Chapter 372
Guo Jia asked Liu Bowen to stay at the mansion first and later, and went to Wei Wang's mansion to persuade Cao Cao to send troops to Zhuojun.

Xudu, Wei Wangfu.

In Wei Wang's mansion, Wei Wang Cao Cao is convening a group of civil servants and generals to discuss military affairs.In the past few days, Cao Cao has been a little anxious to get angry.

Cao Cao wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to get rid of Yuan Shao's brother Yuan Shu when Yuan Shao went north to fight Gongsun Zan.But now the front line is really not going well, and Cao Wei's army is blocked by Yuan Shu's general Ji Ling to the north of the Huaihe River.

"King Wei, our army has no sailors, and the waterways in the Jianghuai area become more developed as we go south. Our army's cavalry is at a disadvantage in attacking. It may not be easy to defeat Yuan Shu."

"How about ordering General Xiahou to temporarily garrison and switch from attack to defense, and then transfer the army to General Cao Hong, how about we turn to attack Xiliang?" Xun Yu suggested to Cao Cao.

However, before Cao Cao could speak.The counselor Cheng Yu said: "No, no!"

"My lord, it's only a matter of time before Yuan Shao defeats Gongsun Zan and takes all of Youzhou. Let's attack Yuan Shu and take Jianghuai to connect the land together and compete with Yuan Shu."

"But if we don't fight Yuan Shu, we fight Ma Teng. Even if we take down Xiliang, it will only increase our burden."

"Taking Xiliang will do more harm than good. Once you take Xiliang, you will need to defend against the Huns, Wuhuan and other grassland peoples. It will waste troops, food and grass in vain."

"Secondly, take down Xiliang, our territory is a line. There is Yuan Shu in the south, Yuan Shao in the north, Li Chen in the east, and Liu Bei in Zhuo County."

"King Wei, taking Xiliang is the way of self-destruction!" Cheng Yuyu said earnestly.

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

"Zhongde is right, absolutely not to take Xiliang, taking Xiliang is the way to self-destruct." At this time, Guo Jia and Guo Fengxiao applauded and praised at the same time.

Guo Jia is Cao Cao's favorite counselor, and he is naturally unimpeded in the Wei Palace.Don't say that someone blocked it, even if you connect to the report, you don't need to report it.

When Guo Jia arrived at the entrance of the meeting hall, he heard arguing in the hall.So Guo Jia didn't go in, but stood at the door and listened for a while.

In Guo Jia's view, what Cheng Yu said was more reasonable than what Xun Yu said.However, this does not mean that Cheng Yu is better than Xun Yu.Cheng Yu is better at military affairs, while Xun Yu is better at internal affairs.

"Feng Xiao, you are here!"

"Is your health better?" Cao Cao was overjoyed when he saw Guo Jia.

Cao Cao loved Guo Jia very much. Of course, a counselor can be loved by the lord. The most important thing is that his attention can speak to the lord's heart.

Meaningless, Guo Jia is such a person.His attention is often in Cao Cao's arms.Therefore, whenever Cao Cao was in doubt, he would ask Guo Jia for advice.

In the history of the previous life, when Cao Cao was defeated in Chibi, he once said a word, if Feng Xiao was in my Cao Cao, it would not be like this.It's just a pity that Guo Jia died young during the Battle of Chibi.

"Cough! Cough!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's much better." Guo Jia said to Cao Cao.

"Feng Xiao, sit down and talk." Cao Cao personally supported Guo Jia to sit down.

At this time, all the civil and military ministers were standing, even Cao Cao himself was standing.In the entire conference hall, Guo Jia was sitting alone.

The civil servants and military generals thought to themselves, look at how people treat them like filial piety, we are standing and he is sitting.Hey, this is how Feng Xiao was treated so favorably by King Wei.

Of course, everyone also thought so in their hearts, but they didn't say that they had any opinions in their hearts.After all, Guo Jia's health is not good, which is known to everyone.

After Guo Jia sat down, Cao Cao turned to Guo Jia and asked for advice: "Feng Xiao, the King of Qin has always had great ambitions. If he doesn't take down the Jianghuai land, I'm afraid it will be difficult to confront him in the future!"

Co-author Cao Cao was determined to capture Yuan Shu's territory precisely because he saw that Li Chen was about to capture Jiangdong.He was uneasy, if he didn't take down Yuan Shu, how would he compete with Li Chen for supremacy in the future.

In this world, there are only one and a half people who can enter Cao Cao's eyes.Li Chen is that one, and Liu Bei is barely half.

As for Yuan Shao and the Yuan Shu brothers, in Cao Cao's view, they were nothing more than the shadow of their ancestors.

"Cough! Cough!"

"My lord, as I said just now, what Zhong De said is right, no matter what, we must take the land of the Jianghuai River."

"In addition to the two things Zhong De said just now, there is one more important thing!" Guo Jia said to Cao Cao.

"Feng Xiao, what else did Zhong De not say?" Cao Cao asked.

"King Wei, most of our food and grass are now exchanged from the King of Qin. If we fight with the King of Qin in the future, the food and grass will be cut off. Dare I ask, how can we support this nearly one million army?"

"The Jianghuai generation is rich in products, and the grain is harvested every year. Yuan Shu was able to become one of the world's lords with just a few counties, precisely because the Jianghuai generation was the most affluent counties in the world."

"The reason for taking the land of Jianghuai is because Jianghuai produces grain. If we take down Jianghuai, we can make up for the shortage of grain and avoid over-reliance on King Qin." Guo Jia said with a serious face.

In wars in ancient times, the three armies did not move, and the food and grass went first.If your food and grass are stuck in your throat, how will you be able to start a war with them in the future.

When Guo Jia mentioned this, the people present were shocked.What Feng Xiao said is reasonable, if the Jianghuai generation cannot be taken down, then after this war, they will inevitably disarm.

Now in order to resist the multi-party coalition forces, Cao Cao recruited many more troops.Thanks to the exchange of iron and Qin Jun for food, otherwise it would have been impossible to survive.

"Feng Xiao is right!"

"Food, food. Our current gate of life is still in the hands of Qin Jun!"

"It's just that I'm struggling with how to conquer the Jianghuai area." Cao Cao sighed.

When I said this, not only Cao Cao was worried, but all the civil servants and generals in the room were worried.As the saying goes, it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice, and now they are blocked to the north of the Huai River, unable to advance at all.

The army was blocked by the Huaihe River. If you want to cross the river, you need a boat.But now all the ships around the Huaihe River have been confiscated by Yuan Shu's people.On the Huaihe River, Yuan Shu's naval forces blocked the way.

Now the two Xiahou brothers are staring at the Huaihe River with an army of hundreds of thousands, but they can't cross the Huaihe River.

At this time, Guo Jia smiled slightly and said to Cao Cao: "King Wei, we are now blocked north of the Huaihe River because we have no navy. As long as there is a navy that can defeat Yuan Shu's navy, once we cross the Huaihe River, we will The army will be unstoppable."

Hearing this, Cao Cao smiled wryly and said, "Feng Xiao, there is no such thing as a naval army. Even if we form it now, it will be too late."

"Wei Wang, although we don't have a navy, we can borrow them." Guo Jia smiled at Cao Cao.

(End of this chapter)

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