Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 358 Figure out the best strategy first, and then take the worst strategy.

Chapter 358 Figure out the best strategy first, and then take the worst strategy.

It can be said that Xu Shu was impatient and dragged Liu Bei to the back hall, why Xu Shu was in such a hurry.These days Xu Shu was thinking hard about a solution to break the situation, but Zhuge Liang's words awakened the dreamer.

Now Cao Jun has placed the main force on the front line of Zhuo County. Xu Shu already knew that it was impossible for them to take Cao Cao's territory before Yuan Shao finished taking care of Gongsun Zan.

It's not that Xu Shu didn't think about taking advantage of Li Chen's attack on Soochow to attack Xiaopei from the rear and plot Xuzhou.However, this war is not a game of play. Xu Shu has to think of the unexpected, so that he can be sure of winning.

These days Xu Shu has been thinking that if Xiaopei is attacked unexpectedly, his plot against Xuzhou will fail.Then they will inevitably become the thorn in Qin Jun's eyes and flesh.And by that time, Cao Cao is likely to make trouble as well.

At that time, what should they do, and where is their retreat.Xu Shu has been thinking about this issue. Before they have a complete plan, they must not act rashly.Because of one wrong step, for them, they may be smashed to pieces.

Zhuge Liang's nine-character mantra of "abandoning Zhuo County, abandoning Beihai, and taking Bashu" is like a kind of enlightenment to Xu Shu, and Xu Shu has a feeling of seeing the blue sky through the clouds and mists.

No one in Liu Bei's group of civil servants and military generals cared about Zhuge Liang anymore, and they all followed Liu Bei and Xu Shu to the back hall.

"Quick, bring the map." Once in the back hall, Xu Shu hurriedly called out.

After a while, two soldiers brought the map. Xu Shu came to the front of the map and stared at the map.

"King of Shu, the region of Bashu is rich in products, but the road to Shu is as difficult as going to the sky. Although the attack here is insufficient, the defense is more than sufficient."

"Zhang Lu in Hanzhong and Liu Zhang in Yizhou are just ordinary people. It is not difficult to take Hanzhong first, and it is not difficult to take Yizhou. If you can take these two places, it is not difficult to raise 60 to [-] elite soldiers, not to mention millions of soldiers." Xu Shu said to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei looked at the map, then looked at Xu Shu, and asked: "Military Master, you mean that we really give up Zhuojun, not Beihai, and go to take Hanzhong and Yizhou?"

"No, take the opportunity to take Xiaopei and Xuzhou first. If we can take Xiaopei, Xuzhou, and our Beihai and Zhuojun, if we connect the four places to one side, we will be the first-class princes in the world."

"If we take Xiaopei, Xuzhou will be disadvantaged. Let's just give up Zhuojun Beihai and take Hanzhong and Yizhou directly." Xu Shu said to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was a little puzzled. When he first took Zhuojun, he wanted to take advantage of the victory to take Xiaopei. At that time, Xu Shu could block him horizontally and vertically.

"Military division, didn't you advocate not to conflict with the Qin army?" Liu Bei asked with a confused face.

"King of Shu, this time is now and then. Back then we had no more than [-] soldiers, and we will only have two generals, the second general and the third general. But now we have more than doubled the number of troops, and we have General Wei Yan and General Huang Lao again. Now I have the strength to move Xiaopei."

"At the beginning, it was obviously easier for us to attack Cao. But now that Yuan Benchu ​​has withdrawn, there is no hope of attacking Cao. If we sit and wait for death, we are also waiting for death. It is better to take the risk of attacking Qin. If attacking Qin fails, we go to take Bashu First, try to protect yourself." Xu Shu resolutely said to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei has been traveling for most of his life, and finally took down the two counties of Zhuojun and Beihai. If he lost these two counties, he really couldn't bear it.But Liu Bei also understood that Xu Shu was right.

The land of these two counties can't support 20 troops, and there is no other way to ask for a living.

Liu Bei gritted his teeth and said, "I listen to the military advisor."

"Brother, don't listen to this old-fashioned buffoon."

"This Zhuge Liang was brought by Old Daoist Shan. Maybe they are singing the oboe?" Zhang Fei said in a low voice, leaning on his big head with leopard head and eyes.

"Third brother, don't be rude to the military advisor."

"You can only gain if you give up. I have already made a decision." Liu Bei scolded with a straight face.

This Liu Bei is indeed worthy of the title of a hero in this world. It is related to the decision of the two counties. He said that he can give up if he gives up.

Xu Shu looked at Liu Bei with approval in his heart.Fortunately, he chose the master of the Ming Dynasty, and Liu Bei is indeed called the master of the Ming Dynasty.

"King of Shu, although we have made a decision, we cannot easily agree to it."

"If you want us to send troops, we have to control Soochow to ask for someone?" Xu Shu said to Liu Bei.

Before Liu Bei could speak, Zhang Fei started yelling again: "You old-fashioned old man, why are you always thinking about women from Soochow?"

Before Zhuge Liang said that he came to marry Liu Bei, but when Xu Shu said he wanted someone, Zhang Fei only thought that he wanted the younger sister of King Wu Sun Ce.

Hearing Zhang Fei's words, Xu Shu immediately couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"The three generals are joking. The one I asked the King of Shu to take care of Soochow is not Sun Shangxiang, but Zhuge Liang." Xu Shu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Liu Bei was shocked, and asked Xu Shu, "What does the military commander mean by that?"

Xu Shu explained to Liu Bei: "King of Shu, I heard that this Zhuge Liang is a guest living in Soochow. He has not yet held an official position in Soochow. We can send troops, but we must let this Zhuge Liang serve us."

"Hey!" Hearing this, Liu Bei quickly shook his head and said, "It's enough for me to have a military advisor, so why force Mr. Zhuge?"

One of the crouching dragon and phoenix chicks will be able to secure the world. Liu Bei has naturally heard this sentence.Liu Bei has not only heard of it, it can be said to be like thunder.

Now that Liu Bei has heard of Zhuge Liang, can he not want to use Zhuge Liang for his own protection?Liu Bei thought to himself, but he couldn't say it in front of his military adviser.

This is like a daughter-in-law telling herself, I have a girlfriend who is prettier and has a better figure than me, and I will bring her here to serve you.He thinks about this kind of thing every man, but if he wants to think about it, you can't show it in front of his wife.

This is the same as Liu Bei now. Liu Bei wants to take Zhuge Liang for his own use, but he can't show it yet.

Liu Bei's words touched Xu Shu's heart.But Xu Shu also understood that if Liu Bei wanted to dominate the world, he alone could not do it.

"What virtue and ability do I have to deserve the great trust of the king of Shu. Zhuge Kongming's talent is a thousand times better than mine. Kongming and I are like clouds and mud."

"Today, no matter what, I will seek the assistance of my lord, Kong Ming. If Kong Ming is willing to come, it is to lead the horse and let him fall, and I am also willing." Xu Shu said to Liu Bei.

"Military division." After listening to Xu Shu's heartfelt words, Liu Bei held Xu Shu's hand and looked like he was about to cry again.

Xu Shuxin said, I have to be the King of Shu, so don't give full play to your acting talent at this time.This is too late, let's see Zhuge Liang first.

"King of Shu, when you meet Kong Ming, you just tell him this," Xu Shu whispered in Liu Bei's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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