Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 337 Zhuge Liang borrows the east wind.

Chapter 337 Zhuge Liang borrows the east wind.

The brothers in Jinfanying felt aggrieved, but the eldest brother Gan Ning was unwilling to abandon Wu to Qin, so everyone could only feel aggrieved.The brothers in Jinfan Camp thought to themselves, when I do a good job for you, you don’t trust me.Well, I might as well not serve you anymore.

After having this kind of slack thinking, the people of the Jinfan camp spent their whole day drinking and having fun in the camp, without any military discipline at all.But Gan Ning felt ashamed of his brothers, and he just pretended not to see it.Fortunately, Jinfanying is now in charge of the insignificant back door of the water village, otherwise there will be a big mess.

In fact, it's not just Gan Ning's brothers who are aggrieved, but Gan Ning himself is also aggrieved.He Gan Ning thinks he has the talent of a general, but now he is suspected and looked down upon by others.Today, Gan Ning can be said to have stayed in the Wu camp because of his friendship with Sun Ce. Otherwise, he would have left with his brothers by now.

In a blink of an eye, three days have passed, and tonight is the day of borrowing the wind that Zhuge Liang said.

Fankou, by the river.

Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang stood side by side, looking towards the river.

"Mr. Kong Ming, now that everything is ready, we only owe the east wind. I wonder if the east wind will come as promised?" Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang.

Now, in Zhou Yu's view, whether Soochow can win depends on whether Zhuge Liang can borrow the east wind.

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, shook the goose feather fan in his hand and said: "Don't worry, the governor, the east wind will come tonight."

Zhuge Liang said this with full confidence. Why is Zhuge Liang so sure that the east wind will come tonight? Could it be that he has read the weather forecast.At that time, there was no such thing as weather forecasting.

If there is a weather forecast, then Zhuge Liang is the live weather forecast.Who is Zhuge Liang? This is a person who knows astronomy from the top and geography from the bottom.

Perhaps, it was Zhuge Liang who saw that the east wind was bound to come tonight by virtue of this celestial phenomenon.Perhaps, Zhuge Liang really has the ability to borrow the wind.

After all, the end of this science is metaphysics. No one can say for sure what happened during the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Three Kingdoms period.

Fankou, Nanping Mountain.

This Nanping Mountain is a small hill on the bank of Fankou. Nanping Mountain is not so high, it is not so much a mountain, let alone a small hillside.

Lu Su ordered people to build a seven-star altar for Zhuge Liang on the top of Nanping Mountain early on.The seven-star altar is divided into three layers, each layer is nine feet nine in height, the bottom layer is the largest, and the top layer is the smallest.

On the bottom layer, there are 28 flags, representing the 28 stars in the sky.

There are seven blue flags in the east, according to Jiao, Kang, Shi, Fang, Xin, Wei, and Ji, in the shape of a black dragon.

The seven soap flags in the north, according to Dou, Niu, Nv, Xu, Wei, Room, and Wall, form the posture of Xuanwu.

The seven white flags in the west, according to Kui, Lou, Wei, Subaru, Bi, Qi, and Shen, occupy the prestige of the white tiger.

The seven red flags in the south, according to the well, ghost, willow, star, Zhang, wing, and Zhen, form the shape of a red bird.

On the second floor, there are 64 yellow flags around it, which represent the 64 hexagrams of King Wen.The 64 yellow flags are divided into eight directions, and eight flags are erected in each direction.

Zhuge Liang led six little boys, dressed in Taoist robes, on the top floor.Zhuge Liang sat cross-legged in front of the altar, and there was a little boy in each of the four corners of the altar.

Of the little boys at the four corners of the altar, the boy on the east holds a sword in his arms, and the boy on the west holds a command flag.The boy in the south is holding a conch in his hand, and the boy in the north is holding a big axe.

Behind Zhuge Liang, there are still a boy standing on the left and right sides.Each of these two boys carried a white flag, which represented the direction of the wind, and when Zhuge Liang gave an order, the boy waved the flag to the east, and the east wind came.

The other boy was carrying a black flag, which represented the power of the wind.Zhuge Liang gave an order, if the boy shakes the flag slowly, the wind will come slowly, if he shakes the flag quickly, the wind will come quickly.

Zhuge Liang climbed onto this altar after bathing and changing clothes in the evening, and now it was the third watch of the night, Zhuge Liang did not move at all.

Zhuge Liang didn't move, the six little boys who accompanied him all dozed off, standing there yawning again and again.

At this time, Zhuge Liang on the altar was not in a hurry, but Zhou Yu who was waiting in the camp was in a hurry.He went outside after a while to check the direction of the wind, but the east wind never arrived.

"This Zhuge Kongming couldn't just be talking in plain language. He said that the east wind blows at night. Why is it almost three o'clock now, and the east wind hasn't come yet?"

"If the east wind doesn't come, it will be dawn soon?" Cheng Pu said impatiently in the tent.

Now not only Cheng Pu is in a hurry, but Huang Gai is also in a hurry.His dozens of clippers filled with hay, tung oil, brimstone and other fire starters are ready.Now wait for the east wind to rise, and then take the Qin camp to feign surrender.

"Dang, dang, dang."

Three gongs sounded, it was the soldiers in the barracks who were in charge of telling the time.

"Great governor, is it already three o'clock?"

"Whether Kong Ming's words are credible or not, how can this person borrow east wind from God?" Cheng Pu was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Old General Cheng, Mr. Kong Ming never speaks nonsense, let's wait." Zhou Yu said to Cheng Pu.

At this time, although Zhou Yu tried to persuade Cheng Pu, in fact, he was in a state of turmoil in his heart.It was already the third watch, and if Dongfeng did not come, the opportunity would be delayed.

At the same time, when the third watch came.On the seven-star altar in Nanping Mountain, Zhuge Liang stepped on the seven-star step, danced the sword in his hand, and muttered words.

"Qingfeng, the wind direction is east."

"Mingyue, the wind should slow down first."

Zhuge Liang shook his sword, and ordered to the two Taoist boys.

After Zhuge Liang's order, the two Taoist boys were yawning, and they woke up instantly.

The Taoist boy named Qingfeng waved the flag vigorously to the east, and the Taoist boy named Mingyue also waved the flag vigorously.

Fankou, the camp of Wu Jun's water village.

"Swish! Swish! Swish!"

Tonight was originally calm and windless, but as Zhuge Liang's ceremony was about to end, the flag of the Fankou Camp unexpectedly fluttered gently, making a rustling sound.

Within the time of a stick of incense, the wind became stronger and stronger, and the sound of "huhu" gradually came from outside.

There was a lot of wind outside, and Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and others naturally heard it clearly in the large tent of the Chinese army.

"It's windy!"

Zhou Yu stood up suddenly, and walked out of the tent.

"Ha ha!"

"Mr. Kong Ming sincerely does not deceive me, the east wind is coming, the east wind is coming." Zhou Yu raised his head to the sky and shouted.

"General Huang, you can go now."

"The rest of the ships and soldiers are all on standby. When they see the fire, they go straight to the Qin army's camp." Zhou Yu's order was conveyed.

(End of this chapter)

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