist priest named Shan Fu who was very famous.This Shan Fuhe is a fake name, of course he has no reputation.Speaking of Shan Fu's name, he is very famous.

The name of this Shanfu is Xu Mingshu and the character Yuanzhi.Xu Shu was good at fencing when he was young, and he was familiar with military books and formations.At the same time, this person is very filial and loyal, because he avenged his friend and killed someone in his hometown.That's why he kept his name incognito and changed his name to Fu.

Don't look at Liu Bei, an old boy who is driven around all day long, and doesn't even have a decent place to stay.But when it comes to attracting talents, this old boy is really good, and he actually pulled Xu Shu under his command.

After Luo Yangxing reported the movements of the major forces in the world one by one, Li Chen said to him to wait and see what happens, and stopped talking.

Yuan Shu, Yuan Shao, Ma Teng, Liu Bei, four divisions, this battle cannot be completed in a short time.Li Chen estimated that this war will take at least three or four years to see the outcome.And after this battle, someone must be eliminated, and the world will become clearer by then.

Jiangdong, I must move Jiangdong as soon as possible.At this time, everyone's eyes were on the Central Plains. Taking advantage of the scuffle in the Central Plains and taking Soochow, it would be tantamount to making oneself invincible.At that time, no matter who Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Liu Bei and others are out of the game, I will definitely be the last one out.

"The shipyard is ordered to build ships in shifts day and night. Within a year, within a year, I want a fleet that can be launched." Li Mu ordered to Luo Yangxing.

If the ship is not built well, it will not be possible to train the navy. In this way, Li Chen's plan to conquer Soochow will be delayed.Shipbuilding has now become an urgent need at noon.

At this time, Li Chen already had a sense of urgency.Time is very tight, he must completely take Jiangdong down before the end of the Central Plains War.Only in this way can he become the last fisherman.

However, shipbuilding is still a matter of haste makes waste, and this matter cannot be rushed, even if it is kept day and night.The series of actions of launching the ship, training the navy, and conquering Wu also took time.

Now it seems that since there is not enough time, I have to find a way to delay the process.

(End of this chapter)

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