Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 262 Xiahou Dunli's Military Writ

Chapter 262 Xiahou Dunli's Military Writ

The members of the Xiahou family and the Cao family are all Cao Cao's own people, let's not talk about which of these clan generals and generals with foreign surnames is more capable.But there is no doubt that Cao Cao must have more trust in his clan.

Under normal circumstances, when encountering a big battle, Cao Cao's most important ones are generally Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun.Of course, this is not Cao Cao's cronyism. Cao Ren and Xiahou Dun are indeed capable.

While the generals under Cao Cao were muttering in the conference hall, they heard a loud singing from outside.

"His Royal Highness Wei Wang said."

Just listen to the loud singing and shouting, all the generals who had been muttering immediately shut up one by one.In the originally noisy hall, needles could be heard immediately.

"Speak, why don't you speak?"

"I'm far away, and I heard you talking here."

"Okay, I won't say it, but you say it, I want to see who of you has a plan to defeat the enemy." Cao Cao glared at the generals under his command, and said angrily.

Although Cao Cao is not tall, he is just a little black and thin.But no matter where Cao Cao stood, he was full of aura. When he spoke, none of these generals dared to speak.Not to mention talking, not even one dared to pant loudly.

Why did Cao Cao lose his temper as soon as he came in? Was it because these people were muttering about the battle situation?Discussing the battle situation is actually not afraid of them discussing the battle situation, but Cao Cao heard everything they said just now.

It is a good thing to discuss the battle situation. Cao Cao was also happy when he heard them discuss the battlefield situation at first.But as he listened, Cao Cao realized something was wrong.There was a sense of pessimism in their tone, that is, the battle hasn't started yet?Everyone revealed a lack of self-confidence, how could this make Cao Cao not annoyed.

It is precisely for this reason that Cao Cao became furious as soon as he entered the hall.Damn, the battle hasn't been fought yet, the victory is said to be defeated, and the morale is gone, so how can we fight it.

After being scolded by Cao Cao, the mood of the generals under his command finally improved a little.

"Generals, don't be discouraged. It seems that we are at a disadvantage now, but in my opinion, Guo Fengxiao, our army has ten victories, while Yuan Shao has ten defeats."

Speaking of this, Guo Jia shared his theory of ten victories and ten defeats with all the generals.Counting carefully, how could Yuan Shao have ten defeats, and how could his side have ten victories.

Needless to say, this scholar can just fool around.Guo Jia's words simply turned black into white, and good into lame.According to Guo Jia, Yuan Shao's strength became a reason for his defeat.

These words were spoken by Guo Jia, and he just made people feel very reasonable.After Guo Fengxiao's ten victories and ten defeats were finished, the morale of Cao Jun's generals immediately rose.

When Yuan Shao fought Cao Cao in the previous life, when Cao Cao was at a disadvantage, Guo Jia uttered this theory of ten victories and ten defeats, which inspired Cao Cao and gave Cao Cao the courage to fight.Today, when everyone's morale was low, Guo Jia still uttered the theory of ten victories and ten defeats, which boosted everyone's morale.

I have to say that Guo Jia Guo Fengxiao is a capable person.This person is good at everything, the only shortcoming is that he died too early.

Of course, the reason why Guo Jia died too early can be said to be his own death.Drinking all day long, whoring prostitutes and taking drugs, no one's body can bear it.


"Forgive me that you can't think of any good strategy to defeat the enemy, Feng Xiao, you assign tasks." Cao Cao sat in the center of the hall and said to Guo Jia.

Guo Jia received the order and came to the map.

Guo Jia looked at the map, then looked at the generals and said, "It's not just Xiahou Dun."

"The last general is here." Xiahou Dun got up immediately when he heard Guo Jia calling him.

"Yuan Shu General Ji Ling has one hundred thousand elite soldiers, and I have one hundred thousand elite soldiers with you. I ordered you to face the enemy Ji Ling head-on. I will recognize you as a general in this army. But, there is one thing, this battle can win but never lose. " Guo Jia looked at Xiahou Dun and said seriously.

One hundred thousand against one hundred thousand, and it is still possible to win but not to lose.This task is not easy, Ji Ling is also a well-known general in the world.Others might not dare to take on this task, but Xiahou Dun is different.

Xiahou Dun is a ruthless person who can eat his own eyeballs, how could he be afraid of a little Ji Ling.

"Military commander, don't worry, if I, Xiahou Dun, can't defeat him, Ji Ling. You don't need to say too much, the army commander, when the army is defeated, it will be when I, Xiahou Dun wipes my neck." Xiahou Dun said solemnly.

When Xiahou Dun said this, all the generals looked sideways.You know, once Xiahoudun said this, it was equivalent to issuing a military order.If he couldn't beat Ji Ling in this battle, he would have to come back with his head held high.

Seeing what his brother said, Xia Houyuan thought, this won't work, I have to help him.So he hurriedly challenged Guo Jia to be Xiahou Dun's lieutenant general.

Xiahouyuan is Xiahoudun's old partner. As soon as Xiahouyuan asked for a fight, Guo Jia agreed.In addition to Xia Houyuan, Xiahou Dun ordered Li Dian and Le Jin's generals.

It stands to reason that Xu Chu and Dian Wei are stronger.But Xiahou Dun didn't want to use them, firstly because they had to be responsible for protecting Cao Cao.Another reason is that these two are lawless masters.Except for Cao Cao, few people can restrain the two of them.

This battle was about Xiahou Dun's head. Xiahou Dun could not make any mistakes. For the sake of his own head, Xiahou Dun didn't choose Xu Chu and Dian Wei as generals.

Xiahou Dun was ordered to deal with Yuan Shu's general Ji Ling, so someone had to deal with Yuan Shu.Guo Jia told Cao Cao that if he hurt his ten fingers, it would be better to cut off one.Of course, there is a prerequisite for breaking one finger, that is, the persimmon must be picked softly.

Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, whoever is the soft persimmon, there is no doubt that Yuan Shu is the soft persimmon.It is precisely because Yuan Shu is this soft persimmon that Guo Jia gave Xiahou Dun 10 horses to face the enemy Ji Ling head-on.

Xiahou Dun is such a ruthless person. When he confronts Ji Ling, it must be a life-and-death bloody battle.

Here and Yuan Shu are mainly attacking, so Yuan Shao can't attack here.If Yuan Shu's side attacks, Yuan Shao's side must defend.Therefore, this time Guo Jia had to find a defender who was good at defending.

On Cao Ying's side, whoever is the number one guard will definitely be banned.Yu Jin was originally responsible for guarding Zhuojun and guarding against Li Chen.But now it seems that there is no need to guard against Li Chen, so Cao Cao transferred Yu Jin back, and even brought back most of the army stationed in Zhuo County.

Yu Jin is the most defensive general in Cao Ying. If you let Yu Jin fight the offensive, he will lose nine out of ten battles.However, where you let Yu Jin defend, if he defends there, you don't have several times the strength, and it is impossible to defeat Yu Jin.

Xiahoudun is like a tiger under Cao Cao's command, while Yu Jin is a big turtle. It may not be easy for Yuan Shao to break Yu Jin's shell.

(End of this chapter)

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