Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 363 Wei Yan's plan.

Chapter 363 Wei Yan's plan.

In the Shu camp, Guan Yu was immediately sent to the camp for treatment.After some treatment, Guan Yu's life was finally saved.

"King of Shu, although the second general's life has been saved, I'm afraid that this left arm will not be saved." The military doctor wiped the sweat from his forehead and said fearfully.


"If my second brother's left arm can't be kept, I'll cut off your left and right arms." Zhang Fei grabbed the military doctor by the neck and shouted angrily.

When Zhang Fei was angry, it was a leopard head with ring eyes, beard and hair all standing up, it was frightening to death.

The military doctor was very frightened by Zhang Fei, and said with a mournful face, "Third General, don't cut off my two arms, even if you cut off my head, the Second General's arm can't be kept!"

"Third brother, don't be rude." Liu Bei reprimanded Zhang Fei, and then asked the military doctor, "My second brother is a general in the army. How can I fight on the battlefield without my left arm? Is there any other way?" , able to keep my second brother's arm."

The military medical officer thought for a while and said to Liu Bei: "The King of Shu, maybe the villain is not good at medicine, why not try to find some famous doctors elsewhere. But the King of Shu, at most three days, if you can't find a famous doctor in three days, the second general This arm is bound to be lost."

Liu Bei thought, three days is three days, even if there is a glimmer of hope, he has to fight for it.

"Hurry up and post the announcement, whoever can save the second brother's arm will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of gold." Liu Bei ordered.

As soon as Liu Bei gave the order, there were officers and soldiers in Zhuojun, including various counties below Zhuojun, including some small towns. Anyway, wherever they could be posted, they were already filled with notices seeking medical treatment.

Although Guan Yu fell into a coma, Xiaopei still had to fight. Liu Bei summoned his subordinates and generals to discuss strategies against the enemy.

"If you want me to say, attack Xiaopei by force. After we defeat Xiaopei, we must drive out the Qin army and general Qin." Zhang Fei yelled.

"The King of Shu, Zhang Wenyuan, Xiaopei's defender, has always had a strategy, and Gao Shun is also in the camp. If we attack by force, even if we can break through Xiaopei, I'm afraid there will be heavy casualties." The military adviser Xu Shu said.

At this time, Wei Yan stood up.He bowed his hands to Liu Bei and said, "King of Shu, since Xiao Pei is not easy to take.Why don't we take Feng County, Xiang County, and Sishui County first, as long as we take these three counties, then Xiaopei is just a turtle in the urn. "

Xiaopei was called Sishui County in the Qin Dynasty, and it was changed from a county to a country in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it was called Peiguo.It has four subordinate counties: Feng County, Xiang County, Sishui County and Pei County.Over time, the county seat of Pei County was simply called Xiao Pei.

Although Wei Yan was not one of the Five Tiger Generals of Shu in history, in fact he was no less than the Five Tiger Generals.Perhaps in terms of martial arts, Wei Yan is slightly inferior to the Five Tigers.

But when it comes to strategy, Wei Yan can even say that he is stronger than the five tiger generals.Wei Yan has guarded Hanzhong for many years, and Hanzhong has always been impregnable.In the previous life, some people even said that if Zhuge Liang used Wei Yan's Ziwu Valley conspiracy and gave Wei Yan five thousand soldiers and horses, he might not have been able to take Chang'an directly and rewrite the history of the Three Kingdoms.

Today, Wei Yan made a plan not to take Xiaopei, and went to Fengxian, Xiangxian, and Sishui first.In fact, this is also a conspiracy.Because these three counties are behind Xiaopei, it is impossible to cross the main road if you want to send troops, so you can only pass by on a small road.

"We will go around Xiaopei to attack Fengxian, Xiangxian, and Sishui counties. If we are surrounded by the Qin army in reverse, what should we do?" Liu Bei pondered.

