Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 327 Give Zhou Yu a Gift

Chapter 327 Give Zhou Yu a Gift
After hearing what Li Chen said, all the people present were shocked.What shocked everyone was that Cheng Yaojin's luck was really good, and Sun Jian's luck was really bad.

"In this way, I made a great contribution by biting the gold that day. It is my fault that I punished him so severely." Zheng Chenggong said to the crowd.

Zheng Chenggong has always been rewarded for his meritorious deeds and punished for his demerits in governing the army.In this way, it was not a big mistake to bombard Wu Jun's camp that day, on the contrary, it was a great achievement.

Cheng Yaojin made a great contribution, but Zheng Chenggong beat him with a hundred army sticks. Therefore, Zheng Chenggong said that he was wrong.

"Hey, how can the governor say that."

"This boy Yaojin doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth, so he should be cured of his bad habit of being undisciplined. Punish him so that he can have a long memory." Liu Bowen smoothed things over from the sidelines.

"The military adviser is right, this kid who bites gold is also out of luck." Li Chen said from the side.

"Whether luck or not, Yaojin has made a great contribution. This is my fault, and I should apologize to Yaojin," Zheng Chenggong said.

Having said that, Liu Bowen changed the subject, and asked Li Chen, "I don't know why Sun Jian, the King of Wu, died?"

When Liu Bowen asked such a question, Li Chen thought about it for a moment, and then replied: "It should be the most recent thing."

Liu Bowen thought for a moment, and then said to everyone: "I have a plan, which can divide the Wu army."

As soon as Liu Bowen pointed at the words, Li Chen's heart suddenly became interested, and he hurriedly asked: "Military teacher, what's the plan?"

"May I ask King Qin, did we receive the news of Wu Wang Sun Jian's death first, or did the Wu army battalion receive it first?" Liu Bowen asked Li Chen.

Li Chen reckoned that Sun Jian's side should have just died, and he received a system notification that the task was completed.Then if Wu Jun wants to receive the news, he must wait for the mourner to come from Moling, the capital of Wu.Among them, it must take time.

"Military Master, I'm sure, we must have received the news first." Li Chen said to Xu Maogong.

"King Qin, why don't we go ahead and send white flags, white sails, filial piety clothes, and filial hats to the Wu army on the opposite side first. In this way, after they receive the news, they will definitely have doubts in their hearts. How did we know about King Wu before they did?" The news of Sun Jian's death."

"At that time, Zhou Yu will definitely suspect that there are our spies inside Soochow. They can't trust the front and the rear, and they must have concerns when fighting." Liu Bowen said to Li Chen.

"Military masters have good strategies. Now that Sun Jian, the king of Wu, is newly mourned, if he is letting the enemy's internal business, the morale must be extremely low." Zheng Chenggong also echoed.

"Okay, since that's the case, then act according to the strategist's plan." Li Chen replied.

After paying attention, Li Chen got busy on his side, and began to prepare white sails, white flags, filial piety clothes, and filial hats for Wu Jun on the opposite side.

Fankou, Wu Jun Water Village.

A fast boat of the Qin Army stopped in front of the water village of Soochow, and the leader on board was a small school of the Qin Army.

"Hey, Wu Jun above, this is a gift from our King Qin to your Governor Zhou Yu, please send someone to pick it up." Standing on the boat, the small captain shouted towards the water village.

The soldiers of the Wu army at the top of the water village were a little confused, so they thought to themselves, why did the king of Qin give gifts to the governor?They didn't dare to accept this thing, and they didn't dare to refuse it, so they hurriedly sent someone to report it to the governor.

At this time, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang were studying the tactics. After hearing the report from the soldiers, Zhou Yu planned to go to the water village to see what happened.

"Gong Jin, can you help me go together?" Zhuge Liang asked Zhou Yu.

Zhuge Liang's body is much better than the previous few days, and he can slowly walk on the ground.But the distance from the tent to the water village is not close, Zhuge Liang had to rely on Zhou Yu to support him if he wanted to go there.

"Okay." Zhou Yu nodded in response.

Zhou Yu supported Zhuge Liang, a pair of good friends, and went to the water village together.Zhou Yu helped Zhuge Liang to walk unhappily, and it took about a stick of incense before he reached the water village.

"The governor is the Qin army below. They said that there is a gift from the king of Qin for you." The soldier on the water village said, pointing to the fast boat below.

Zhou Yu looked down, and there was only one fast boat under the water village, and the view on the river was excellent, so there was no possibility of any ambush.

"Kaishui village, send a fast boat out and bring the things in." Zhou Yu ordered to the soldiers under him.

Not long after, the gate of Wu Jun's water village opened, and a small boat sailed out from it.Here, Qin Jun Xiaoxiao moved two boxes from the boat and sent them to Wu Jun's boat.

Above the water village, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang looked at the two boxes, and couldn't help muttering in their hearts.I was also a little curious in my heart, what kind of things did the King of Qin give.

"You two, open it and see what's inside?" Zhou Yu ordered to his two soldiers.

The battle was imminent, and Zhou Yu was also wary of any hidden arrows, poisonous smoke or something in the two boxes that Li Chen sent.Therefore, he did not open the box himself, but ordered two of his soldiers to open it.

Hearing Zhou Yu's order, the two soldiers of Wu Jun thought to themselves, what a fucking disaster.

The battle is imminent, and anyone who will open the things sent by the enemy will have to worry about it.But as the saying goes, the first rank of officials crushes people to death, Zhou Yu is the governor of Soochow, Zhou Yu asked them to open the box, how dare they disobey.

With apprehensive hearts, the two soldiers pried open the box with the knives in their hands, then stretched their heads over, carefully checking what was inside.

Seeing the contents inside, the hearts of the two soldiers also went into their stomachs.There are no hidden arrows or poisonous smoke in this box, but something like white cloth.

"Report to the governor, there is a white cloth in the box." The soldier reported.

Hearing that it was white cloth inside, Zhou Yu felt relieved.He came to the box, took out the contents and checked them one by one, and found that there were indeed some white flags, white sails, white filial piety clothes, and white filial piety hats.

The more Zhou Yu looked at these things, the more angry he became, and he ruthlessly threw the white filial piety robe in his hand to the ground.

"This King Qin is cursing our King Wu." Zhou Yu said angrily.

"No, King Wu has been injured for several days. If you want to send these things, wouldn't it be better to send them when King Wu is in our camp."

"Why did you choose this time to send it?" Zhuge Liang's eyes flashed coldly, and an ominous thought rose in his heart.

At this time, Zhou Yu seemed to understand something.He helped Zhuge Liang aside, and carried the soldiers guarding the water village on his back.Then he asked Zhuge Liang cautiously: "Brother Kong Ming is saying that the king of Wu has more bad luck than good luck."

"Gongjin, it's more than that!"

"It's frightening to think about this matter carefully!" Zhuge Liang said with a solemn expression.

(End of this chapter)

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