Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 329 Zhuge Liang wants to borrow the east wind.

Chapter 329 Zhuge Liang wants to borrow the east wind.

Fankou, the water village of the Wu army, and the big tent of the Chinese army.

Zhou Yu sent someone to invite Zhuge Liang to discuss important military affairs. Now Zhou Yu's mind is in a mess, and he can't think of any good ideas, so now he needs to discuss everything with Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang's body was still not recovering, so Lu Su helped Zhuge Liang to come forward, after Lu Su and Zhuge Liang were seated.

Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang, "Mr. Kong Ming, do you think we should keep the news of King Wu's death secret?"

The death of Sun Jian, the king of Wu, before the battle started, the king of his own family died first, so the morale of the Wu army must have been low. If this is the case, let these soldiers know these things at all.

Moreover, during the march and battle, if important people were killed in battle, they were basically kept secret.

When Zhuge Liang heard Zhou Yu's words, he thought to himself, Gong Jin, you are really too sad and confused.

In military law, it is said that the death of a general is kept secret.But on the one hand, it is true to hide the soldiers at the bottom, but more importantly, it is to hide the enemy.

Now, Qin Jun on the opposite side has already known the news of King Wu's funeral before us, so it doesn't make much sense to keep it secret.

Zhuge Liang looked at Zhou Yu, and said to him: "Gong Jin, since the Qin army already knows the news, those who keep it secret will be harmed. If the news leaks out in the middle of the battle, the morale will be so low." Sudden depression, the consequences are unimaginable."

"As the saying goes, the mourning soldier will win. If you make a mistake, it is better to hang white flags and white sails in the camp, and let the soldiers wear white clothes and white armor. In this way, the soldiers can hold their breath in their hearts, but it can boost the morale of the army."

As soon as Zhuge Liang said these words, Zhou Yu immediately felt that they made sense.They have internal support in the army now, if they hide the news and are used by this internal support, it will be a moth.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yu couldn't help feeling that Mr. Kong Ming was far superior to me.

"Not bad."

"Mr. Kong Ming's words are justified." Zhou Yu replied.

After Zhou Yu agreed, he quickly ordered to Lu Su: "Zi Jing, please prepare the white cloth and white paint within three days."

What Zhou Yu wanted for this white cloth was to replace all the banners in the camp with white, and to hang white sails in the camp.As for the white paint, it was used to dye the armor white.

"Don't worry, the governor, everything will be ready within three days." Lu Su said to Zhou Yu.

At this time, Zhuge Liang spoke again, and he asked Zhou Yu: "Governor, as the saying goes, the mourning army will win. The soldiers hold a sigh of relief. At that time, the soldiers will have the heart to die, and there will be no year of greed. Let us The morale will definitely be boosted, but we have to fight fast, otherwise it will take a long time, and once this momentum is vented, our preparations will be in vain."

"I don't know, but the governor has another good strategy to defeat the enemy?"

Zhuge Liang asked Zhou Yu if the governor had a good strategy to defeat the enemy?Zhou Yu made up his mind and said to Zhuge Liang: "I have a plan for this, but I don't know if it is a good plan."

"With Mr. Kong Ming here, I won't show my ugliness. Please, sir, come up with a plan."

Zhou Yu was very confused at first. Although he had the idea of ​​defeating the enemy in his heart, he didn't have much confidence in himself.Zhou Yu simply didn't want to say it anymore, he wanted Zhuge Liang to come up with a plan.

Seeing Zhou Yu's tangled appearance, who has seen the famous Zhou Gongjin's appearance, Zhuge Liang felt a little happy.

"Hey, Commander-in-Chief, where are these words?"

"The way I see it, the two of us each write our attention in the palm of our hand, how about we show it together?" Zhuge Liang said to Zhou Yu.

Don't tell me, Zhuge Liang is very good at adjusting the atmosphere, Zhou Yu will be upset, Zhuge Liang thought of this method, and Zhou Yu relaxed a lot.I think Zhuge Liang's method is quite interesting.

"Alright then." Zhou Yu replied.

Zhuge Liang told Zhou Yu that the two each wrote their strategies in their palms.So the two picked up pens, and each of them wrote down their own strategies in their palms.After the two finished writing, they put down the pen in their hands.

After the two wrote the handwriting in their palms, they showed their palms almost at the same time.The two couldn't help but looked at each other and smiled when they saw the words in their respective hands.

Standing next to Lu Su, he first looked at the writing in Zhou Yu's hand, Zhou Yu wrote a character of fire.Then he looked at the writing in Zhuge Liang's hand again, Zhuge Liang also wrote a fire character.

"Governor, Mr. Kong Ming, you really are heroes who see the same thing." Lu Su said from the side.

"Mr. Kong Ming, if you want to defeat the Qin army, you need to attack with fire. However, there is still one key thing missing." Zhou Yu said to Zhuge Liang.

"Governor, what else is missing?" Lu Su asked.

Before Zhou Yu could answer, Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, shook his feather fan and said, "Dongfeng."

As soon as Zhuge Liang said, it still owes the east wind.Lu Su immediately understood that in this season, the wind blowing on the river is from the northwest.You just use the clippers, filled with sulfur, tung oil and other fire starters.If there is no wind to help the fire, and the fire relies on the wind, then the fire will hardly hurt the Qin army's ships.

Now, if the fire can threaten the Qin army, it must have the east wind, and the east wind is not enough.According to modern standards, it must be at least five or six levels of Dongfeng.

When Zhou Yu said that he wanted the east wind, Lu Su thought to himself, the wind and the rain are celestial phenomena.This is God's business, and we don't have the ability to discuss it with God, the governor. This Dongfeng is not what we want whenever we want.

However, at this moment, Zhuge Liang shook his feather fan and said, "Governor, leave the east wind to me, Zhuge Liang. From today onwards, you will count to the seventh day. On the seventh night, I will borrow a night for the Great Governor." Dongfeng."

As soon as Zhuge Liang said this, Zhou Yu and Lu Su were both dumbfounded.The two thought, good guy, Mr. Kong Ming is really powerful, maybe he can still discuss with God.

"Mr. Kong Ming, are you joking?" To be honest, Lu Su didn't believe what Zhuge Liang said.

The main reason is that the wind, rain, and thunder are all changes in the sky. Lu Su has heard of this through other things, but this is the first time he has heard of it through the east wind.The point is, this thing borrowed the wind from God, what do you have to pay it back?
"Hey, don't worry Zijing, I said that if you can borrow the east wind on the seventh night, the east wind will come."

"I also ask the governor to build a seven-star platform by the river, and then prepare three animals and six animals, incense and paper money, and ninety-nine 81 virgin boys." Zhuge Liang said to Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu and Lu Su listened to the things Zhuge Liang asked for, and thought to themselves, this Mr. Kong Ming is really a strange person, and he would even borrow wind and rain for affection.

(End of this chapter)

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