Guan Yu was seriously injured just now, and Liu Bei actually didn't want to use such a risky strategy.

However, at this time, Xu Shu said: "General Wei's plan is very clever. Now that the entire army of the Qin army is hoarding in Xiaopei City, we will divide our troops into three groups, and the three generals, General Huang and General Wei will each lead [-] soldiers and horses." , turn over from Mangdang Mountain, and surprise attack the three counties at the same time, we will definitely be able to take all the land of the three counties."

"I guess the Qin army must not have many soldiers in these three counties, and they can be taken in one battle. It would be great if Xiaopei and Zhang Liao divided their troops. We have [-] soldiers stationed in one county. If he wants to take them back, then At least send more than [-] people."

"It would be great if Zhang Liao divides his forces. When the time comes, Xiaopei City will be empty, and we can take Xiaopei in one fell swoop."

After Xu Shu's analysis, Liu Bei immediately felt that this was a good strategy, and hurriedly dispatched troops to give Zhang Fei, Wei Yan, and Huang Zhong [-] infantry each.Order them to take advantage of the night to cross Mangdang Mountain, and then quickly capture these three counties.

"Three generals, after taking down the three counties, then leave the deputy general to guard, and return to your orders as soon as possible." Before the three of them sent troops, Xu Shu specifically told them.

To lay down these three counties is to drive a nail into the interior of the Qin army.These three counties are all around Xiaopei. If Zhang Liao wants to take it back, he has to divide his troops. Once he divides his troops, Liu Bei will definitely attack Xiaopei.

But if you don't take it back, the Shu army in these three counties will be able to harass Xiaopei's grain road from time to time.

In fact, Zhang Liao also thought that the Shu army might take the land of these three counties first.However, thinking about it and thinking about it, Zhang Liao had nothing to do.The troops in his hands are seriously insufficient at this time, once the troops are divided, Xiaopei will inevitably be in danger of falling.

At this time, Zhang Liao could only take care of Xiaopei first, as long as Xiaopei was not lost, then Liu Bei's large army would not be able to get through.

At this time, Fengxian, Xiangxian, and Sishui counties had no garrison troops at all, and the defenders of these three counties had already been transferred back by Zhang Liao.

Although Wei Yan, Huang Zhong, and Zhang Fei captured the three counties, they only got three empty cities.As soon as the three counties were lost, Zhang Liao had already received the news.

"Hmph, it's just three empty cities."

"I, Xiaopei, have sufficient food, grass and military equipment, enough to last three months. If the big-eared thief wants these three counties, just give them to him." Zhang Liao said with a cold snort.

Anticipating that Liu Bei was going to attack the three counties, Zhang Liao evacuated the people as soon as possible and the defenders withdrew.The Shu army won the land of these three counties, but they still had to worry about the food and grass needed by these in-depth sergeants.

Xiaopei City had already hoarded a lot of grain and grass. Zhang Liao and the others didn't need a grain transport team to transport grain. Even if the Shu army wanted to rob grain, there was no place to rob it.

After capturing Xiang County, Zhang Fei was about to return to his command. At this time, the lieutenant he left behind ran up and asked Zhang Fei, "Third general, there is not a single drop of food or grass in this city. If we are stationed here, five thousand of us will eat it." What to drink?"

"Do you still need to ask me about such things?"

"The people in the city have all fled. Aren't there still villages far outside the city? There is no food and grass, so go to them to borrow it." Zhang Fei said a word, took off the reins, and led his troops back to Zhuo County to return to command.

"General, where do we go to borrow it? What can we pay back if we borrow it?" The soldiers around scratched their heads and asked puzzledly.

"When will the king of Shu repay the borrowed things? The grain is borrowed from the surrounding villages. If you don't borrow it, you will have to borrow it." The deputy general said coldly.

Zhang Fei said it was borrowing, but in fact, where it was borrowing, he let his soldiers grab it.

(End of this chapter)

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