Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 388 Military generals take the lead in the battle, civil servants take the lead.

Chapter 388 Military generals take the lead in the battle, civil servants take the lead.

After Zhuge Liang persuaded Liu Bei to send troops to conquer Xiaopei, he returned to Jiangdong.After returning to Jiangdong, Zhuge Liang was naturally not idle, he was busy doing logistics work for Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu deployed hundreds of thousands of waterway troops on the front line of Chanling, and the food and drink expenses of these tens of thousands of people were all handled by Zhuge Liang.

You know, there are no planes, trains, or cars in this era.The transportation of these materials depends entirely on people pulling horses, so the work in the rear is no easier than that in the front.

Since Sun Jian died, Sun Ce took over the position of King Wu, and he must also bear the responsibility of being King Wu.Compared with the old master Sun Jian, Sun Ce looks a little immature.However, in terms of courage, Sun Ce is not inferior to Sun Jian at all.

Sun Ce is a person who is willing to delegate power and dares to delegate power.The most important thing for Soochow now is the war with Qin.

Sun Ce handed over the full power of the battle ahead to Zhou Yu, and the deployment of food, grass and armaments in the rear was fully handed over to Zhuge Liang.

Sun Ce knew that if he charged forward, he would have nothing to say.But these things about governing Soochow are not what I am good at.

Soochow, Wu Palace.


The attendants of King Wu's Palace ran up to Sun Ce, knelt down on one knee and said, "Report to King Wu, a letter from the governor."

After hearing Zhou Yu's letter, Sun Ce's expression brightened. Sun Ce thought to himself, Zhou Yu's letter at this time, could it be a good news from the front line.

However, what Sun Ce never expected was that what came from the front was not news of victory, but news of defeat.

"Quickly, present the letter from the governor to the lonely king." Sun Ce said impatiently.

The attendant hurriedly handed over Zhou Yu's letter, and Sun Ce took the letter. He couldn't wait to know the contents of the letter.

Sun Ce originally thought it was a good news from the front line, but after opening the letter, he realized that the battle situation ahead had been corrupted to such an extent.What worried Sun Ce the most was not the battle ahead, but Zhou Yu's body.

As the saying goes, if people lose land, all people and land will survive.If you lose your land, you will lose your land.Li Chen's subordinates can be said to be like a cloud of civil servants and like a rain of fierce generals.Compared with Daqin, Soochow is a small country with weak people.If something happened to Zhou Yu, how would the battle be fought?

Thousands of troops are easy to get, but one general is hard to find.It is also thanks to Zhuge Liang who voted, otherwise no one in the entire Soochow could replace Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu has already stated in the letter that he is powerless to deal with the current battle situation, and now his body can no longer support it.In the letter, Zhou Yu recommended Zhuge Liang to Sun Ce, and told him that if he wanted to save Soochow, it must be Zhuge Liang.

After Sun Ce read the letter, his hands were trembling uncontrollably.The last time the front line came to report, it was when the Qin army was blocked at Liangjiangkou.Sun Ce originally thought that even if the Soochow Army could not win a big victory, it would be able to stabilize the battle on the front line of Liangjiangkou.

It's just that what Sun Ce never expected was that when the battle report came, it was the news that almost collapsed the entire Soochow.Where Sun Ce was silently stunned, his heart can be said to be full of mixed feelings.

"Could it be possible that this Soochow Wu will perish at the hands of my Sun Ce."

"Father, father, I'm sorry for you."

"No, no, I, Sun Ce, can't let Soochow die in my hands no matter what." Sun Ce couldn't help shouting in his heart.

After a full cup of tea, Sun Ce slowed down and told the attendants beside him, "Go and invite Mr. Zhuge over here."

The servant was ordered to leave, but Sun Ce shouted, "Wait."

"Call us Jiangdong ministers over here."

Today, the situation on the front line can be said to be extremely critical.Sun Ce knew that it was impossible to hide the truth, so why not speak frankly.

About half an hour or so.

King Wu Palace, the main hall.

Sun Ce sat on the main seat, and below him was Jiangdong's Minister of Civil and Military Affairs.Now in this hall, the number of civil servants can be said to be far more than that of generals.At this time, almost all generals are fighting on the front line, or are preparing for battle.

Sun Ce ordered people to read out loud the battle report from the front line. As soon as the battle report came out, the faces of these Eastern Wu civil servants and generals all became extremely gloomy.

As soon as it was heard that the Qin army had approached Chanling City, most of Chanling City had been burned down.The governor Zhou Yu is seriously ill, and now Chanling is in danger.

These news, like a heavy bomb, exploded in the hearts of the Soochow officials.At this time, some active Soochow ministers had already begun to look for a way out after Qin occupied Soochow.

In this era, for big families, the interests of the family are far above the country.For their family and country, the first thing they must protect is the interests of the family.

"I don't know everyone, what do you think of the battle situation on the front line?" Sun Ce looked at the crowd and asked in a deep voice.

After Sun Ce asked this question, all the ministers of the Soochow Wu were silent, like ostriches, eager to stuff their heads into their trouser waists.

Since the war with the Qin army, even Zhou Yu, the governor who has always been invincible, has been defeated repeatedly. Now these civil servants, how dare they speak up.

Since you don't speak up?What can I say, surrender.You must know that the old master Sun Jian died in the hands of the Qin army. Wouldn't it be uncomfortable for anyone who dares to surrender in front of Sun Ce?

However, don't tell me, there are really people in Soochow who are very talented.He really had someone who dared to surrender in front of Sun Ce.

"My subject please report to the King of Wu."

"The Qin army is powerful. Since the start of the war, no less than [-] sons of our Eastern Wu have died on the battlefield. Qin is powerful and our Eastern Wu is weak. I think this war should not continue."

"I think that Soochow should surrender to the King of Qin. Whether it's cutting the land or paying compensation, my Soochow's first goal now should be to stop fighting."

"In ancient times, there was Goujian, the king of Yue, who swallowed the mighty Wu with three thousand Yuejia. I think that at this time, I, Soochow, should bear the humiliation and pay tribute to the Great Qin, in order to stop the war." