Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 335 Countermeasures against cholera Soochow.

Chapter 335 Countermeasures against cholera Soochow.

Li Chenxin said, next time you put the Qingya flag on the bow, let me see the boat with the Qingya flag and let it go.Then the ship is loaded with dry wood, sulfur, and fire.I let you come over and let you burn me.

You old Huang Gai, you think beautifully.I'm afraid this is the last time you will come to my Qin camp. The next time you come, you will have to be bound to come in no matter what.

Of course, this was just what Li Chen thought in his heart, and he definitely couldn't say that.

Li Chen said to Huang Gai: "General Huang, let's make a deal and ask General Huang to bring people to surrender as soon as possible."

"Naturally, naturally." Huang Gai replied, but he was thinking in his heart, when I come to Qinying next time, I must cut off your head to avenge my family's King Wu.

"Yaojin, give me a gift of Old General Huang." Li Chen said to Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin sent Huang Gai to his own small boat all the way, when Huang Gai just got on the boat, he turned slightly to the left, and unexpectedly saw another boat of Wu army.

"General Cheng, I don't know whose ship it is." Huang Gai asked, pointing to the small boat with the Wu army's ship hanging not far away.

"Old General Huang, it is said that those who know the current affairs are heroes, and you are not the only one in Jiangdong who knows the current affairs." Cheng Yaojin said to Huang Gai.

Hearing Cheng Yaojin's words, Huang Gai didn't understand why someone secretly voted for Qin.Huang Gai thought to himself, it is false that I voted for Qin, but I can't help but someone really voted for Qin.

Huang Gai secretly kept this matter in mind, and then rowed the boat back to the camp.After Huang Gai returned to the water village of Wu Jun, he still didn't dare to meet Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu beat him just now. If he went to see Zhou Yu in broad daylight, if he was seen by others, it would inevitably arouse suspicion.

When Huang Gai returned to the camp, he kept muttering in his heart, wondering who owned the small boat he saw today.But Huang Gai thought about it left and right, but he really couldn't come up with it.

Huang Gai struggled all day long, and finally at night, when it was dark, Huang Gai quietly moved towards Zhou Yu's tent.

"Great Governor, Great Governor!" Huang Gai stood outside Zhou Yu's tent and called softly a few times.

"General Huang, come in quickly, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Zhou Yu's voice came from the tent.

After Huang Gai opened the door and went in, he found that Zhou Yu, Zhuge Liang, and Lu Su were all there.Zhou Yu expected that after Huang Gai came back from attacking Qinying, he would have to report the news to himself at night.Therefore, Lu Su and Zhuge Liang have been waiting here for a long time.

"Old General Huang, thank you for your hard work, but things are progressing again." Zhou Yu asked Huang Gai.

Hearing Zhou Yu's question about the progress of the matter, Huang Gai hurriedly replied: "Governor, I have already discussed with Li Chen. I will go to seek refuge with people, horses, money and food some other day, under the name of Qingya Banner, as long as the boat is on the bow Plant the Qingya flag, and the Qin army will let it go."

"Wonderful, wonderful."

"In this way, when the east wind blows, we only need to load the fast boat with hay, tung oil, sulfur and other fire starters."

"In this way, the Qin army's company camp will definitely be set on fire." Zhou Yu clapped his hands and laughed.

Everyone laughed, but Huang Gai's face was solemn, how could the three of them fail to see that Huang Gai still had something on his mind.

"Old General Huang, but is there something else?" Zhou Yu asked Huang Gai.

"Governor, that's what happened. When I came back, I saw one of our warships also parked in the Qin camp. Someone in our camp is colluding with the Qin army. When the Qin camp was burned, if someone secretly I'm afraid I can't do my best to deliver the news?" Huang Gai said to the three.

Upon hearing this, Zhou Yu's face darkened.Originally they guessed that there were traitors in the camp, but now that Huang Gai saw it with his own eyes, it was equivalent to confirming their guess.

It is indeed a big deal that there are traitors inside, and now the plan to attack the Qin camp with fire can be suppressed, only a few of them know.However, on the day when the troops are used, once the troops are mobilized in a large scale, this matter will definitely not be covered up.

"Governor, we have to find a way to find this traitor." Lu Su said to Zhou Yu.

"However, General Huang only saw the boat, but not the person. Where can we find this person?" Zhou Yu pondered.

Zhuge Liang shook the goose feather fan in his hand, and said to the two: "Since what General Huang saw was a boat, let's start our investigation from the boat."


"There must be records for ships entering and exiting the water village," Zhou Yu said, slapping his thigh.

After Zhou Yu said this, he ordered Lu Su to get the register that recorded the entry and exit of ships.Not long after, Lu Su brought the brochure.

"Governor, early this morning, except for the patrol boats, there were no boats entering or leaving the water village." Lu Su said, and handed over the register in his hand.

Zhou Yu flipped through the booklet, and said solemnly: "It seems that this ghost is among the patrolling people today."

The three of Zhou Yu analyzed fiercely for a while, but in fact they didn't know.The Wu boat that Huang Gai saw was a fake Wu boat.It was designed by Liu Bowen in advance and specially let Huang Gai see it.

Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang used bitter tricks and feint-surrender tactics against the Qin army, while Liu Bowen used a backhand trick to them.

Sure enough, Liu Bowen's plan worked, and now Zhou Yu and the others are looking for this unfounded ghost.

Zhuge Liang, Zhou Yu, and Lu Su were checking the people on patrol today one by one. When they saw a name, the three couldn't help but looked at each other.

"Pan Zhang!"

Zhou Yu said a name, and Zhuge Liang and Lu Su also nodded, obviously agreeing with Zhou Yu's guess.

There were a total of eight teams that went out to patrol early this morning, and seven of them were from Jiangdong, and their wives and children were all in Jiangdong.There was only one exception, and that was Pan Zhang.

Pan Zhang is now Gan Ning's lieutenant general, and was originally a member of the Jinfan bandits.Moreover, Pan Zhang has no wife, no children, and no worries, so he looks the most like a traitor.

The smarter this person is, the more suspicious he is. After Lu Su saw Pan Zhang's name, he couldn't help but suspect Pan Zhang and even Gan Ning.

"When the little prince was chased by the Qin army and had nowhere to go, he was forced to jump into the river to escape. Why did it happen that he was rescued by Gan Ning's Jinfan thief?"

"Besides, since we are Jinfan thieves, we should take advantage of the word first. Qin and I went to war, and Qin was strong and Wu was weak. Why is Gan Ning giving up the strong and throwing the weak? Is there a problem?" Lu Su finished speaking, his eyes widened. Jiongjiong looked at Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang.

At this time, Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang nodded again and again.Indeed, if there were traitors in the camp, then Gan Ning, who came to vote halfway and at a very coincidental time, would be very suspicious indeed.

"It's just that Gan Ning is the little prince's savior after all, we can't conclude that he is the ghost just because of a guess."

"In this way, we will investigate this matter secretly in advance, and when we have real evidence, we will take this person down." Zhou Yu said.

(End of this chapter)

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