Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 370 Liu Bowen visits Guo Fengxiao.

Chapter 370 Liu Bowen visits Guo Fengxiao.

Liu Bowen set off for Xudu that day, and Li Chen sent people to Luoyang to tell Jia Xu to come to the camp to listen to the order.At the same time, Qin Jun was also rushing to make rafts day and night.

Liu Bei is a hero in the world, not an ordinary person.There are 20 troops in the palm of your hand, and there are four generals Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, and Wei Yan.

Liu Bowen didn't know how long Zhang Liao could last, so he traveled day and night on the way to Xudu, and he didn't dare to delay for a moment.

Yuzhou, Xudu.

Xudu is Cao Cao's base camp, just like Xuzhou is Li Chen's base camp. For Cao Cao, it is the political and military center.


"Now that the Qin army is in full swing, if he is allowed to take down the six counties in Jiangdong, it will really benefit the world." Cao Cao said with a sigh.

Don't look at Yuan Shao going north to fight Gongsun Zan now, Cao Cao has almost regained all the territory he lost.However, now that Li Chen is in the limelight, Cao Cao knows that this opponent will be ten times and a hundred times harder to deal with by the Yuan brothers and Liu Bei.

"King Wei, Liu Bei is attacking Xiaopei now. Let's just wait and see what happens. I want to see if King Qin will withdraw his troops and come back to help."

"If the King of Qin withdraws his army and returns to aid, he will not be able to defeat Jiangdong. If the King of Qin does not withdraw, his Xiao Pei will have to be lost."

"At that time, even if the King of Qin conquers Jiangdong. Liu Bei occupies Zhuo County and Xiaopei and lays a buffer between us and the King of Qin. The Qin army will not be able to attack us for a while."

"As I said before, Liu Bei is not a soft persimmon. Even if the king of Qin defeats Liu Bei at that time, he will be powerless to fight us." Xun Yu brushed his beard and said in a deep voice.

"Hey, I hope so!" Cao Cao said with a sigh.

Although what Xun Yu said seems to be well-founded, if this kind of thing is placed on others, even if he wins the battle, it will definitely damage his vitality, and he will definitely not be able to fight again in a short time.

But in Cao Cao's view, Li Chen was not like that at all.Li Chen seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, giving people a feeling of being invincible all the way.

"Wen Ruo, how is Feng Xiao's illness these past few days?" Cao Cao asked Xun Yu with concern.

A few days ago, the battle on Cao Cao's side was urgent, Guo Jia's body was already weak, and he was completely exhausted from this exhaustion.

"Reporting to the King of Wei, Feng Xiao's illness has improved a bit. It is said that the two of them can get out of bed." Xun Yu replied.

"It's a good thing if things get better, and this king can't do without Fengxiao!" Cao Cao sighed.

Among the princes in the world, Cao Cao not only has a large territory, but also his subordinates are also known as high-ranking ministers like clouds and fierce generals like rain.But among so many civil servants and military generals, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao are the most favorite.

It can be said that among these civil servants, Cao Cao may not listen to what others say, but he can be said to obey Guo Jia's ideas.

At this time, Cao Cao can be said to be paying close attention to the battle situation on Qin's side all the time. Cao Cao sincerely hopes that Li Chen will withdraw his troops and counterattack Liu Bei.

As long as Li Chen withdraws his troops, Jiangdong will not be able to fight.Xuzhou is a place where four wars were fought, as long as Li Chen doesn't have a solid rear, it will be difficult to accomplish great things.

However, if Li Chen was allowed to capture the six counties in Jiangdong, then the Qin army's momentum would be really hard to stop.

In the past, Zhuge Liang went to Zhuojun as an envoy and persuaded Liu Bei to send troops to conquer Xiaopei, in order to relieve the pressure on Jiangdong.

But as the saying goes, when soldiers come to block, water comes to cover.Zhuge Liang was able to persuade Liu Bei to send troops to attack Xiaopei, so Liu Bowen may not be unable to persuade Cao Cao to send troops to attack Zhuojun.

He Zhuge Liang has a perfect tongue, and Liu Bowen is also familiar with the art of vertical and horizontal benefits.

When Liu Bowen came to Xudu, he didn't go to see Cao Cao directly, but first visited Cao Cao's mastermind, the famous genius Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

Liu Bowen can be said to be familiar with human nature, and Cao Cao is the kind of suspicious nature who would rather I blame the world than the world.As Li Chen's counselor, Liu Bowen wanted to win the trust and persuade Cao Cao, which can be said to be even more difficult.

Guo Jia's body is not strong due to years of drinking, singing and dancing.A few days ago, due to working day and night in the military, I fell ill a few days ago.Now that the battle situation is improving, Guo Jia is recuperating in the mansion.

"Military, Liu Bowen, the envoy of the King of Qin, is asking to see you outside the door." Guo Jia was lying on the bed recuperating, and the housekeeper hurried inside to report.

"Liu Bowen?"

"As expected!" Guo Fengxiao smiled slightly.

Although it is said that Guo Jia is recuperating in the mansion recently, he doesn't mean that he doesn't hear what's going on outside the window.Even if he is in the mansion, he knows everything about the general trend of the world.Judging from Guo Jia's expression, he had expected that Li Chen would send someone to Xudu.

Among the local counselors in the Three Kingdoms period, Guo Jiazhi can be said to be completely inferior to Zhuge Liang.Zhuge Liang's theory of three points in the world helped Liu Bei to take Xichuan. Similarly, Guo Fengxiao's theory of ten victories and ten defeats helped Cao Cao defeat Yuan Shao and become the number one prince in the world.

Zhuge Liang is more inclined to be a comprehensive talent. He can do all military affairs, politics, diplomacy, and internal affairs.Guo Jia, on the other hand, was more like a student who was partial to majors. He was exceptionally talented in military affairs, but he was not very good at other things.

Guo Jia is a good person, except for one thing that is short-lived. Just like Huskies trade their IQ for their appearance, Guo Jia's military talent is probably traded for his life.

Ghosts never die, crouching dragons come out, Guo Jia is active in the early period of the Three Kingdoms, and Zhuge Liang is active in the middle and late period of the Three Kingdoms.

"Mr. Liu, please go to the lobby and do it first. After I freshen up, I will go over here." Guo Jia ordered.

Guo Jia has been bedridden these days, so he looks somewhat sloppy. Since he went to meet Liu Bowen, Guo Jia has to tidy up, so he can't lose face for King Wei.

The housekeeper of Guo Jia's mansion brought Liu Bowen in first, then asked Liu Bowen to sit down, and hurriedly brought tea and water for him.

"Mr. Liu, sit down first. My military adviser is in poor health. He may arrive later. You wait first." The housekeeper said to Liu Bowen.

Because Guo Jia was addicted to drinking and sex, his body was hollowed out by it. All the big men knew about it.Liu Bowen naturally knew it too, so he didn't care too much.

Oh, I said why Cao Cao likes Guo Jia so much, the relationship is because these two people are lustful, maybe, they are still "comrades in arms".

"Da da da!"

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps accompanied by coughing, and Liu Bowen knew that it was Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao.

"Liu Bowen has met Guo Junshi, and he has admired his name for a long time!" Seeing the young man in front of him, Liu Bowen cupped his hands towards Guo Jia and said.

"Don't dare, don't dare."

"Mr. Bowen is the elder, and he treats filial piety as the youngest. It should be the famous dish of Mr. Bowen who has been respected for a long time." Guo Jia returned the salute to Liu Bowen.

(End of this chapter)

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