Chapter 325 King Wu dies.

"Master Hua, how can this blood be exchanged? Please tell me the truth." Mrs. Sun's hand holding the crutch trembled, and then she asked Hua Tuo.

Hua Tuo is a rare famous doctor in the world, so naturally he will not be outspoken. Since he said that there is a way to exchange blood, he naturally has it.

After Hua Tuo pondered for a while, he said, "First move a bed, which is slightly higher than King Wu's bed by three inches. In addition, prepare two thin reeds, and prepare some cow intestines and silk thread."

What Hua Tuo wanted was really puzzling.Among the people here, I have never seen a doctor asking for these things.This is not like seeing a doctor, but more like a practice.

But at this time, Hua Tuo could only prepare something for Hua Tuo if he wanted anything.

Before long, all these things were ready.Hua Tuo first cleaned up the reeds and cow intestines, and then tied the reeds and cow intestines tightly with silk threads.Boil it in spirits, sanitize it, and drain it dry.

After all the preparations were done, Hua Tuo brought a copper basin and placed it next to Sun Jian's hand.Then he put the silver knife in his hand on the fire and roasted it, and cut Sun Jian's wrist open.

As soon as Sun Jian's wrist was swiped, the blood seemed to find a vent, and "tick, tick" flowed out and dripped into the basin.

Hua Tuo bled Sun Jian, but after a long time, the small copper basin was half full.Due to the loss of blood in his body, Sun Jian's face became paler and paler.However, the dim black light in his face also seemed to gradually dissipate with the flow of blood.

After giving Sun Jian half a basin of blood, Hua Tuo stopped and helped Sun Jian bandage the wound to stop the loss of blood.Although the bloodletting was effective, it couldn't go on forever, otherwise Sun Jian's life would be gone.

After bandaging Sun Jian's wound, Hua Tuo said to Sun Ce, "My lord, please sleep on this bed."

With the old lady of the Sun family watching here, how dare Sun Ce play such a petty temper? As soon as Hua Tuo finished speaking, Sun Ce obediently lay down on this bed.

After Sun Ce lay down on the bed, Hua Tuo cut open Sun Ce's wrist with a silver knife in his hand, and then inserted the tiny reed tip into Sun Ce's blood vessel.

After a while, Sun Ce's blood passed through the reed and flowed into the cow's intestines.Immediately afterwards, Hua Tuo inserted the reed from the other end of the cow's intestine into the blood vessel in Sun Jian's wrist.

The bed that Sun Ce slept on was high, and the bed that Sun Jian slept on was short. In this way, a state similar to that of an IV drip was formed between the two.Sun Ce's blood flowed into Sun Jian's body through the cow's intestines.

After about a stick of incense, as Sun Ce's blood flowed into his father Sun Jian's body, Sun Jian's complexion really improved a lot.Hua Tuo saw that the blood was almost replenished, so he pulled out the intestines of the blood transfused between the two.

"Go, prepare a bowl of ginseng soup for King Wu." After the blood transfusion, Hua Tuo ordered the attendant next to him.

Because Sun Jian's blood contains too much lead poisoning, lead is a heavy metal that will slow down his blood flow, which is also the reason why Sun Jian fell into a coma.Hua Tuo diluted the lead poison in Sun Jian's body through bloodletting and blood transfusion.

However, after so many days of delay, Sun Jian's internal organs have been eroded by lead poison, and his body functions have become extremely weak.At this time, feed him a bowl of ginseng soup, which stimulates Sun Jian's body with a great tonic, so that he can return to the point of returning to life.

Not long after, the attendant walked into the bedroom with a bowl of ginseng soup. Hua Tuo took the ginseng soup and was just about to feed Wu Wang Sun Jian with medicine.

At this time, I only heard Sun Ce say: "Doctor Hua, let me come."

Sun Ce took the bowl of medicinal soup from Hua Tuo, then sat beside his father Sun Jian and said, "Father, drink the medicine."

While talking, Sun Ce fed his father medicine with trembling hands.Sun Ce understood that this was the last time he would feed his father medicine, and this bowl of ginseng soup would be Sun Jian's last time.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

After feeding this bowl of ginseng soup, Sun Jian, who had not moved for several days, coughed unexpectedly.Looking at it, it seems that there are signs of waking up.

Lu Su, Zhang Zhao and others at the side thought to themselves, this Hua Tuo really deserves to be called a rare miracle doctor in the world, and such methods are indeed like the methods of gods.

"Cer, father, is this dreaming?" Sun Jian woke up slowly.

At this time, Mrs. Sun came up.As soon as Sun Jian saw his mother, he hurriedly called out, "Mother, you are here too."

"Jian'er, it's Hua Tuo's genius doctor who helped you snatch some time back from Lord Yan. You don't have much time. If you have anything to say, please explain it quickly." Mrs. Sun's tone was flat, but amidst the plainness, there was There is endless sadness.

After hearing what he said so far, Sun Jian still didn't understand what was going on, and he could clearly feel that his life was passing by rapidly.

Since ancient times, no one has died in life, and Sun Jian felt that if he died like this, he would have no regrets.His life has had highs and lows.Just talking about the position of King Wu is enough for him to have no regrets in this life.

"Zibu, Zijing, come here." Sun Jian first called Zhang Zhao and Lu Su.

Sun Jian's name was Lu Su and Zhang Zhao. This is to explain the funeral. After his death, the position of King Wu must be succeeded by someone.Although it is said that Sun Ce will inherit this position, this is recognized by most people.However, it is two different things to have Sun Jian's edict before his death and not to have this edict.

Sun Jian ordered Lu Su and Zhang Zhao to help him draft the imperial edict, which also meant that it was a certainty that Sun Ce would inherit the throne of King Wu.

"Ce'er, come here." Sun Ce called Sun Ce to the bed after giving instructions.

"Father!" At this moment, Sun Ce couldn't bear it any longer, and began to cry bitterly by the bed.

"Cough cough!"

"Big man, why are you crying? From today on, you are the king of our Soochow. You are the pillar of our Soochow. No matter what, you can't fall down."

"My son, you can cry in front of your father's bed, but you have to wipe away your tears when you leave this bedroom. Everyone in Soochow is looking at you and counting on you. You have to Be strong." Sun Jian said to his son Sun Ce, his tone was extremely weak.

"Father, I know, I know."

"I don't cry, I don't cry." Sun Ce wiped his tears while speaking, but the more he wiped, the tears grew more.

"Son, after Dad leaves, you must remember one sentence."

"Ask Zhou Yu if you are undecided about foreign affairs, and ask Zhang Zhao if you are undecided about internal affairs. Jiangdong, I will leave it to you." After these words, Wu Wang Sun Jian lost his breath.

"Father," Sun Ce cried bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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