Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 279 Shan Fu's Conspiracy

Chapter 279 Shan Fu's Conspiracy

Although Liu Bei cried at every turn, he was never an indecisive person.Now that Shan Fu, the military adviser, has made a plan for him, then Liu Bei of Zhuojun will take it.

Although Li Chen's evil neighbor is scary, no matter how scary, this is still a place with a bunch of people, and it's a fairly wealthy county.

"Since this is the best time to take Zhuojun, let's take this Zhuojun." Liu Bei said.

Although Liu Bei decided to take Zhuojun, the specific plan of how to take Zhuojun had to be decided by the military adviser Shan Fulai.

"Military division, how do you get this Zhuojun?"

"Military commanders should know that Zhang Liao, Lv Bu's former general, is stationed in Xiaopei. The death of Lv Bu has nothing to do with the three of us. If we continue to entangle Cao Jun in Zhuo County, are we afraid that Zhang Liao will lead his troops to attack?" Liu Bei said worriedly.

Although it was said that Lu Bu's death was planned by Cao Cao, the three brothers were the ones who directly contributed.Because of this, when Liu Bei thought that the people stationed in Xiaopei were all Lv Bu's old generals, he felt a little annoyed.

"King of Shu, don't worry too much. Although this Xiaopei is guarded by Zhang Liao, Zhang Liao is now Li Chen's general. He may not dare to send troops without Li Chen's order." Shan Fu said.

"However, this kind of thing has to be guarded against. I have a trick that can destroy Zhuo County overnight." Shan Fu said after thinking for a while.

Hearing this, Liu Bei looked at Shan Fu with wide-eyed eyes, and said in his heart, military advisor, don't brag.We're too close, I'm afraid you'll blow the shit out of me and make me look like bullshit.

"Military division, what's your plan?" Liu Bei looked at Shan Fu and asked.

Shan Fu smiled slightly, and then asked Liu Bei, "King of Shu, do you still remember how Xuzhou fell into Li Chen's hands when Tao Qian let Xuzhou go?"

As soon as Shan Fu asked this, Liu Bei's little face immediately became ugly, and he almost burst into tears.The Xuzhou incident can be said to be the pain of Liu Bei's life.

Liu Bei said in his heart, I was a step late when there was a wealthy Xuzhou in front of me, and I regretted it until I remembered it later.If God gave me a chance, I, Liu Bei, would definitely come to Xuzhou as a spoiled brat.

When Cao Cao came to invade Xuzhou, Tao Qian wanted to lose Xuzhou and run away.Mi Zhu talked about it and persuaded Tao Qian to give up Xuzhou to Liu Bei.Who knew that Liu Bei was cut off by Li Chen when he was halfway there.

Back then Li Chen didn't have so many soldiers and horses in his hands, and he was able to win Xuzhou because he let his subordinate Guan Sheng pretend to be Guan Yu and trick Xuzhou from Tao Qian.

Liu Bei was very aggrieved when he heard Shan Fu mentioning this matter, and Guan Yu was aggrieved when he heard this matter.Guan Sheng pretended to be his name and lied to Xuzhou, how could this make Guan Yu not angry.

"Hmph, you bastard Guan Sheng, insult my wisdom, sooner or later he will take his head." Guan Yu snorted coldly.

"Military Master, don't be a fool, just speak up if you have anything to say." Liu Bei asked hastily.

Liu Bei finally understood that these capable military advisers like to play tricks, and they obviously have attention in their hearts, so they have to be guessed.It seems that if he doesn't let people guess, it doesn't show his superior IQ.

"King of Shu, Impoverished Dao means to repay the other with the same way. At the beginning, Guan Sheng under Li Chen's command pretended to be the second general to swindle Xuzhou City. Today we can also let the second general pretend to be Guan Sheng, and we can also swindle Zhuojun " said Shan Fu.

"A clever plan, a wonderful plan."

Upon hearing Shan Fu's plan, both Liu Bei and Zhang Fei praised it, but Guan Yu stood there silent.

Liu Bei knew the temper of his second brother.Obviously, Guan Yu didn't want to impersonate Guan Sheng.In Guan Yu's view, Guan Sheng is not as good as him. If he pretends to be Guan Sheng, doesn't that mean he has lost his identity?

Liu Bei knew that Shan Fu's strategy was good.If Guan Sheng can be allowed to pretend to be Guan Yu, then they can't say that they can take Zhuo County without abolishing a single soldier. Zhuo County is the seat of Zhuo County. .

Liu Bei is not a big brother for nothing, apart from other things, Liu Bei has absolutely nothing to say about his second and third younger brothers.

Liu Bei looked at Guan Yu, his eyelids drooped, his brows drooped, it looked like he was going to use a trick.Liu Bei's trick is to cry.

"Second brother, you and I met in Zhuo County in the past, and we were sworn brothers in Taoyuan in that Zhuo County."

"For so many years, the second brother and the third brother have been wronged by following the elder brother. You all have the courage to be undeserved, no matter where you are, you will be enshrined as a marquis and worshiping the prime minister. If you follow the elder brother, it will delay your future."

"Second brother, I thought about it. If Zhuo County can't be taken down, it will be a matter of time before we are defeated. It's better to disperse the soldiers and horses now, and the second and third brothers can go their separate ways and find a way out. As for the eldest brother, just Back to Zhongshan weaving mats and selling shoes can also have a meal."

The more Liu Bei talked, the more excited he became, and the tears in these two eyes fell down like "pat, clap".

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are not afraid of anything, but they are afraid that the eldest brother will cry.When Liu Bei cried, could Guan Yu not agree?His own reputation is a trivial matter, but his elder brother's future is a major matter.Liu Bei is the king of Shu now, can he go back to Zhongshan to weave mats and sell shoes?
"Brother, I agree." Guan Yu replied.

When Guan Yu agreed, Liu Bei burst into tears like running water, and when he said stop, he stopped immediately.

"Military division, tell me the specific plan." Liu Bei asked Shan Fu.

"Li Chen and Cao Cao have an agreement. Now almost all of Cao Cao's army rations are supplied by Li Chen. Cao Cao uses the iron mines in his own territory to exchange for Li Chen's rations."

"Pindao's plan is this. We first enter Xiaopei's territory from Yuan Shao's territory. Then we bypass Xiaopei. When we are about to reach Zhuo County, we will change to Li Chen's banner. Then the second general will pretend to be Guan Sheng and escort Grain and grass. Another 3000 people disguised as miners will be mixed in the convoy. We will put the grain and grass in front, and the people disguised as miners will be behind."

"Once Cao Jun sees the grain and grass, he will no longer doubt it. After they let the 3000 troops into the city, we suddenly seize the city and go to Zhuo County. Once we take this Zhuo County, it will not be difficult to take Zhuo County again. It is." Shan Fu said confidently.

"Military division, 3000 troops are a little short, can we take this Zhuo County?" Liu Bei asked.

"3000 troops are enough. Zhuo County is close to Xuzhou. Cao Cao is sure that no one will be willing to be a company with Li Chen, an evil neighbor. Now the troops stationed in Zhuo County have been transferred away, and even the General Jin has been transferred away. ,"

"Right now, there are only two or three big fish and small fish in Zhuo County. There are not many soldiers and horses in Zhuo County, and each county has to be stationed separately. Although Zhuo County is a government, the soldiers and horses are only five thousand. All the generals are brave enough to take over Zhuo County with three thousand troops." Shan Fu explained.

Since he decided to fight Zhuo County, Shan Fu naturally did his homework long ago.

(End of this chapter)

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