Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 340 The battle is approaching.

Chapter 340 The battle is approaching.

Ding Feng took the lead, Xu Sheng followed closely and jumped down.The two chief generals jumped, and the Wu army soldiers who followed behind them also jumped down.For a while, the river noodles were like dumplings.

In fact, at this time, there is no room for them not to jump down. Now these boats are full of fire. If they don't jump down, they will be buried in the flames.

Ding Feng and Xu Sheng jumped into the river, intending to swim back to the camp as soon as possible, and inform the governor Zhou Yu that something is wrong.

However, Zhuge Liang borrowed the east wind, and with the east wind, there were big waves and undercurrents everywhere on the river.

After Ding Feng, Xu Sheng and the others got out of the water, several big waves rushed over and were immediately broken up.How can manpower fight against the sky, they can only try their best to keep themselves from being drowned in the big wind and waves, how can they swim back against the big waves.

At the same time, Wu Jun's water village.

At this time, the entire Wu Jun water village can be said to be ready for battle.The sailors on the ship are not allowed to go ashore, and the army in the water village is not allowed to go ashore.Everyone has a position for everyone, and no one dares to slacken half of it.

Zhuge Liang picked up the east wind, and the wind on the river was extremely strong at this time.After Ding Feng and Xu Sheng succeeded in preventing the fire, the fire burned several kilometers of the river within a short time.

On Wu Jun's water village, Zhou Yu and others couldn't help being shocked when they saw the fire on the river.

"Beat the drum, send troops!" Zhou Yu shouted immediately, waving his hand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" In Wu Jun's water village, three drums sounded one after another.

On the battlefield, the sound of drums is the sound of the three-way drum, which is the signal to send troops.

After a while, I saw Soochow's ships lifting anchor and dispatching troops. Thousands of warships swarmed out around the Wu army's water village.

Wu Jun sent troops, and at the same time, there was movement on Qin Jun's side.

"Jiguang, remember to be careful." Li Chen told Qi Jiguang.

"King Qin, don't worry, I will naturally return with a big victory." Qi Jiguang promised.

What is Qi Jiguang going to do? He is going to complete an important task, burning food.In wars in ancient times, the general’s three armies did not move, and the food and grass went first.

The key to victory, in fact, lies in the link of food and grass to a large extent.Once the food and grass are lost, the three armies will be defeated.

Wu Jun's grain and grass are hoarded in the water village.It stands to reason that it is not a simple matter to sneak into Wu Jun's water village to burn food.

For things like burning food, if you go to a lot of people, you will be discovered before you arrive at the designated place.But if you have fewer people going, it will be difficult for him to be effective.

The reason why Qi Jiguang was sure that he could burn Wu Jun's food and grass was because he had a trump card in his hand, that is Huang Gai.

With Huang Gai in Qi Jiguang's hand, he could be sure to open the gate of Wu Jun's water village. As long as he entered Wu Jun's water village, all this would be much easier.

Qi Jiguang led two or three hundred people, wearing tattered Wu army armor, and his face was specially smeared black.At first glance, it looks like it has just been burned.

Qi Jiguang's appearance, coupled with the fact that Huang Gai is in his hand, can definitely hide the truth from the soldiers guarding the gate of the Wu army.

Qi Jiguang quietly walked to Wu Jun's water village, while Zhou Yu led the army to Qin Jun's side.

Wu Jun's navy has thousands of warships, but in fact there are not many large ships in these warships, most of them are small boats.But the advantage of small boats is that they are large in number and very flexible.

Most of the time there is no wind and waves on the river. In the case of Jiang Zhan, and in this era, long-range firepower can only rely on bows and arrows.Use a small number of large ships to carry out long-range fire suppression, and then use an extremely large number of small ships to surround the enemy's large ships, so as to achieve the goal of ants eating elephants.

The reason why Soochow's navy can look down on everyone is precisely because in this era, the number of Wu's ships is crushing for other forces.

Of course, this numerical advantage will not be worth mentioning when facing the Qin army ships equipped with artillery.

Obviously, Zhou Yu didn't realize that all the main battleships of the Qin army were of a different age, and he still used the kind of small boats in front and big ships in the rear.Use large ships to carry out long-range fire suppression, and use small boats to pounce on enemy ships.

Of course, Zhou Yu can become the governor of Soochow, so he is naturally not an ordinary person.Among other things, Zhou Yu is definitely No. 1 in Soochow when it comes to his attainments in naval warfare.

When there were still two or three miles away from the fire point, Zhou Yu first dispatched a scout ship to investigate the surrounding situation.

It can be seen that most of Xu Sheng and Ding Feng's subordinates were swept up by the big waves and drifted towards the Qin army.Only Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, who have good physical strength and good water skills, swim against the wind and waves in the direction of Wu Jun's water village.

Ding Feng, who was in the water, was swimming vigorously in the water, and happened to see his own scout ship.

After Ding Feng saw his family's scout boat, he hurriedly swam to the side of the boat. At this time, the people on the boat naturally also saw Ding Feng.

It was night, and everything was pitch black.After the soldiers of the Wu army on the scout boats fished up Ding Feng, they discovered that it was General Ding Feng.

"General Ding Feng, why did you fall into the water?" asked the scout on the boat.

"Hu! Hu! Hu!"

Ding Feng traveled so far, he was already out of breath from exhaustion, and gasped heavily as soon as he got on the boat.

"It's too late to explain, let's sail."

"Take me to the governor, there is an urgent military situation." After Ding Feng finished speaking, he collapsed in the cabin, tied to the boat like a dead dog.

Seeing Ding Feng's appearance like this, these scouts didn't dare to delay, they hurriedly set up their boats and rushed in the direction where their own navy came.

"Great Governor!"

"We met General Ding Feng. He has an urgent military situation." Several scouts drove the boat to their own fleet, and carried Ding Feng to Zhou Yu's flagship.

"General Ding, why did you come back by yourself?"

"Where's General Huang?" Zhou Yu hurriedly asked when he saw Ding Feng.

Ding Feng and Xu Sheng, these are the lieutenants who followed Huang Gai to feign surrender.As a result, now that Huang Gai and Xu Sheng are gone, and Ding Feng has returned by himself, how could Zhou Yu be behind.

"Governor, that's the case. Before we arrived at the Qin Army's camp, a general of the Qin Army surnamed Qi said that the King of Qin summoned General Huang and took him away."

"Although Xu Sheng and I ran into the Qin army's ships, those ships seemed to be bait set by the Qin army. The ships were filled with hay, sulfur and other fire starters."

"There isn't even a Qin army officer on board." Ding Feng didn't dare to delay for a moment, and told Zhou Yu everything he saw on the boat.

"Really?" Zhou Yu asked, rolling his eyes.

"Great governor, it's absolutely true."

"After discovering something was wrong, all our ships were burned, so we had to jump into the river and report back, and we asked the governor to make a decision," Ding Feng said.

(End of this chapter)

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