Chapter 31 Sanying vs. Yuwen Chengdu

"Take my elder brother Xuzhou and humiliate my three brothers."

"Huangkou boy, don't use your words to fight out of the city." Guan Yu got on his horse, and immediately shouted at the Xuzhou city with his sword.

"Marshal Dian, the last general invites you to fight." On the city wall, Yu Wencheng cupped his hands and asked for a fight.

Li Chen looked at Yuwen Chengdu, and his four-dimensional data had appeared in front of Li Chen.As a character drawn from the blind box, apart from his absolute loyalty, he can't hide everything from Li Chen.

[Tianbao General Yuwen Chengdu: Force 99, Intelligence 70, Commander 70, Politics 40. 】

When Li Chen saw Yuwen Chengdu in front of him, he was very confident that his martial power was absolutely superior to Guan Yu's.Lu Bu is the ceiling of military generals in this era, and his force value must be 100 points.Yuwen Chengdu's force value is 99 points, which is only slightly lower than Lu Bu's.Of course, Yuwen Chengdu is just a general, not a handsome talent.

Taking Lu Bu on the ceiling as a comparison, the three heroes fought against Lu Bu, which shows that Guan Yu's force is definitely not just a line behind Lu Bu.

If a military general with a force value between 90 and 95 is considered a first-class general, then a general with a score of 95 or more can be called a super first-class general.

Li Chen estimated that Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's combat effectiveness should be around 96 or 97 points. As for Liu Bei, he estimated that it would be good to reach [-] points.Only with roughly this combat power can it be possible to stage the scene of the three heroes fighting Lu Bu.

"Okay, since that's the case, let Liu Bei see the demeanor of my general Tianbao." Li Chen readily agreed to Yuwen Chengdu's challenge.

"Boom, boom, boom."

With the beating of war drums, the city gate of Xuzhou opened wide.

I saw a [-]-year-old burly man galloping from the city. Under his crotch was the Sailong five-spotted horse, on his palm was the phoenix-winged golden boring, wearing a golden armor, he was a mighty and extraordinary .

At this time, the red rabbit horse was still Lu Bu's mount.Although the BMW under Guan Yu's crotch is handsome, it is far inferior to Yuwen Chengdu's Sailong five-spotted horse.

The two faced each other, separated by a distance of more than ten feet.It is precisely because the Sailong five-spotted horse is so handsome that at first glance, Yuwen Chengdu is half a head taller than Guan Yu.

Guan Yu held the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his right hand, stroked his beard with his left hand, and narrowed his red phoenix eyes slightly: "The general will be known by name, and I, Guan Yu Saber, will not kill unknown people."

At this time, Guan Yu experienced the Battle of the Yellow Turban, and experienced the eighteenth princes begging for Dong.Ever since the battle of Warming Wine and Slaying Huaxiong, he has become a famous general in the world.Therefore, this arrogance naturally has some points.

However, facing Guan Yu, Yuwen Chengdu was not weak in the slightest. He held a phoenix wing and gilded it and responded coldly: "Yuwen Chengdu."

Guan Yu squinted his Danfeng eyes and squinted at Yuwen Chengdu, saying: "Yuwen Chengdu, I have never heard of it, he is just a nobody."

"Hmph, it's not bad to be an unknown soldier. Today, you just use your head, Guan Yu, to make your name known to the world." Yu Wencheng snorted coldly.

Not much to say, Yu Wencheng slapped the horse's back with phoenix wings in his hand, and the horse galloped towards Guan Yu.

Guan Yu didn't do what he thought, but lightly knocked on the horse's belly, and the precious steed under his crotch galloped towards Yu Wencheng.

"Boom, bang, bang."

After a while, the two fought.In the battle circle, you come and go, tossing and turning.I saw two figures, one green and one gold, passing by, and there was a fierce sound of gold and iron clanging in the battlefield.

Guan Yu's sword technique is somewhat similar to Cheng Yaojin's ax technique, but of course Guan Yu is much better than Cheng Yaojin.Guan Yu is the fiercest in the first three moves, while Cheng Yaojin only knows three moves.

The reason why Guan Yu can have so many instant kills of generals of the same level is precisely because he is the most powerful in the first three swords. Once you can resist his first three swords, you will find that Guan Yu is actually not that difficult to deal with.

Yuwen Chengdu's force value is still higher than Guan Yu's, so it is not difficult to block Guan Yu's first three strikes.After the three sabers, Guan Yu's saber momentum gradually weakened.When the two sides fought to their forties or fifties, Guan Yu was clearly at a disadvantage.

