Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 343 The Wronged Jinfan Battalion.

Chapter 343 The Wronged Jinfan Battalion.

Wu Jun camp, Jinfan camp.

Because Zhou Yu became suspicious of Gan Ning, he transferred the Jinfan battalion from the front battalion to the rear battalion.Since he was transferred to the back camp, Gan Ning didn't take care of things very much, and was drunk all day long.

Gan Ning was drinking in his tent, when he suddenly heard the commotion outside, he walked out of the tent and looked outside, and found that the granary was on fire.

Gan Ning happened to be not very far from the granary, and at this moment, he could hear shouts coming from the direction of the granary.

"Fire, put out the fire!"

"Fight the fire, put out the fire!"

As soon as Gan Ning heard these shouts, most of his drunkenness immediately woke up.

"Tell the brothers to get up and put out the fire." Gan Ning immediately conveyed the order to his subordinates.

Gan Ning was actually a warm-hearted person. Although Zhou Yu had doubts about him, at this time, he still took the initiative to help Wu Jun put out the fire.

With Gan Ning's order, the Xiangtian brothers who were sleeping in the camp were also awakened immediately, and rushed towards the granary wearing armor.

However, it was useless for Gan Ning and the others to rush over. At this time, the fire was completely on fire.The entire granary was already on fire, and it was too late to put out the fire at this time.

Coincidentally at this time, Ling Tong led his troops to rush over, and happened to block Gan Ning's Jinfan camp in the fire scene.

"Gan Ning, why are you here!"

"Put down the weapons in your hands, come out in line and get ready!" Ling Tong shouted at Gan Ning and the others.

Unlike people like Gan Ning who had defected to Soochow halfway, Ling Tong belonged to the second generation of Soochow officials, and his father Ling Cao was the former subordinate of King Sun Jian of Wu.

Since Ling Tong took over Gan Ning's previous defense, he naturally knew that Zhou Yu had doubts about Gan Ning.In addition, Ling Tong actually had a bit of animosity with Gan Ning.Ling Tong's father, Ling Cao, was killed by a mistaken Liuya when he was suppressing the Jinfan bandits a few years ago.

Originally, he had doubts about Gan Ning, and there was some grievance between the two of them.Therefore, after Ling Tong saw Gan Ning at the scene of the fire, he subconsciously thought that Gan Ning had nothing to do with the fire.

Hearing Ling Tong's words, Gan Ning's face darkened immediately.Not only Gan Ning's complexion turned dark, but those of his subordinates also turned darker.

Originally being suspected for no reason, this group of people felt aggrieved enough.Now they came to put out the fire with good intentions, but Ling Tong actually suspected that they set the fire.

"Ling Tong! What do you mean by that? Do you suspect that I started the fire?" Gan Ning stared at Ling Tong with wide eyes.

In fact, Ling Tong is not sure whether the fire has anything to do with Gan Ning.He was only subconsciously suspicious, but since he met Gan Ning here, he had to get rid of them first.Otherwise, if they are really traitors, there will be troubles in this big camp.

"Whether you started the fire or not, I don't care if I say it, and it doesn't matter if you say it."

"We have to wait for the governor to come back and make up our own mind."

"Gan Ning, don't make mistakes, you are already surrounded, come out quickly and get ready!" Ling Tong shouted towards Gan Ning.

"Too bullying!"

"Don't care about his grandma, we don't need to meddle in this business."

"Brother, let's not do it."

"Yes, I won't serve you anymore."

These Jinfan thieves across the river have never been wronged like this, and at this moment, the truth in their hearts also burst out.

Seeing his brothers with red eyes and shouting hoarsely, Gan Ning felt very uncomfortable.

At this time, Gan Ning already had some regrets in his heart. He regretted bringing his brothers to vote for Wu.Originally, he wanted to bring his brothers out to cast a spell, but now his dignity has been swept away.

"Ling Tong, did you hear what my brother said?"

"Get out of the way, since Soochow can't tolerate us, why don't we go?" Gan Ning said, glaring at Ling Tong.

"Gan Ning, is this military camp a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?"

"Whether you can go or not, we have to wait for the governor to come back." Ling Tong said coldly.

Who is Gan Ning? That is the man known as the dragon in the water.Not to mention a little Ling Tong, even the generals in the Wu camp, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zu Mao, and Cheng Pu were not regarded by Gan Ning.

"I'm saying it again, get out of the way!" Gan Ning strode forward two steps, shouted with big tiger eyes.

The greater the ability of this person, the stronger the aura on his body.Ling Tong was actually a little scared of Gan Ning's aura.

But Ling Tong changed his mind and thought again, now that he is leading an army to surround Gan Ning, what is there to be afraid of Gan Ning.

"Gan Ning, I'm also saying it again, let your subordinates come out one by one, and everything will be decided upon the return of the governor." Ling Tong said forcefully.


"Determination, bullshit determination, I can't trust Zhou Yu."

"Get out of the way, my brother and I have to leave now!" Gan Ning said over and over again, and strode forward with his subordinates.

Gan Ning's subordinates were all armed with armor and weapons, and when they rushed forward, they had a certain momentum.

"return to!"

"return to!"

"Otherwise, I'll shoot the arrow!" Ling Tong shouted, cold sweat already oozing from his forehead.

Although Ling Tong had the upper hand at this time, he still had no idea.What kind of person is Gan Ning, how can he be able to deal with it.Speaking from the inside, these soldiers under him are not the opponents of the Jinfan Battalion at first glance.

"Fire the arrow, let's try it!" Gan Ning was not afraid at all, and still led the people forward.

After all this commotion, it was not just Gan Ning's Jinfan Battalion and Ling Tong's troops who were confronting each other. At this time, some soldiers who came to put out the fire had already surrounded them.

The scene at this time can be said to be very chaotic, and Qi Jiguang led his subordinates, who were also mixed in the crowd.

When the fire broke out, all the people ran to the fire scene to fight the fire. Qi Jiguang knew that if they went in the opposite direction, it would be suspicious.Therefore, Qi Jiguang took the risk of staying at the scene instead.

Although staying at the scene is safe for the time being, when Wu Jun reacts, once the battalions count the number of people, they will have to reveal their secrets.At this time, Gan Ning and Ling Tong had a conflict. When he heard that Gan Ning was leaving, Qi Jiguang couldn't help paying attention.

I saw Qi Jiguang found a place outside, and quietly took off the bow and crossbow hanging on his body.Then he aimed at Gan Ning's left arm and pulled the trigger.

Why did Qi Jiguang aim at the left arm? This is because the injury to the left arm does not affect the battle. Later, Qi Jiguang and the others have to follow Gan Ning and the others to fight out in chaos?
Hearing a "whoosh", a crossbow bolt flew over from nowhere, and nailed hard on Gan Ning's left arm.

"Big brother, big brother!"

"Brother got shot by an arrow, fuck it."

"Damn it, kill it!"

Seeing Gan Ning hit by an arrow, the entire Jinfan camp felt like a volcano erupted, and could no longer suppress the anger in his heart, roaring and killing Ling Tong.

(End of this chapter)

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