Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 348 Soochow Navy lost all battles.

Chapter 348 Soochow Navy lost in World War I.

With Zheng Chenggong's order, the flagship of the Qin army began to leave the battle order, and the rest of the small boats took over the task of encircling and suppressing Han Dang and Zu Mao.

At the same time, Qin Jun's flagships were connected end to end, forming a straight line across the entire river.

"Governor, what does Qin Jun mean?" Cheng Pu couldn't help but feel a little confused seeing Qin Jun's formation, so he asked Zhou Yu.

In naval battles, how can anyone expose their flanks to the enemy? Doesn't this mean that when a tiger meets a hunter, it flips over and exposes its belly to the hunter?
When Qin Jun set up such a formation, not only old Cheng Pu was confused, but even Zhou Yu was also confused at this time.

But Zhou Yu is worthy of being Zhou Yu, the governor of Jiangdong is not in vain, almost a moment later, Zhou Yu had a bad premonition in his heart.

"Send the order, the ships should be separated, and the distance between the ships should be at least ten feet." Zhou Yu ordered to the messengers on the left and right.

At this time, Zhou Yu thought of the kind of weapon that killed Sun Jian, the king of Wu. Under the banner of the Wu army's central army, the two or three zhang crater was vividly visible.

Now that Qin Jun took the initiative to give up the side, there is only one possibility, that is, Qin Jun's side is equipped with that kind of weapon.

Zhou Yu gave an order, and the messenger waved the order flag in his hand to send out the signal.But at this time, Wu Jun's fleet has become an offensive formation, and it is advancing at almost full speed. At this time, it is not so easy to widen the distance.According to the observers, Zheng Chenggong will not give the Soochow navy a chance to distance themselves.

Standing on the deck, Zheng Chenggong, based on his many years of experience, visually judged whether the current distance of the Soochow Navy has entered the best position for bombardment.


"Ready to shoot!"

Zheng Chenggong shouted loudly, and the messenger passed on the order through the command flag.


Immediately afterwards, there was a continuous sound of "swish, swish", and the soldiers of the Qin army on each ship tore off the black cloth covering the gun emplacements.A pair of shiny black cannons revealed their ferocious appearance.

The sideboards of the main battleships of the Qin Army are all filled with gun positions, and these guns are all mounted on forts that can adjust the angle up, down, left, and right.

"Calibrate the gun position!"


As the ships shouted one after another, there was only a sound of "creak, creak". It was the Qin army reloading and adjusting the shooting angle.


With the heavy black flags in the hands of the flag bearers, Qin Jun's artillery made a deafening roar.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With one cannon sound after another, Qin Jun's artillery entered its own shelling mode.As the saying goes, if you are rich, you will have full coverage, and if you are poor, you will strike with precision.There is no doubt that Qin Jun is rich and oily, so he naturally chose the method of firepower coverage.

After a series of cannon shots, Wu Jun's navy was completely stunned.They have seen such weapons there, and experienced such battles there.

Even Wu Jun's most advanced buildings and ships equipped with the most long-range weapons are nothing more than bed crossbows and catapults.But now, the shooting success of the Qin army's weapons is fully three times that of theirs.Moreover, the power of artillery can be said to be more than ten times that of catapults and bed crossbows.

At this time, all the artillery fired by the Qin army were solid bullets.This is an iron bullet the size of a human head.This shell hit Wu Jun's ship, and it was able to punch a big hole in Wu Jun's ship in an instant.

Wu Jun's building boats are okay, if one is accidentally hit by one shot, two shots will not be silent, but if the other small boats are hit by one shot, the whole ship will be torn to pieces.This cannon hit the ship, if it hit a person, the whole person would be smashed into a pulp.

Since Li Chen reached an agreement with Cao Cao to exchange iron ore for food, it can be said that he is no longer worried about iron.Today, the navy's shells can be said to be enough.

Moreover, when Zheng Chenggong trained the sailors, he always emphasized range and coverage strikes.In the words of Zheng Chenggong, it is a problem that can be solved with shells, so the lives of soldiers should not be used to fight.Don't fight hand-to-hand with problems that can be solved remotely.

It can be said that the navy of the Qin Army was deeply influenced by Zheng Chenggong.

At this moment, it was as if hail had fallen in the sky, and countless iron bullets the size of human heads came pouring down like a violent storm.

Wu Jun has been completely stunned. They have never seen the long-range weapons equipped by Qin Jun. Now they are completely passive and unable to fight back.

In just a short time, more than half of Zhou Yu's hundreds of ships have been lost.Even the Louchuan, which Soochow regarded as a treasure, lost at least one-third.

Zhou Yu's face was ashen. He knew that he had lost this battle.This cannot be reversed by tactics at all, and the gap in weapons and equipment between the two sides cannot be made up by quantity at all.

Zhou Yu was defeated, but Zhou Yu was not to blame.In today's water battle, let alone Zhou Yu, even Jiang Gong and his grandson were resurrected, they would not be able to win this battle.

"Send the order that the ships that have not been damaged immediately turn around and leave the battlefield. The ships that cannot escape immediately set themselves on fire with the rockets on board." Zhou Yu gave the order almost with a dark face.

"Governor, no!" Cheng Pu shouted.

"It's lost, it's already lost."

"If things go on like this, even if all our ships are destroyed, we won't be able to enter the Qin army's navy. In this case, it's better to sacrifice some of the ships and let the ships that can still get away evacuate." Zhou Yu said to Cheng Pu.

"Execute the order!" Zhou Yu shouted, beyond doubt.

With Zhou Yu's order, those ships that have been shot but have not sunk yet.Including Han Dang, who was entangled at the beginning, and Zu Mao's partial army, all ignited the rockets on the ship.

In the water battle of the Wu army, the arrows took the lead.Normal arrows are used to kill enemy troops, while rockets are used to kill enemy ships.Because of this, Soochow's ships are equipped with rockets.It's just that these rockets were originally used to burn enemy ships, but now they are used to burn their own ships.

Zhou Yu was too decisive. At this critical moment, he chose to break his arm to survive.More than [-] of the thousands of ships of the Soochow Navy were burned, and Zhou Yu withdrew from the battlefield in embarrassment with only more than [-] ships.

At this time, the fire blocked the way, and for a while, it was difficult for Qin Jun to chase.However, no matter what, this battle can be said to have decimated the Wu army and the navy. From then on, the Qin army has the final say on the river.

As soon as Wu Jun and the navy fled, Qi Jiguang returned to the Qin camp with Gan Ning and others at this time.Looking at the more than [-] Wu Jun ships in the fire in front of them, the Jinfan bandits were all dumbfounded.

They thought that Wu Jun might not be the opponent of Qin Jun, but they never imagined that in this battle alone, Wu Jun and the navy were all lost.

(End of this chapter)

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