Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 380 The Qin army goes ashore.

Chapter 380 The Qin army goes ashore.

Seeing that Gan Ning and his large troops were not far from the shore, Pan Zhang simply led the Jinfan Battalion into the formation of the Eastern Wu Army
In terms of combat effectiveness, the Soochow soldiers are no match for the Jinfan Battalion.At this time, not only was the combat power not the opponent of the Jinfan Battalion, but the Soochow Army was also at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

"The Jinfan thief is here! The Jinfan thief is here!"

"The Jinfan thief is here! The Jinfan thief is here!"

Hearing the ringing of the bells, seeing the group of shirtless men with five-colored feathers on their heads, the Soochow Army suddenly panicked.

Although the number of the [-] Jinfan bandits trained by Gan Ning is small, if these people are taken out alone, with this skill, they can be a centurion commander or a thousand commander in the army.

When it comes to martial arts and momentum, the Jinfan Camp is like a tiger going up the mountain and a dragon entering the sea. The generals of the Eastern Wu are no match for them.

Raise the knife, charge forward, swing the knife.

The eight hundred brothers of the Jinfan Bandit were holding their breath in their hearts, so they didn't intend to be merciless in this attack.It can be said that people die with swords, and people die with swords!

Looking at the battlefield, all the Wu troops standing in front of the Jinfan thief fell to the ground one by one.At this time, the ground was full of the corpses of soldiers of the Eastern Wu, blood and stumps everywhere.

I don't know if it's the Jinfan Battalion's combat effectiveness that is too strong, or the Soochow Army's combat effectiveness is too weak.Anyway, this was just a split second, and the morale of a thousand or eight hundred Soochow soldiers fell to the ground.

Seeing the ferocity of the Jinfan bandits, how could the Eastern Wu soldiers not be frightened, how could they not be terrified.Now this is a soldier who has no courage to fight, and generals who have no courage to die.

The Soochow Army has this mentality from top to bottom, so how can we fight this battle.What's the point of fighting? You can run away.


"Old General Han, the Jinfan thief is here, the Jinfan thief is here." A soldier, covered in blood, rushed to Han Dang to report.

Han Dang was patrolling the line of defense along the river at this time, and when he heard the shouts of killing, he immediately brought his elite guards and dared to come over.

When Han Dang rushed here, seeing the battle situation here, he almost fainted out of breath.Then how can Han Dang not be angry, he has deployed a total of 800 soldiers in the watchtower.But these [-] soldiers were actually driven away by [-] people from the Jinfan Battalion.

Han Dang was so angry in his heart, he thought, what are you running away for, instead of hitting back.



"If there are escapers, shoot them to death." Han Dang shouted loudly, holding a steel knife in his hand.

At this time, Han Dang hated iron but not steel, Han Dang said carefully, are you afraid of death and want to escape?Whoever dares to run back for me, I will let you die in my hands first.

With Han Dang's order, the elite troops under him immediately pointed their bows and arrows at the fleeing Wu troops.


"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

With a wave of Han Dang's hand, his elite troops bent their bows and shot at the deserters.Of course, Han Dang didn't really want to shoot them to death, but in this troubled world, he should use a heavy code, and he couldn't stop these soldiers from being defeated unless he was really cruel.

This round of arrows directly shot a [-]-point line on the ground. Han Dang didn't really want to shoot the deserters, so they all shot at his feet.Of course, there were also a few unlucky ones who ran so fast when they escaped that they happened to hit these arrows.

Han Dangnai is a veteran of the Soochow Wu. He also followed the old master Sun Jian to fight in the north and south, killing east and west. In the Soochow army, this is a reputation earned by real swords and guns.Therefore, when Han Dang came, these Wu troops did not dare to run away.

"Old General Han."

"Jin Fan Bandit, Gan Ning's Jin Fan Bandit is here." These rout soldiers said out of breath, it seemed that they were still in shock and in a panic.

"The Jinfan thief? Gan Ning?"

"He is the heavenly soldier and general who came down to earth. The Dragon King of the East China Sea is coming with shrimp soldiers and crabs. You have to fight them back for me." Han Dang stared and said angrily.

Han Dang turned his head and yelled at the Soochow soldiers behind him.After being reprimanded by Han Dang, these Wu soldiers bowed their heads in shame.There were 800 people, and they were chased around by [-] people.It is really embarrassing to beat one of the eight people, but none of them are opponents.

As the saying goes, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and a hero cannot stand up to many people.It stands to reason that these eight Soochow soldiers were designated to be able to beat a Qin soldier, but the Soochow soldiers didn't dare to fight, and turned their heads and ran away as soon as they touched them.

Han Dang didn't bother to pursue the responsibility of these soldiers, and his current plan at noon was to stop Gan Ning's men.No matter what, Gan Ning couldn't let Gan Ning bring people to rush to Han Dang's place to kill him.

"Kill me back, whoever dares to retreat, don't blame the old man for being ruthless." Han Dang shouted with a wave of his hand.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

When Han Dang came, the soldiers of the Wu army did not dare to retreat.They held weapons one by one, and blocked the Jinfan bandit again.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

There was a sound of weapons colliding, and the armies of both sides fought together.

Although the Jinfan bandits are powerful, they are no more than [-] people in the final analysis.Han Dang originally deployed more than [-] people near the sentry tower, but now he has brought thousands of people to support.For a while, Han Dang blocked the attack of the Jinfan thief.

Han Dang had just blocked the Jinfan bandit, when he heard the sound of water coming from the shore. At this time, Gan Ning had already led the [-] Qin army to the shore on a sheepskin raft.

"Old General Han, the Qin army has rushed up."

"There are so many people on the bank, all of them are people." Han Dang's general rushed to Han Dang and said.

Han Dang gritted his teeth, his heart turned pale with shock.He racked his brains but couldn't figure out where Qin Jun found these boats and how they crossed the two rivers.

"It's over!" Looking at the soldiers of the Qin army rushing up the river, Han Dang's eyes darkened, and an ominous premonition arose in his heart.

The soldiers on Han Dang's side were transferred by Zhou Yu to [-] soldiers. Although they still have more troops than the Qin army, it is difficult to gain an advantage.You must know that the combat effectiveness of the Qin army is stronger than that of the Wu army, and with the addition of the Jinfan bandits as the forward, the Wu army is already at a disadvantage in terms of momentum.

"No matter what, don't retreat half a point. Behind Chanling City are our parents, our wives and children. We have no way to retreat." Although Han Dang knew that it would be difficult for him to stop Qin Jun, he still fought to the death.

Han Dang didn't know at this time that his old friend Huang Gai had died in battle, and now there were only three of their f4 of the older generation of Soochow left.

The f4 of the older generation of Soochow are the four generals under Sun Jian's command, Cheng Pu, Zu Mao, Han Dang, and Huang Gai.The f4 of the new generation of Soochow is the four successive governors of Soochow, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, Lu Xun, and Lu Meng.

As we all know, Liu Bei's brother, Cao Cao's heir, and the governor of Soochow have the highest death rate.

(End of this chapter)

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