Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 33 Blessed General Cheng Yaojin

Chapter 33 Blessed General Cheng Yaojin

Hearing Li Chen's order, the sound of gears turning "creak, creak" sounded on the city wall.The gate of Xuzhou City opened, and the suspension bridge on the moat slowly fell.

I saw a thousand horses galloping under the Xuanjia army's crotch, followed by the Mo Dao soldiers and infantry armor who followed closely behind the Xuanjia army.Behind these elite troops, there are more than ten thousand ordinary soldiers.

Li Chen is also ruthless, and he is Wang Zha when he makes a move.The three ace troops were dispatched together, and today let Liu Bei see the soldiers in Xuzhou City.

"Hurry up, save the lord, and evacuate quickly." Behind Liu Bei's army, Sun Qian, the military adviser, watched Li Chen's Yunlong army encircle him, and quickly commanded the army to rescue Liu, Guan and Zhang.

"Big Brother, Third Brother, quickly evacuate."

Suddenly, Zhao Yun and Guan Yu swung aside their opponents one after another and stood in front of Zhang Fei and Liu Bei.

Because the speed of the suspension bridge descending was not fast, Liu Bei's army arrived at the battlefield one step ahead of the Yunlong army.At this time, Guan Yu and Zhao Yun protected Liu Bei and Zhang Fei who fell from the horse.And Yuwen Chengdu, Guan Sheng and others have already killed the Quartet in Liu Bei's army.

"My lord, get on your horse quickly and evacuate first." At this time, Sun Qian had also brought a spare horse for Liu Bei, and signaled Liu Bei to get on his horse and retreat.

Liu Bei didn't hesitate at this time, he got on his horse and was about to flee. At this time, the suspension bridge on the moat had fallen, and more than a thousand Xuanjia troops had cut in from the flanks.

At this time, two elite infantry soldiers, Mo Dao Bing and Infantry A, were leading more than ten thousand ordinary soldiers to face the enemy head-on.More than a thousand Xuanjia troops relied on their flexibility to cut across from the flanks towards the rear row, and their targets were Liu Bei and others.

More than ten thousand Yunlong troops surrounded Liu Bei's army, and when the reinforcements arrived, the pressure on Yuwen Chengdu and others was instantly relieved.

"General Chengdu, that young general in white robe is really powerful, you go and deal with him." Li Siye shouted at Yuwen Chengdu.

Yuwen Chengdu had just fought with Liu Guanzhang and the three of them, and felt that these three were nothing more than that.Seeing Zhao Zilong with the white horse and silver spear, he couldn't help but feel the fighting spirit in his heart.

Yuwen Chengdu and Zhao Zilong looked at each other, and sparks shot out.Of course, this is not the spark of love, this is the spark of fighting spirit.

One person in gold armor and gold boring, the other in silver armor and silver gun, the two sides looked at each other, and immediately began a violent collision.It makes you defend and I attack, and you attack and I defend. For a while, the fight was sweating profusely, and the sound of shouting resounded throughout the battlefield.

"General Siye, go deal with this black-faced man, and I'll fight this red-faced family." Guan Sheng said to Li Siye, and rode his horse to kill Guan Yu.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei confronted Guan Sheng and Li Siye respectively, Guan Yu turned to Liu Bei and said, "Brother, go first, I will come later."

Liu Bei knew in his heart that under such a scuffle, he would not be of any important use.On the contrary, now only he is leaving, Guan Zhang and others can escape later.

On the battlefield, soldier against soldier, general against general.

Liu Bei, Sun Qian and others led hundreds of soldiers and retreated towards the north.The north is Cao Cao's territory, and now Li Chen has only more than 3 soldiers.Once the troops are divided to pursue, Xuzhou will inevitably be empty.Therefore, Liu Bei concluded that Li Chen would not dare to chase too deeply if he ran north.

Looking at Liu Bei who was fleeing in a hurry to the north, Cheng Yaojin's eyes rolled cunningly, and then he summoned three to five hundred Xuanjia troops to follow secretly.

Liu Bei and the others fled in a hurry. After fleeing for more than ten miles, when they saw the Xuanjia army blocking the road ahead, Liu Bei cried inwardly: "It's not good."

