Chapter 270

"Tie the ropes tightly to me, don't let them run away." A small school told the left and right.

After binding Yuan Jun in the camp, Lei Bo and Lei Xu brothers in the tent were not tied up, but surrounded by Cao Jun.

Of course, the two brothers won't be able to wake up for a while, and they are just afraid of any accidents around them.

After the work in the camp was over, some soldiers ran up the mountain, apparently to inform Li Dian.

"General, the matter is settled." Cao Jun's soldiers reported from Li Dian.

"Okay, brothers, let's go down the mountain and return to the camp." Li Dian greeted the soldiers under his command to return to the camp.

In the evening, after the effect of the medicine in the meal wore off, soldiers woke up one after another.

These Yuan Jun soldiers who woke up immediately started to yell, yelling one by one, but since their hands and feet are tied up now, nothing can happen.

Cao Ying, the big tent of the Chinese army.



In the big tent of the Chinese army, Lei Bo and Lei Xu also woke up in a daze.When they just woke up, the two brothers only felt a headache and didn't remember how they fell asleep for a while.

"General Li Feng, you're back. What happened to the ambush of Cao Jun Liang Dao?" Lei Bo vaguely felt that there was someone in the camp of the Chinese Army, but he didn't look up, but asked directly.


"Lei Bo, look, am I Li Feng?" Li Dian, who was sitting in the main seat, couldn't help laughing loudly.

Upon hearing Li Dian's voice, Lei Bo felt something was wrong.Although he and Li Feng didn't have a deep friendship, they were at least generals under the same Yuan Shu's tent.He knows exactly what Li Feng's voice is. Li Feng's voice is a broken gong with extremely high resolution.The voice just now was not Li Feng.

Thinking of this, Lei Bo suddenly shuddered, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.Urgently, he raised his head and looked at Li Dian, as expected, this person was really not Li Feng.


"Who are you?" Lei Bo pointed to Li Dian and said.

At this time, although Yuan Shao and Cao Cao had fought for many years, Yuan Shu and Cao Cao had not fought each other yet.So the generals between the two sides have only heard each other's names, but have never met each other. If it is Xiahoudun, Cao Renleibo can still tell, but he still really doesn't know Li Dian.

Li Dian rubbed his chin, looked at Lei Bo and said with a smile: "This general's surname is Li, but not Li Feng, this general's surname is Li Mingdian."

"Li Dian? Cao general Li Dian?"

"This is not Yuan Jun's camp, but Cao Jun's camp?" Lei Bo said in shock.

At this moment, Lei Bo was so angry, this is all right, not only has he lost the battle, but he was actually captured by someone, which is really a shame and a shame.

"Yes, this is not Yuan Ying, this is Cao Ying."

"You have fallen into this general's trap. You, including the five thousand soldiers, have become my general's captives." Li Dian explained to Lei Bo.

"Good plan, good plan."

"It seems that since the plan of attacking with fire, I, Lei Bo, have followed the plan you designed, one plan after another, what a series of plans. I, Lei Bo, am convinced." Lei Bo Said.

"Since you are convinced, Lei Bo, you are willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light." Li Dian asked.

"Hmph, who is dark and who is bright? My master Yuan Shu is the fourth generation and third prince, and your master Cao Cao is the descendant of the eunuch. In terms of status, who is dark and who is bright?" Lei Bo said righteously.

As soon as Lei Bo said this, Lei Xu's face suddenly changed.Lei Xuxin said, my brother, we are prisoners now, how can you be so tough.As the saying goes, people have to bow their heads under the eaves. At this time, you should say something nice.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, instead of being angry, Li Dian laughed loudly and said: "Haha, my king Cao Cao received the canonization of King Wei, and your Yuan Shu received the canonization of King Qi. You don’t need to talk about these things.”

What Li Dian said was to say that since they all accepted the imperial decree to become the king, they have no loyalty to the Han family at all, so why do they still do things for the Han family?You have to be a bitch and set up a memorial archway at the same time.They are all foxes in the mountains, and they have to be more coquettish than anyone else.Of course, although Li Dian meant this in his words, he didn't actually say it.

Lei Bo naturally understood what Li Dian said. He turned his head and snorted coldly: "Hmph, loyal ministers don't serve the second lord. If you want to kill, you must do what you want. I will not surrender."

Not to mention, although this Lei Bo is not very capable, he is really a man with anal fissure.

Hearing this, Li Dian's temper also rose, and Li Dian said in his heart, I'm trying to persuade you, but you don't know how to flatter.This is really a way to heaven if you don't go, but if you don't have a way to hell, you can cast your own way.If so, then hardly blame me.

"Come here, push them out of the gate and behead them." Li Dian shouted loudly.

As soon as Li Dian gave an order, a team of knives walked in and pushed Lei Bo, and Lei Xu and the two walked outside.

Lei Xu thought to himself, why is this still my business?I didn't speak either?
"Well, General Li Dian, why don't you ask me?"

"I will surrender, I will surrender."

"I, Lei Xu, have admired the name of King Wei and General Li Dian for a long time, and I am willing to abandon the darkness and turn to the light." Lei Xu shouted as he was pushed out.

"Wait!" Li Dian spoke at this time.

As soon as Li Dian spoke, the knife and ax hand naturally stood up.

Seeing that there was a way out, Lei Xu knelt on the ground with a "plop", and shouted, "General Li Dian, I surrender, I surrender."

"If the main general doesn't surrender, what's the use of having you as a lieutenant general?" Li Dian snorted coldly.

Upon hearing this, Lei Xu thought to himself, hey, if I want to surrender, I still feel disgusted, and the one who doesn't want to surrender must let him surrender.

"General Li Dian, don't worry, I'll persuade my brother, I'll persuade my brother." Lei Xu said hastily.

"Okay, if he surrenders, I will give you a way to survive. If he does not surrender, then the two brothers will go to Huangquan together." Li Dian said.

Come on, the two brothers are still tied together.If you want to surrender, both of them can live, or if you surrender, both of you must die.

Having received Li Dian's promise, Lei Xu immediately began to persuade his brother to surrender.That's a good meal of understanding and reasoning, and moving with emotion.Dazed is that Lei Xu's mouth is parched, and Lei Bo is unwilling to surrender.

Originally, Lei Xu was going to surrender, and Lei Bo was on his own. After all, facing life and death, this is his own choice.

But Lei Xu kept chattering on and on, making Lei Bo anxious.After Lei Bo got angry, he said angrily, "If you want to surrender, you can do it yourself. How can you fall into the position of brotherhood and infidelity?"

Lei Xuxin said, you think I want to persuade you, but I want to surrender myself.The key is that if I surrender alone, others don’t want it. We have to surrender together in order to have a chance of survival.

(End of this chapter)

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