Chapter 314 Zhuge Liannu.

Zhou Yu heard that the two brothers Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang were coming, and quickly sent Lu Xun out of the camp to welcome the two brothers into the water village.Lu Xun welcomed the two Zhuge brothers into the stronghold, Zhou Yu had already been waiting in the big tent of the Chinese army for a long time.

Entering the big tent, Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu, and Zhou Yu looked at Zhuge Liang.The two looked at each other and stared at each other for a long time.

The two have already seen each other's extraordinaryness from each other's spirit.Zhou Yu thought to himself, this Zhuge Wolong seems to have some skills.

"Mr. Zhuge, please sit down, please sit down." Zhou Yu quickly motioned Zhuge Liang to sit down.

After the two sat down, they began to ask each other for advice on military tactics.The exchange between the two of them immediately shocked them.

Zhou Yu thought to himself, this Zhuge Kongming is amazing, his talents and learning are far better than mine, Zhou Gongjin.

Zhou Yu admired Zhuge Liang, and Zhuge Liang also admired Zhou Yu in his heart.Zhuge Liang also said in his heart that the governor of Soochow Wu is not simple, and the two of us will work together to break Qin.

As the saying goes, if you meet a bosom friend, you will drink less than a thousand cups, but if you don't speculate, you will spend more than half a sentence.Once Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu met, it was as if they met confidants.The two chatted from noon until dark, and Zhuge Jin was listening, almost dozing off.

Zhuge Jin looked outside, it was almost dark.Then Zhuge Jin said to Zhou Yu: "Commander, I still have to meet King Wu, why don't I have something to say, and we'll talk about it when we get back."

As soon as Zhuge Jin said this, Zhou Yu realized that it was already dark now.The soldiers who delivered the food came several times, and seeing Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang chatting enthusiastically, they didn't dare to interrupt them.

"You two, why don't you stay in my camp for one night?" Zhou Yu asked.

Upon hearing this, Zhuge Jin quickly waved his hands and said, "I can't stop, I can't stop."

Zhuge Jin thought to himself, what you said is not enough, if you stay here, you may not even think about leaving for three days.Seeing that the departure date was approaching, the King of Wu was still waiting in Moling, and he didn't dare to waste time.

Brother Zhuge got up and was about to say goodbye. Zhuge Liang took out an object from his bosom and said to Zhou Yu, "Commander, arrows are the best in water warfare. This is a chain crossbow designed by me, and I can send military craftsmen to make it."

It doesn't matter if Zhou Yu doesn't look at the drawing of the chain crossbow, once he sees the drawing.Zhou Yu thought to himself, this Zhuge Liang is a thousand times better than me.I, Zhou Gongjin, are nothing more than proficient in military law and strategy, but Zhuge Liang knows astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom.Zhuge Liang also understands the study of Gewu.

This makes me, Zhou Gongjin, how can I compare. It is my great fortune to have such a talent as Soochow.

Zhuge Jin hurried back to return to Wu Wang Sun Jian, and took Zhuge Jin away from Zhou Yu's water village.As soon as Brother Zhuge left, Zhou Yu began to carefully examine the blueprint in his hand.

The more Zhou Yu looked at it, the more he felt the ingenious design of this bow and crossbow, and the more he looked at it, the more shocked he was.With the crossbow designed by Zhuge Liang, he can shoot ten arrows in a row, and there is no need to draw a bow and set an arrow in the middle, just need to pull the trigger continuously.

"Bo Yan, Boyan." Zhou Yu called out to the big tent.

Lu Xun sent Zhuge brothers out of the water village, and just came back when he heard Zhou Yu calling his name, so he hurried into the camp.

"Captain, what are your orders?" Lu Xun asked Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu handed the crossbow map in his hand to Lu Xun, and said: "Go and tell the military craftsmen in the camp to build this crossbow day and night."

Lu Xun knotted Zhou Yu's hand and took the crossbow picture, and he saw that this crossbow was really extraordinary.

"Captain, this crossbow is very ingenious, what is its name?" Lu Xun asked Zhou Yu.

Lu Xun asked Zhou Yu what the name of the crossbow was, but Zhou Yu didn't know either.When Zhuge Liang sent him the crossbow diagram just now, Zhou Yu patronized and lamented the ingenious design of this crossbow.Before he had time to ask Zhuge Liang the name of the crossbow, Zhuge Jin took Zhuge Liang to leave.

Zhou Yu thought to himself, since Zhuge Liang didn't say what the name of the crossbow is, I might as well give it a name.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu said to Lu Xun: "This crossbow is a gift from Mr. Zhuge, how about calling it Zhuge Liannu?"

"Zhuge Liannu, Zhuge Liannu."

"The governor came up with a good name." Lu Xun agreed.

This Zhuge Liannu is actually not a good name. This crossbow is a Lianfa crossbow, so it is naturally called Liannu. Zhuge is Zhuge Liang's surname.From this point of view, can this Zhuge Liannu be considered a good name?Zhou Yu just said this casually, and Lu Xun gave Zhou Yu a little beard.

It can be seen from this that this is flattering the leaders, which is also a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation.

"Okay, Boyan, quickly let the craftsmen in our camp make this crossbow." Zhou Yu ordered one after another.

Water warfare is no different than land warfare, and there are countless ways to kill the enemy in land warfare.But in this water battle, there are few ways to kill the enemy.Bows and arrows can be said to be the most effective among them. In water warfare, bows and crossbows are the first.

Every time an ordinary bow and crossbow shoots an arrow, it has to be redrawn and nocked.But the Zhuge Liannu designed by Zhuge Liang can fire ten arrows in a row.In this way, it can be said that the long-range firepower of the Wu Jun Navy has been greatly enhanced.

Lu Xun got Zhou Yu's order and took the crossbow map to the craftsman camp.After a short time, they returned from the artisan camp one after another.

"Bo Yan, have you ordered the matter?" Seeing Lu Xun come back, Zhou Yu asked.

"Governor, I have already given orders, but..." Lu Xun seemed hesitant to speak.

Seeing Lu Xun's constipated face, Zhou Yu knew that he must have something to say.So he said to Lu Xun, "Bo Yan, if you have anything to say, just speak up."

Lu Xun looked at Zhou Yu, and then said: "Commander, the power of this Zhuge Liannu is quite good. However, the arrows it consumes are far better than our usual crossbows. The crossbows we have in stock cannot withstand such consumption. .”

There is nothing wrong with what they said one after another. Their original ordinary crossbow arrows can shoot one arrow with three breaths, but now they can shoot one arrow with one breath. The consumption of this crossbow arrow has directly increased several times. It has increased several times.

You know, this water battle is not as good as on land.The arrows can be recovered in land battles, but in water battles, the arrows can all be shot into the water.The arrows for the water battle are consumables, and one shot will lose one.

Zhou Yu actually thought of the question Lu Xun mentioned.But you can't say that because you are worried about the consumption of arrows, you don't use powerful weapons.

"Continue to search for craftsmen, and work hard day and night to build it."

"Now the war is the priority, and there are not enough military craftsmen, let the rear continue to find folk craftsmen for us." Zhou Yu instructed Lu Xun.

(End of this chapter)

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