"Hey, that big-eared thief, your grandpa Cheng is here, and you have not dismounted to accept the surrender." Cheng Yaojin swung his big axe, pointing directly at Liu Bei.

At this time, Liu Bei had few soldiers and no generals, his heart sank involuntarily.He gritted his teeth suddenly, and shouted to the left and right: "Kill the general and go out, or you will die today."

At the same time, the two sides also officially collided.

Although Cheng Yaojin couldn't beat Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others, he was more than enough to beat Liu Bei.Like a demon king in chaos, he took the lead.The two axes danced like a whirlwind, and wherever they passed, any soldiers blocking them would be cut in two immediately.

Not long after, hundreds of Liu Bei's personal guards were slaughtered by the Xuanjia army, and only a few dozen escaped.

Jian Yong and Sun Gan waited for the opportunity to escape, but Liu Bei was forced to become a prisoner because Cheng Yaojin was staring at him.

So at the same time, the battlefield under Xuzhou City has also had results.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun gathered more than a thousand remnants and defeated generals, and chased in the direction Liu Bei left.

As the saying goes, don't chase after the poor, since Liu Bei's subordinates have been completely defeated, Li Chen did not lead Yuwen Chengdu and others to pursue him.

Under the city of Xuzhou, the Yunlong Army, which has won a great victory, is cleaning the battlefield.

"Hey, where's that idiot Cheng Yaojin?" Yu Wencheng looked around and asked.

Sure enough, everyone searched for a long time, but they couldn't find Cheng Yaojin. Just when Li Chen was worried, a junior officer said: "Just now General Cheng ordered hundreds of Xuanjia troops, and chased them in the direction where the big-eared thief was fleeing." past."

"I went after Liu Da Er, this guy is a lucky general, I wonder if I can catch Liu Bei?" Li Chen murmured in his heart.

Li Chen thought it would be good to catch Liu Bei, if Liu Bei was caught.He exchanged Liu Bei for Zhao Yun.

One is Lu, the other is Zhao, the third is Dianwei, and Zhao Yun is the second-ranked existence among the local generals of the Three Kingdoms.Just under the city, even in a short period of time, he had a match with Yuwen Chengdu.

For a prince like Li Chen, the desire for a famous general is the same as for a rich man in his previous life who had a mistress, and there is no need for too much.Therefore, Zhao Yun and Li Chen are very greedy.

The more Li Chen thought about it, the more feasible he felt.Now Zhao Yun and Liu Bei are obviously just a simple relationship between superiors and subordinates, and Zhao Yun also obeyed orders under Liu Bei under the orders of Gongsun Zan.

Gongsun Zan is Liu Bei's senior brother, and he doesn't care much about Zhao Yun.Li Chen felt that if he captured Liu Bei alive, he would have a good chance of getting Zhao Yun from Gongsun Zan.

"Marshal Dian, I caught a big one." Li Chen was thinking about it in his mind, when Cheng Yaojin's angry voice sounded in his ears.

Before Cheng Yaojin arrived, the voice arrived first.Following the sound, I saw that he was carrying a person in his hand, coming from the stairs of the city wall.

Seeing the person Cheng Yaojin was pressing down on, Li Chen couldn't help being overjoyed, he really wanted something, so he brought a pillow when he was sleepy.

"Hey, isn't this Liu Big Ear?" Li Chen mocked Liu Bei unceremoniously.

After capturing Liu Bei alive, Cheng Yaojin showed his big face. He raised his chin at Yuwen Chengdu, and said with a little pride: "Chengdu boy, do you think my old Cheng has made a great achievement today?"

Seeing Cheng Yaojin's proud look, Yu Wencheng couldn't help turning livid and muttering: "It's really fucking bad luck for you."

Yu Wencheng was so angry that he fought around the city for a long time, but he couldn't catch any of them alive.Who would have thought that Cheng Yaojin, who went out for a while, would actually capture Liu Bei, the eldest brother, back.
Today’s first update——more than 300 votes to add a new chapter——brothers——vote for me——
(End of this chapter)

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