Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 360 Zhang Liao fights Guan Yu.

Chapter 360 Zhang Liao fights Guan Yu.

Liu Bei and Xu Shu sang together, Zhuge Liang had no choice but to sign and pledge for the time being, and promised to switch to Liu Bei after the matter of Soochow.

At this time, there is no room for Zhuge Liang not to agree.When he came, he made a promise to Zhou Yu that he would definitely ask Liu Bei to send troops.Now Zhou Yu must have been delaying the Qin army according to the plan. If Liu Bei did not send troops, then Soochow would be completely over.

Now that things are up, Zhuge Liang can only look at the present first, and can only ask Liu Bei to send troops first. As for the future, he can only talk about it in the future.

It was agreed that Zhuge Liang would return to Soochow to resume his command, while Liu Bei would dispatch troops in full swing, ready to send troops to attack Qin at any time.

Three days later, Xiao Pei.


"Report to General Zhang, Liu Bei sent 20 troops in Zhuo County, and Liu Bei's vanguard troops have arrived [-] miles outside my Xiaopei City." The messenger ran in quickly and reported.

The distance between Zhuojun and Xiaopei is very close, and the straight-line distance between the two is less than a hundred miles. Therefore, when Liu Bei suddenly sent troops, Xiaopei's Zhang Liao had no time to react.


"Good job, just beheaded the heads of the three brothers to avenge the lord." Gao Shun snorted coldly.

Zhang Liao frowned, pondered for a moment and said, "Let's go, let's go to the city gate first."

Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Cao Xing and others came to the city gate, Liu Bei came out in full force and led an army of 20 to besiege Xiaopei. This was not good news for Zhang Liao and others.

Liu Bei now holds 20 elite soldiers, and Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Wei Yan, four generals, Zhang Liao and others want to keep Xiaopei, it is not easy.

"Brother Gao, this battle is not easy!" Zhang Liao said with a sigh on the city wall.

"Whether it is easy to fight or not, you will know after you have fought." Gao Shun said coldly.

At noon, the scouts came to report that Liu Bei's army hadn't arrived yet. Guan Yu and Mr. Huang came to the city of Xiaopei with [-] elite cavalry.

Under Xiaopei City, [-] cavalry were arrayed under the city. The front row was Guan Yu's [-] school swordsmen, followed by [-] elite cavalry.

The two leading generals, the one on the left has a red face and long beard, crouching silkworm eyebrows, and red phoenix eyes, wearing a parrot-green war robe, and holding the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand.The person on the right is a veteran, who seems to be in his fifties, with a brown face and black and white hair.He holds a Fengzui knife in his hand, and a five-stone hard bow hangs on the saddle bridge.The man on the left is Guan Yu Guan Yunchang, and the man on the right is veteran Huang Zhong Huang Hansheng.

"Wen Yuan, before the Shu army arrived, I led the [-] trapped camp to win the previous game, and also boosted the morale of the brothers." Gao Shun said to Zhang Liao.

The camp is a heavy armored infantry trained by Gao Shun. Normally, the cavalry can restrain the infantry.But Gao Shun's camp is dedicated to cavalry.

Back when Gao Shun was under Lu Bu's command, there were [-] of them trapped in the camp, mainly because of the special type of troops trapped in the camp, which cost a lot of money and food to raise.Even in Lu Bu's peak period, he could only support [-] camps.

But Li Chen is a wealthy landowner. It can be said that there are not many princes in the world who are richer than Li Chen. With the support of military expenses, Gao Shun's camp has now expanded to 3000 people.

Zhang Liao looked at Guan Yu's troops below, and thought, three thousand against three thousand, Gao Shun's trapped camp will win, and this battle can be fought.If this battle is won, the morale of the brothers in the city must be high.

"Okay, let's fight this battle." Zhang Liao agreed.

Zhang Liao led Gao Shun and Cao Xing out of the city with the [-] soldiers.Guan Yu saw Xiaopei coming out with a troop, and hurriedly rode his horse to meet it.

Guan Yu rode his horse to the front of the formation, and saw that it was Zhang Liao and Zhang Wenyuan who came.Guan Yu and Zhang Liao knew each other. Guan Yu was from Jieliang, Hedong, who is now from Yuncheng, Shanxi.Zhang Liao was from Mayi, Yanmen, and is now from Shuozhou, Shanxi.The two are from the same hometown. When they were young, the two had some friendship.

Friendship belongs to friendship, but now this is on the battlefield, not the time to reminisce, and both sides are their own masters.This position is different, father and son can face each other life and death, let alone friends from the same village,

Guan Yu immediately stepped forward, Danfeng narrowed his eyes slightly, and immediately said with a horizontal knife: "Who is coming?"

Zhang Liao lightly tugged at the horse's reins, swung the sickle in his hand, and shouted, "Qin General Zhang Wenyuan."

"Samalays fight!"

Guan Yu yelled, rode his horse and rushed over, raised his knife and slashed at Zhang Liao.

Although the two are good friends from the same hometown, when they were young, they often fought in martial arts. They haven't seen each other for many years.

Guan Yu's thoughts at this time are, I have defeated you Zhang Liao first, and then I am persuading you to surrender to my elder brother Liu Bei.

Guan Yu raised his saber to strike, Zhang Liao raised his saber to meet him, only heard a loud "dang", Guan Yu's Qinglong Yanyue Dao collided with Zhang Liao's Hook Sickle.

In terms of explosive power, Zhang Liao is naturally not as good as Guan Yu. Guan Erye's three swords are the most powerful, which is like saying that Guan Erye's three swords have a crit attribute.

The two collided with each other, and Guan Erye retreated more than ten feet, while Zhang Liao retreated three feet. Obviously, Guan Yu had the upper hand.

"This jujube hitter is even better than when he was young." Zhang Liao muttered in his heart.

After Guan Yu repelled Zhang Liao with a single strike, the second strike immediately turned towards Zhang Liao.Guan Yu's second knife was fast and swift, Zhang Liao thought, I can't take this knife forcefully.

Among the top military generals, he is also different.Some people are good at arranging troops and strategizing.Some people are good at charging into battle, fighting and ambush.Guan Yu and Zhang Liao, when it comes to martial arts, Zhang Liao is really no match for Guan Erye.

Zhang Liao thought in his heart, if I take the sword forcefully, then the appointment will fail or not.Thinking of this, Zhang Liao took the reins of the horse, stepped back a few steps, and then swung the hook and sickle in his hand, dodging Guan Yu's knife.

Said it was late, then it was fast.After Zhang Liao dodged the knife, Guan Yu almost didn't hesitate, and made another backhand knife, and the third knife came towards Zhang Liao again.

Guan Erye's first three knives are notoriously powerful.Zhang Liao forcibly took the first stab, barely dodged the second stab, but it was not so easy to dodge the third stab.

Zhang Liao saw that the knife was too fast, and the distance between the two of them was shortened a lot. If he wanted to hide, he couldn't dodge it.

Guan Yu's aura reached its peak this time, he slashed down, and Zhang Liao received it with force, only to hear a "bang", and a burst of smoke and dust rose up.

"Kick! Kick! Kick!"

The war horse under Zhang Liao's crotch retreated a full distance of seven or eight feet, and only then did it completely release the force.Looking at Zhang Liao's tiger's mouth, it was already torn apart by the knife, and Chunchun's blood continued to flow out.

A mouthful of blood gushed straight into Zhang Liao's throat. Zhang Liao looked behind him and thought, I can't spit out this blood.In order not to affect morale, Zhang Liao swallowed the mouthful of blood.

(End of this chapter)

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