Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 276 Pass 2, Zhang 3 advises Liu Da.

Chapter 276 Guan Er, Zhang San advises Liu Da.

When Zhang Fei said this, Guan Yu wanted to defend Shan Fu, but he couldn't find a reason, so he didn't say anything for a while.

When Zhang Fei saw that his second brother Guan Yu was silent, he immediately said, "Second brother, I'm going to persuade my elder brother to send troops, how about you go with me?"

Guan Yu has already persuaded him once to send troops.It stands to reason that since you have been persuaded once, you shouldn't go for the second time.But Guan Yu knew very well that his third younger brother was reckless, so he was a little worried about letting him go to Guan Yu alone.

"Third brother, I can go with you to persuade elder brother, but you have to promise me one thing." Guan Yu said to Zhang Fei.

When Zhang Fei heard that Guan Yu was willing to go with him, he was overjoyed.Quickly replied: "Second brother, it's okay to say, let alone one thing, I will agree to three or five things."

"I don't need three or five pieces, I just need you to give me one." Guan Yu said to Zhang Fei solemnly.

"Second brother, tell me." Zhang Fei said.

"Third brother, the status of the eldest brother is not what it used to be. The eldest brother is now the king of Shu. In private, we are brothers who kowtow to the ground. In public, we are the subjects of the eldest brother. It is not impossible for a courtier to advise, but you must be polite. .”

"Today, I will go with you to persuade you. After we and the elder brother know how powerful they are, the specific decision is up to the elder brother. When you are in front of the elder brother, you must not mess around." Guan Yu told Zhang Fei.

"Well, what the second brother said is reasonable. The eldest brother is now a prince, so we have to be polite." Zhang Fei nodded repeatedly and said yes, and finally added: "I have already said, am I, Zhang Fei, that messy person?" ?”

Guan Yu glared at Zhang Fei, and said in his heart, "Third brother, don't you think you have no idea?"

After Guan Yu agreed to Zhang Fei to go together to persuade him, the two did not delay and came all the way to the Shu Palace.

When the two came to the hall of the Shu Palace, they saw Liu Bei was worrying with a letter in his hand.

Who wrote this letter?Naturally, it was written by Yuan Shao, the leader of these four schools.Although Cao Cao has already lost two or three out of ten territories, Yuan Shao and the others can't start the battle now.

Yuan Shu's general, Ji Ling, is now being beaten back by Xiahou Dun, not to mention continuing to attack, and now it is still a matter of whether he can hold the territory he captured before.

Similarly, his three-way army is now blocked by Yu Jin at Tongguan. Tongguan is a rare pass in the world. It is not an easy task to break through Tongguan.

On the other side, Ma Teng was also blocked by Cao Ren in Fufeng for a long time, and he would certainly not be able to break Fufeng in a short time.

Now that the battle situation has reached a stalemate, if you want to break this deadlock, you have to add new chips.Now in Yuan Shao's hands, the only bargaining chip that counts enough is Liu Bei who has not yet mobilized troops.

You must know that the battle situation has reached a stalemate now, Yuan Shao and the others have exhausted their full strength, and Cao Cao is also exhausted now.Now once Liu Bei enters the field, Cao Cao must mobilize troops to stop Liu Bei.

But Cao Cao is also doing his best now, where does the force come from when he wants to mobilize troops.It must be transferred from various places. Once Cao Cao transfers his troops, the pressure from the three parties will inevitably decrease.At that time, this Tongguan may not be impossible to break.

Now Yuan Shao urgently needs Liu Bei to send troops, only if Liu Bei sends troops can they break the situation.Therefore, in Yuan Shaolai's letter, the words were used quite seriously.This letter reprimanded Liu Bei for not keeping the covenant. Now three of the four families have sent troops, but Liu Bei has not sent troops for a long time. Could it be that he has the intention of abandoning the covenant and sitting on the fisherman.

In Yuan Shao's letter a few days ago, the wording was quite peaceful, but in today's letter, the wording was not very polite.

At this time, Liu Bei and Yuan Shao are like a poor boy and a tall, rich and handsome, but Liu Bei dare not offend Yuan Shao.

After Zhang Fei and Guan Yu entered the hall, Guan Yu looked at the ugly Liu Bei and asked, "Brother, what trouble did you encounter?"

Liu Bei saw that it was his second and third younger brothers who came, and hurriedly asked them to sit down.

"Second brother, you don't know something. Yuan Shao sent another letter urging to send troops. If he doesn't send troops, I'm afraid Yuan Shao will not be able to explain it." Liu Bei said to his brother Guan Yu.

"Brother? Since you can't drag it on, why don't you hurry up and send troops?" Zhang Fei couldn't help asking.

"I have an agreement with the military, and he will command when to send troops. Within two months, he will help me win a county." Liu Bei said to the two.

"My elder brother, that's the bull-nosed old man bragging. When is this? How can he conquer this county?"

"Let's not talk about a county now, if we don't do it, I will have a hard time looking at a county." Zhang Fei said loudly.

As I said earlier, Liu Bei is a person who cherishes talents.Since Dan Fu showed his talent, Liu Bei has trusted him very much.As soon as he heard Zhang Fei slandering Shan Fu, Liu Bei's expression changed immediately.

"Third brother, don't just talk nonsense, don't be rude to the military adviser." Liu Bei scolded loudly.

"Brother, you are the king, and we are the ministers. I didn't want to persuade you again and again, but now the matter has come to this point and there is no room for delay. If we don't send troops, once we come, Cao Yuanshao will not be able to explain it. I'm afraid Yuan Shao The big brother has already been regarded as a traitor to the alliance. Second, the places that are easy to fight have been almost beaten by them, and the more we go in, the harder it is to fight. The later we start, the harder it will be to gain anything."

"Brother, let's send troops." Guan Yu said seriously to Liu Bei.

Guan Yu can say so many great truths, but Zhang Fei can't say any great truths.After Guan Yu finished speaking, Zhang Fei cupped his hands and said, "Brother, I am the same."

Come on, this fly is really interesting.How Guan Yu persuaded Liu Bei, he came directly, and I also gave an overview.

"Brother, think about it carefully, my third brother and I will go back first, so we won't bother you anymore." After finishing speaking, Guan Yu bowed his hands to Liu Bei, and pulled Zhang Fei to leave.

When the two were about to leave the main hall, Zhang Fei suddenly turned to his elder brother Liu Bei and said, "My elder brother, don't just listen to that idiot, listen to what my second brother and I have to say."

The words of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei really made Liu Bei, who was already embarrassed, even more entangled.Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are brothers who knocked their heads on the ground with him. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei will not harm him. Now that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are going to send troops, will he send troops or not?

At this moment, I saw a man in a Taoist robe walking in from outside. This person is not Shan Fu, the military advisor, but who.

"His Royal Highness, the time has come to send troops."

"The Second General and the Third General are also here, just to hear about the poor strategy of using troops?" Shan Fu said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

As soon as Liu Bei heard that Shan Fu said that it was time to use troops, his face immediately beamed with joy.Now that he can use troops, he can explain to Yuan Shao.

"Hmph, I'd like to see how you win a county in a month." Zhang Fei snorted coldly, very unconvinced in his words.

(End of this chapter)

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