Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 312 Shan Fu advises Liu Bei.

Chapter 312 Shan Fu advises Liu Bei.

The first half of Liu Bei's life can be said to be a homeless one, without even a place to stay.Ever since Shan Fu was accepted as a military adviser in Beihai County, Liu Bei felt that his time had come.

First, Kong Rong took the initiative to give him Beihai County, and then Shan Fu helped him take this Zhuo County.Now, Liu Bei is also a man who owns two counties.This can be regarded as the time when Liu Bei was the most generous. Before that, let alone the land of the two counties, the time when Liu Bei occupied the largest territory was the time when he blocked Ping Yuan.

Liu Bei concluded that the reason why he was displaced in the first half of his life was precisely because he lacked a military advisor.It is precisely because of this that Liu Bei obeys Shan Fu's words, and he must first ask Shan Fu for his opinion when encountering problems.

In the past few days, Liu Bei's second younger brother Guan Yu and third younger brother Zhang Fei have encouraged Liu Bei to attack Xiaopei, but Liu Bei dared not make the decision on his own. He had to ask his military advisor Shan Fu for advice.

Liu Bei came to Shan Fu's mansion, and Shan Fu was reading in the pergola in the mansion.

"Shu King, please sit down." Shan Fu stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please, motioning for Liu Bei to sit down first.

After Liu Bei sat down, Shan Fu poured him a cup of tea.After the two drank together, Liu Bei was about to speak.

Liu Bei poured a cup of tea into his stomach, and just opened his mouth to speak, but the words had already reached his lips, but were abruptly interrupted by Shan Fu.

"King of Shu, how about a hand-to-hand conversation between you and me." Shan Fu said so.

When Liu Bei saw that Shan Fu wanted to play chess with him, although he was a little confused, he still agreed.

"Okay, I will play a game with the military division."

Liu Bei and Shan Fu are sitting opposite each other, Liu Bei is holding a white piece, while Shan Fu is holding a black piece.In this era, Go also means fighting on the battlefield.But anyone who knows how to form troops and is proficient in the art of war, there is no one who can't play Go.

Liu Bei thinks that his chess skills are quite good, but it is really the first time for him to play chess with Shan Fu.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

The two were very quiet, no one spoke, and the entire backyard was filled with the sound of chessboards.At first, the voices of the two were very fast, and they didn't seem to think much about it.

After about a stick of incense, Liu Bei's speed slowed down, and it became slower and slower.

At first, he only needed to think for three breaths to make a move, and gradually it became seven breaths, and finally he even had to think for twenty or thirty breaths before making a move.


"King of Shu, you have lost." Shan Fu fell heavily, and then said to Liu Bei with a smile.

Liu Bei was stunned. He never expected that he would go from victory to defeat, to complete failure, so quickly.

At first Liu Bei was on the winning side of the battle, but in just twenty or thirty moves, he went from winning to losing to losing.It can be said that he fell from heaven to hell in an instant.

"King of Shu, do you know how you lost?" Shan Fu asked calmly, as if he had won a master.

"How did you lose?" Liu Bei muttered to himself and looked towards the chessboard, only to see two big dragons, one black and one white, entangled with each other, but now the black dragon wins and the white dragon loses.

Liu Bei was looking at the whole chessboard carefully, and Liu Bei also wanted to know why he lost so quickly, so he looked at it very carefully.

As the saying goes, those who are obsessed with the authorities are clear to those who are on the sidelines. When Liu Bei was playing chess just now, he was the one in authority, so now he is a bystander.

Liu Bei disassembled and resolved moves one by one, resuming the game bit by bit, and soon, he found the reason why he lost to Shan Fu.


"Military Master, I understand." Liu Bei slapped his forehead and shouted.

"Oh, King Shu, you understand, then tell me, why did you lose?" Shan Fu said to Liu Bei.

"This one, this one, and this one."

"If this king lets you eat these pieces of this king, then you will not be defeated. It is precisely because this king has been protecting the board that you will lose faster." Liu Bei pointed to a few pieces on the chessboard and said.

After hearing Liu Bei's words, Shan Fu looked at Liu Bei with a childish look.

"Yes, I should be reluctant, this is the reason why the King of Shu was defeated."

"Be willing, be willing, and be willing to gain. When it's time to abandon the car to protect the handsome, it should be like this." Shan Fu said with a hint of meaning.

"Be willing!" Suddenly, Liu Bei seemed to understand the meaning of the military division.

At this time, Shan Fu asked, "King of Shu, I don't know what you are talking about today?"


"My lord sees that the weather is good today, and I happen to have nothing to do, so I just come to the military division to have a look."

"Nothing, nothing." Liu Bei said with a smile.

After the game of chess was over, Liu Bei understood what Shan Fu meant.He didn't even mention the purpose of coming here.

Liu Bei also understood that the military adviser was telling him that at this time, he should discard the small and choose the big.Personal honor and disgrace, Ganmei is all small.The four divisions are big, so to provoke Li Chen now is to abandon the big and take the small, which is unwise.

Liu Bei understood what Shan Fu meant, so he didn't mention a word about the soldiers entering Xiaopei.

Looking at this game of chess, Liu Bei understood even more in his heart that Shan Fu is a master.It can be said that Shan Fu used this set to make him understand the truth of giving up.You get what you give, you want everything, but you get nothing in the end.

Let's put it this way, now that the game of chess is played like this, it is entirely due to Shan Fu leading Liu Bei to play.Every son of Liu Beiluo is in Shan Fu's plan.

"The chess skill of the military master is probably unmatched by anyone in the world today." Liu Bei looked at the chessboard with a little aftertaste, and sighed.

"No! No! No!"

"The king of Shu has won the prize. When it comes to playing chess, there are as many people in the world who can beat me." Shan Fu said with a smile.

Shan Fu, whose real name is Xu Shu.They are talking about playing chess, but they are actually talking about planning the world.Shan Fu said that the number of people who can beat others in chess is among the five fingers, but in fact he is also talking about the number of people who can beat others in planning the world.

Who are these five-fingered single blessings talking about? Liu Bowen from Xuzhou counts as one, Guo Fengxiao from Cao Wei counts as one, and Zhou Gongjin from Soochow counts as one.There are two crouching dragons and phoenix chicks who have not yet become official, and they are also Shan Fu's good friends.

These five people are ashamed of Shan Fu, but in the whole world, apart from these five people, there is probably no one who is convincing him for the time being.

"The world is so big, there are only five people who can beat the military division, that's really not many."

"It's my king's good fortune to have the military advisor." Liu Bei sighed.

What is Liu Bei's greatest strength? His greatest strength is contentment.

After Liu Bei left Shan Fu's mansion, he happened to see his second and third brothers waiting outside.

"Brother, when will we send troops to Xiaopei?" Zhang Fei asked impatiently when he saw Liu Bei coming out.

"Send troops to Xiaopei, who said that we are going to send troops to Xiaopei."

"You two train your soldiers well, let's defeat Cao Cao first." Liu Bei said to his second and third brothers.

"Brother, sister-in-law."

Zhang Fei still wanted to speak, but Guan Yu tugged at him, motioning him to shut up.

(End of this chapter)

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