Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 377 Landing Battle on the Beach.

Chapter 377 Landing Battle on the Beach.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Following the order of the messenger, hundreds of catapults from Soochow along the bank began to project fireballs.All of a sudden, hundreds, even thousands of fireballs hit Qin Jun in the sky.

In the dark night, these fireball bombs slammed towards Qin Jun like meteorites from the sky, making people feel their scalp tingling for a while.

Most of the boats charged by the Qin army were made of leather rafts, which were far more afraid of fire than wooden boats. Therefore, this round of shooting by the Wu army really burned many of the Qin army's leather rafts.

However, Wu Jun only had the chance to shoot this time. The firelight from the catapult had already exposed the position of Wu Jun's catapult.

You must know that Qin Jun's artillery is far superior to Wu Jun's catapults in terms of range and accuracy.


"Adjust the artillery position!" Zheng Chenggong personally commanded the few artillery in the rear.

"Squeak! Squeak!"

"Squeak, squeak!"


The artillerymen of the Qin Army quickly turned the gears to adjust the position of the fort, and the gears made a sound of rubbing against each other.

"Ready to load!" Qin Jun's flag bearer waved the flag in his hand, and then, only heard "launch."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

With the order of the messenger, fifty or sixty artillery pieces of the Qin army roared in unison. The recoil of these artillery pieces was too great, and the ship slid far away in shock.

"Steady the boat!"

"Keep shooting!" Zheng Chenggong continued to order.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After the Qin army ships stabilized the hull, they immediately launched another round of salvos, and the roar of the artillery was endless.

The Qin army's artillery fires are all flowering bullets. In addition to gunpowder, these flowering singles are soybean-sized iron bullets mixed with blade-like iron pieces.

This flowering bomb is not only capable of smashing Wu Jun's catapult into pieces.These iron bullets and iron pieces hit Wu Jun's body. No matter whether you are wearing iron armor or leather armor, as long as you are in the center of the explosion, you will be beaten into a sieve.

Not to mention being in the center of the explosion, even being rubbed against by this thing, it might be a situation that neither kills nor hurts.

"Report to the governor, Wu Jun's long-range firepower has been completely destroyed." A partial general reported to Zheng Chenggong.

Under the suppression of the recent rounds of artillery fire, hundreds of Soochow's catapults had no time to move, and they were all destroyed by the Qin army's artillery fire.

At this time, burning wood fragments were everywhere on the shore, and around these blasted and crushed catapult wreckage, there were horrible corpses of Wu Jun lying.

"How many shells are left?" Zheng Chenggong asked his subordinates.

"Reporting to the governor, there can only be three salvos at most." This person reported.

"Order to smash all the shells on the shore, and it's time for us to charge." Zheng Chenggong ordered.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There were three rounds of shooting in succession. At this time, a small number of Qin troops at the forefront took advantage of the gap between the artillery fire to suppress the Wu army, and had already reached the shore, and began to wade towards the shore.

After firing all the shells, Zheng Chenggong rushed towards the shore with the rest of the soldiers.

The depth of the water on this shore is not enough to reach a person's thigh, but at this distance, it is difficult for a leather raft to move forward.At this time, if you are paddling forward, the oar will be smashed into the mud of the river.The entire raft was hard to move, so when they reached the shore, the soldiers of the Qin army simply chose to disembark and swim across.

"Get into the water and keep them in the water." At this time, Old Huang Gai ordered immediately.

Seeing the Qin army entering the water, Huang Gai immediately took the lead and led his men to meet him.On this shore, the Qin army was powerful, but in the water, the Wu army had an advantage.

Although Huang Gai is so old now, he is still really a fierce player.I saw him holding a knife in one hand, removing his armor with the other, and rushed to the forefront.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

After three calls to kill, the soldiers of the Qin Army and the soldiers of the Wu Army had already won together.This can be said to be a hand-to-hand battle between the two sides. In a short time, the river was stained red with blood.

You know, the shoals by the river are full of mud.When people walk inside, one foot is deep and the other is shallow.The movements of the whole person will appear much slower.

At this time, the fighting on the shallows seemed very primitive.The soldiers on both sides are you stabbing me, and then I stabbing you.The people in front have fallen paper, and the people behind are making up for it.

Qin Jun wanted to rush to the shore, while Wu Jun wanted to squeeze Qin Jun into the river.At this time, the two sides have completely mixed together, and everyone has become red-eyed.Anyway, if you see someone with different armor, then a white knife goes in and a red knife comes out.

"Push forward, keep pressing forward for me."

"Drive Qin Jun to the river." Old Huang Gai shouted madly, holding up the long knife in his hand.

In the middle of the river, no amount of fancy moves would work.The most simple and direct way to kill is to stab, stabbing your long knife into the enemy's body.If you stand and he falls, then you win.

The Wu army had an absolute advantage in terms of military strength, but at this time, they did not have the upper hand. On the contrary, the Wu army invested nearly twice as many troops as the Qin army.They fought again in the water where they were better at, but even so, the two sides were still fighting evenly.

At this time, the advantages of Qin Jun's equipment were reflected.Today, all the sailors of the Qin Army wear paper armor.If this paper armor does not get wet, its defensive power can only be regarded as average.

However, once the paper armor is stained with water, the defense power will be doubled, even the iron armor can't compare.The water-stained nails are soft and soft, and when a knife is pierced in, they are soft, and there is no way to apply force.

And this nail has another advantage, that is, after it gets wet with water, it can be used as a life jacket, and it has a natural buoyancy.

Wu Jun had an advantage in strength, while Qin Jun had an advantage in equipment, so the two sides fought evenly.

Huang Gai personally led the people into the water to meet them, and Zhou Yu was naturally on the shore, keeping an eye on them all the time.

"Governor, the situation has reached a stalemate." Zhou Tai said to Zhou Yu with a solemn expression.

At this time, Zhou Yu was watching the scene on the battlefield, and he naturally knew that the situation on the battlefield was at a stalemate.

"Deploy [-] elite soldiers from the left and right flanks, press me forward, and drive the Qin army back to the river." Zhou Yu immediately ordered.

Zhou Yu knew that the Qin army didn't have many small boats, so he subconsciously felt that this front should be all the landing forces of the Qin army.

ps: I recommend a few books of my own, you can read them.

"Being Qin Shihuang's Good Son-in-Law" has 130 million words and has been completed.

"Sui and Tang Dynasties: Killing Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty and Sacrifice to Heaven at the Beginning" has 55 words and is being updated hotly.

"People in the Qin Dynasty, Shennong Reincarnation at the Beginning" 8 words, new book.

(End of this chapter)

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