At this time, Guan Yu's sword was sluggish, and the horsepower under his crotch was far inferior to Yuwen Chengdu's Sailong Wuban horse.Battle generals on the battlefield, what they pay attention to is that one person borrows horsepower, and the horse borrows people's power.Now Guan Yu's manpower is not as good as Yuwen Chengdu, and his horsepower is also not as good as Yuwen Chengdu.In this way, there is only the power to parry, but no power to fight back.

"This golden-armored young general is so fierce. I'm afraid that the second brother will lose within thirty bouts." Outside the battle circle, Zhang Fei said anxiously.

As soon as Liu Bei heard that Guan Yu was going to be defeated, he was afraid that his plot against Xuzhou would fail and he would defeat Guan Yu, so he hurriedly said, "Third brother, hurry up and help second brother."


Zhang Fei got the order, and he slapped the horse's back with the Zhangba Snake Spear in his hand, and the black horse under his crotch galloped towards the battlefield to kill.

Before the three of Liu, Guan and Zhang became sworn brothers, Zhang Fei lived the most luxurious life.Therefore, among the three brothers, Zhang Fei's crotch belongs to this black-headed BMW, which can be regarded as a rare good horse in the world.

Zhang Fei is indeed worthy of the title of fierce Zhang Fei, he is indeed a fierce group when fighting.The black-tailed horse under his crotch has good horsepower, and this man borrowed horsepower, and the horse borrowed the power of others, to actually help Guan Yu suppress Yu Wencheng.

The two brothers Guan Yu and Zhang Fei worked together to suppress Yu Wencheng for a while, turning the situation on the battlefield.Now, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are attacking together, while Yu Wencheng is rushing to parry.

"These three brothers are so shameless that they bully the few with the more."

"Marshal, the last general invites you to fight." Li Siye cupped his hands and asked for the battle.

"Don't worry, Guan and Zhang can handle it." Li Chen rejected Li Siye's challenge.

When the Eighteenth Route princes were begging for Dong, there was such a thing as Hulao imprisoning Sanying and fighting Lu Bu.Li Chen felt that Yuwen Chengdu's combat power should be more than that.

You know, Yuwen Chengdu's record is also extremely dazzling.

Qin Qiong and Wang Bodang fought against Yuwen Chengdu, and Qin Qiong was defeated by Yuwen Chengdu.Wu Yunzhao could not survive twenty rounds under his command. Wu Yunzhao, Wu Tianxi, and Xiong Kuohai joined forces to fight Yuwen Chengdu, but they were still defeated by Yuwen Chengdu.

Looking at Yuwen Chengdu's record, he has only lost two games in his life.One is a battle with Li Yuanba. This is a hard power gap, and there is no suspense about losing.The other was lost to Pei Yuanqing, but this battle was fought after Yuwen Chengdu lost Wu Yunzhao, Wu Tianxi, and Xiong Kuohai in a row. It was tantamount to letting Pei Yuanqing take advantage of it.

As expected, Li Chen expected it well.Yu Wencheng was just a little uncomfortable with Zhang Fei who joined suddenly. After parrying for [-] rounds hastily, Yu Wencheng fought more and more smoothly, and there was a vague tendency to counterattack.

Seeing that the second and third younger brothers could not defeat the young general in golden armor, Liu Bei hurriedly said to the young general in white robe behind him, "Zilong, hurry to help."

"Promise." The young general in white robe responded, and dashed to the formation.

Seeing the young general in white robe and silver spear rushing into the battle circle, Li Chen naturally knew that this was the Changshan Zhao Zilong who could kill seven times out of hundreds of thousands of Cao troops.

If Sanying fights Yuwen Chengdu, Li Chen thinks Yuwen Chengdu can hold on.But if Liu Bei, the five scumbags among the three heroes, was replaced by Changshan Zhao Zilong, I'm afraid Lu Bu would not be able to stand up to him.

"Liu Daer doesn't talk about martial arts morality, heirs, Guan Sheng quickly go to the rescue." Li Chen hurriedly ordered.

"Promise." Li Siye and Guan Sheng rushed to rescue them.

"My lord, my old Cheng is also going to join in the fun." Seeing Li Siye Guan Sheng enter the battle, Cheng Yaojin was about to fight with a double ax in hand.

Cheng Yaojin is naturally much worse than these few people on the battlefield. Li Chen just wanted to stop Cheng Yaojin, but then thought that this guy has a lucky BUFF, which might have an unexpected effect, so he let him go.
This is today's Chapter 4—updated today—[-] recommendation votes are missing—almost a dozen people voted—we can add another chapter—recommended votes—I want to add Even--
(End of this chapter)

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