Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 318 Zhuge Liang nearly died.

Chapter 318 Zhuge Liang nearly died.

Zhuge Liang's thirty grass boats were shot by the Qin army, and the side facing the Qin army was already shot.The ship was a little sunk, crooked as if it was about to fall over.

Zhou Yu thought to himself, there might be more than [-] arrows on board at this time.Zhou Yu thought, come on, these [-] arrows are in hand, we should go.

Zhuge Liangshui, let's turn the boat around instead of leaving.Let Qin Jun shoot us the other side as well.

At this time, it was not only Zhou Yu who admired Zhuge Liang from the bottom of his heart.Even Gan Ning admired Zhuge Liang from the bottom of his heart. Gan Ning thought to himself, this Mr. Zhuge is really tall, higher than the clouds in the sky.

Hundreds of thousands of arrows were shot at these thirty grass boats, and there were three thousand arrows on this boat.The scarecrows on the bow and stern of this boat are densely packed with arrows.

The Qin army only shot one side, so the ship was a bit heavy.The boatman staggered and turned the boat around, trying to expose the other side one by one, so that Qin Jun could shoot arrows at this side as well.

The thirty straw boats had just turned around, and in an instant, the arrows from Qin Jun's side came again.At this time, all the people hid in the cabin, and did not realize that it was a rocket that was fired this time.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

There was a sound of arrows passing through the air, and a smug smile appeared on Zhuge Liang's face.Zhuge Liang thought to himself, this time I can at least deceive you with 20 arrows from the Qin army.

However, the next moment Zhuge Liang's face suddenly changed.Because, it was suddenly ablaze outside, and a heat wave hit.

"Rocket, rocket."

"The Qin army used rockets, it's on fire, run away." The boatmen shouted in confusion, and there was a sudden chaos on the thirty straw boats.

The rockets shot by Qin Jun this time were all loaded with tung oil, which was used to attract fire.When the rocket hit the grass man on Zhuge Liang's boat, it was like dry wood meeting a raging fire.In an instant, the fire blazed up immediately.

"Rocket, how could it be a rocket?"

"Could it be that someone from the Qin army has seen through my strategy." Zhuge Liang was already stupid at this time, and muttered to himself.

In this kind of foggy weather, it is very unreasonable to use rockets to attack the enemy.Because the rocket has tung oil and fire primer, this kind of rocket with increased weight has been greatly weakened in terms of range and power.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this time, the fire had already burned to the cabin, and the surrounding boats were constantly coming, and there was the sound of "plop, plop" diving.

Now those arrows have become a heavy burden. With those arrows, the boat can't run fast at all, let alone the fire is still burning on the boat at this time.At this time, there is no other choice but to escape by diving.

"Mr. Zhuge, don't think so much at this time, just dive into the water and escape." Zhou Yu shouted to Zhuge Liang, and then quickly plunged into the river.


When Zhou Yu jumped, Gan Ning immediately followed suit.At this time, there were boatmen jumping into the water all over the meeting, just like dumpling.

Zhou Yu is from Jiangdong, and grew up on the river since he was a child.His water skills are not bad, let alone Gan Ning, he is known as a dragon in the water.

Gan Ning quickly swam to Zhou Yu's side, fearing that something might happen to their great governor.

After Zhou Yu saw Gan Ning, he hurriedly looked around. Who was Zhou Yu looking for? He was looking for Zhuge Liang.

At this moment, everyone else jumped off the boat, but Zhuge Liang was still on board.Why doesn't Zhuge Liang dance?Because this Zhuge Liang can't water.Of course, it would be nonsense to say that you can't at all, he can drink.

Zhou Yu looked around for a long time, but couldn't find Mr. Zhuge, so he hurriedly rowed to the boat again.At this time, the whole ship was already on fire, and Zhuge Liang was trapped in the cabin by the fire because of hesitation.

"Mr. Zhuge, jump quickly, jump quickly." Zhou Yu shouted anxiously.

"I can't swim, I can't swim!" Zhuge Liang shouted in the cabin.

"Mr. Zhuge, jump quickly, we will follow you. If you don't jump, the fire will kill you." Gan Ning also shouted quickly.

At this time, if you don't jump, you will definitely be burned to death, and you may be drowned before you jump.Thinking of this, Zhuge Liang also went all out, and rushed out of the cabin with his head covered.The fire immediately set his clothes, hair, and beard ablaze.Zhuge Liang jumped into the river like a fireball.


"Google! Gumble!"

Zhuge Liang didn't know how to swim, so when he jumped into the river, he immediately sank into the river.His sinking was both a blessing and a curse.It is a blessing because he just drowned the fire on his body when he sank into the river.It's a disaster, because there is too much water in the river, and Zhuge Liang can't hold it in his stomach.

Zhuge Liang jumped into the river, Zhou Yu and Gan Ning rushed to fish.If the fishing is slow, it may not be possible to fish.

Thanks to Zhou Yu and Gan Ning's good water skills, they didn't have much time to pull Zhuge Liang's arm and drag him up from the river.

After finding Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu and Gan Ning dragged him from left to right and rowed towards their water village.This place is not close to their water village, Zhou Yu and Gan Ning paddled for half an hour before taking Zhuge Liang ashore.

"Great Governor!"

"What's going on with you?" Lu Xun asked with a confused expression when he saw the distressed appearance of the three of them.

Lu Xun thought to himself, didn't the three of you borrow arrows?Why does it feel like it's not borrowing something, it's being robbed halfway.

"I fell into the trick of the Qin army." Gan Ning replied.

"A trick?" Lu Xun looked puzzled.

Lu Xun thought to himself, didn't Mr. Zhuge go to trick the Qin army?What's the matter, this is pretending not to be approved but to be grassed.

"Hey, it's hard to say."

"Let the military doctor come over and treat Mr. Zhuge." Zhou Yu hurriedly ordered.

Zhuge Liang was already unconscious when he was picked up by Zhou Yu and Gan Ning, now he has less air intake and more air output, it is still unclear whether he is dead or alive.

Lu Xun looked at Zhou Yu and Gan Ning. Their clothes were only wet, and they looked a little embarrassed.But Zhuge Liang's current appearance can be called a miserable word.

Clothes all over her body were burnt in pieces here and there, and pieces of her hair, beard, and eyebrows were also burned missing pieces.His whole body was smoky black, not to mention his appearance.

After Zhou Yu ordered, the military doctor rushed to rescue Zhuge Liang.Fortunately, Zhou Yu and Gan Ning rescued him in time, otherwise Zhuge Liang would have choked to death in the river.

Even so, Zhuge Liang fell into a coma, the burns on his body were stimulated by the cold river water, and his whole body had a high fever.

Zhuge Liang borrowed arrows from this wave of grass boats, but he almost took his own life in it, not to mention the lack of arrows.

(End of this chapter)

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