Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 299: A Fake Show Comes True, An Assassination.

Chapter 299: A Fake Show Comes True, An Assassination.

It is true that Liu Bowen arranged for a group of people to assassinate Li Chen, this group of people faked the assassination and really blamed him.However, what Liu Bowen didn't know was that another person wanted to assassinate Li Chen today.

The leader of this other group is Sun Ce, the eldest son of Sun Jian, King of Wu, and Sun Ce, the little overlord of Jiangdong.Sun Ce heard about the establishment of the Qin Army Navy, and wanted to sneak in to find out some news.However, due to the tight defense of the shipyard and the port, they came to Weishan County for more than ten days without finding any useful information.

I just heard that Li Chen participated in the navy parade today, and Sun Ce's retainer was named Xu Gong, who gave Sun Ce the idea to assassinate Li Chen.

Xu Gong told Sun Ce that Li Chen, king of Qin, was young and had no heirs yet.Once we assassinate Li Chen, there will be no one to inherit his vast territory, and it will be torn apart by then.Now that the Central Plains is fighting, once there is civil strife in Qin, our opportunity in Jiangdong will come.At that time, Li Chen's navy will be considered powerful, isn't it made for us?
Although Sun Ce Wuyong is brave, he is indeed very reckless.When Xu Gong said this, Sun Ce's heart was immediately moved by what he said.Therefore, Sun Ce did not ask his father for instructions, but started his plan to assassinate Li Chen on his own initiative.

Not long after, Li Chen came to the position where Sun Ce and others were located under the escort of a group of black armored cavalry.Li Chen and Liu Bowen are at the innermost, and Liu Bowen is half a horse's head behind Li Chen.On the left of the two are guards Zhao Yun and Cheng Yaojin, and on the right are guards Pei Yuanqing and Yuwen Chengdu.

"Let's shoot the arrow after ten steps forward." Sun Ce whispered to the disciples around him.




"Let go." Following Sun Ce's loud shout, more than a dozen people on the left and right sides of Li Chen exploded and clasped their hand crossbows, and countless arrows shot towards Li Chen.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Sun Ce shot arrows first on this side, and then the disciples hiding in the crowd on the other side shot arrows after seeing Sun Ce shooting arrows.Therefore, the arrows on Sun Ce's side arrived first, and then the arrows on the other side arrived.

Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing happened to be on the side facing Sun Ce, and the arrows on this side arrived first.Yu Wencheng picked up the arrow with gilded phoenix wings in his hand, and immediately realized something was wrong.

"Tink, tink, tink."

Yu Wencheng picked up an arrow, and the arrow collided with his boring blade, making the sound of gold and iron.Yu Wencheng suddenly felt bad. It stands to reason that the arranged arrow is made of wax, so it is impossible to make such a sound.

"Be careful, the arrow is real." Yu Wencheng didn't care about so much anymore, and immediately yelled to remind Zhao Yun and others.

Upon hearing the words, Zhao Yun, Pei Yuanqing and the others broke out in a cold sweat.This is someone who wants to do a fake show for real, and really wants to assassinate King Qin.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

This group of people is determined to kill Li Chen. This round of arrows has just passed, and the second round is coming again.This second round is more intensive than the first round.

Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing are okay here, both of them are people with high martial arts skills, and they can block with ease.But Zhao Yun and Cheng Yaojin couldn't do it here. Zhao Yun's martial arts were not much different from Yuwen Chengdu and Pei Yuanqing, but Cheng Yaojin was much worse.

Let's put it this way, Pei Yuanqing and Yuwen Chengdu are two people defending Li Chen, while Zhao Yun and Cheng Yaojin are one and a half people.

"King Qin, be careful."

The arrows were shot fast and densely, Cheng Yaojin couldn't stop it, he dropped the ax in his hand, and flew towards Li Chen.

With a "plop", Li Chen was thrown off the horse by Cheng Yaojin, and fell heavily to the ground.Cheng Yaojin's body size is much bigger than Li Chen's, and his pounce completely crushed Li Chen under him.

"Whoops, whoops."

Cheng Yaojin let out a cry of pain, obviously Cheng Yaojin was hit by an arrow, as for how many arrows he hit, it's hard to say.

The fake assassination turned into a real assassination, if Cheng Yaojin hadn't rushed over to sacrifice his life for the Savior, I'm afraid that Li Chen would have been shot by several arrows by now.This sudden scene really blinded everyone.

The two rounds of arrow rain are complicated to say, but they actually happened in two or three breaths. At this time, the soldiers in charge of the guards also reacted.Immediately shouted: "Protect King Qin, catch the murderer."

Some of the soldiers in charge of guarding stood in front of Li Chen with flesh and blood to protect him, and the other part surrounded the murderers on both sides.

Here, Sun Ce saw that Li Chen was thrown off his horse by Cheng Yaojinfei. After he didn't know whether he was alive or dead, he immediately dropped the bow and crossbow in his hand, turned around and ran towards the periphery.

"Bite the gold, bite the gold." Li Chen shouted while supporting Cheng Yaojin who had been hit by several arrows.

"Ah! Ah! King Qin, my old Cheng is fine." Cheng Yaojin said in a weak tone, sweating profusely in pain.

Cheng Yaojin was hit by three arrows in the back and one arrow in the buttocks. Fortunately, he was wearing armor. After these arrows pierced through the armor, they didn't go deep into the flesh.Moreover, Old Cheng was rough-skinned and thick-skinned. Although he was injured, luckily it couldn't kill him.

I have to say that Cheng Yaojin Fei became the savior, which moved Li Chen very much.If Cheng Yaojin hadn't thrown himself off the horse, then these arrows would not have hit Cheng Yao's back, but his own front.

Cheng Yaojin was wearing armor, but he wasn't wearing any.If these arrows hit him, I'm afraid he should have reached Naihe Bridge by now.

Now the streets are full of civilians, and the assassin threw away the weapon in his hand and mixed with the crowd. This time is not easy to interrogate.Fortunately, the Qin army acted quickly, and immediately sent people to close the city gate after the assassination.Although the person who assassinated has not been found yet, he has become a turtle in the urn.

Weishan County, county government.

"Let the people of Jinyiwei check for me, even if they dig three feet into the ground, they have to find this group of people for me." Li Chen said angrily.

This is the closest Li Chen has come to dying since he came to this world.Good guy, it was originally a fake show of assassination, but before the fake show started, a real group came unexpectedly.

It was night, and the whole Weishan County was brightly lit.

With the cooperation of the soldiers, the men of Jinyiwei began to search street by street, and searched house by house.

The people in Weishan County love and support King Qin very much, so the people in the entire county are also very cooperative.It didn't take long to find a dozen or so suspicious people.

After Sun Ce's assassination was over, they scattered and fled.After all, there were more than twenty of them, and they were on both sides of the road, so the direction of escape must be different.Among the suspicious people who were arrested, some were indeed murderers.

"Take it back and check it for me. In an hour, pry their mouths open." Weishan County Jinyiwei Baihu said angrily.

The king of Qin was assassinated by thieves in Weishan County, which means that Weishan County is not clean, and the work of Jinyiwei in Weishan County has not been done well.This is not only slapping him in the face of Jinyiwei Baihu, but also the face of Jinyiwei as a whole.

At this time, there are only two ways for the Jinyiwei family in Weishan County to rectify their names, one is to find the murderer, and the other is to apologise.

(End of this chapter)

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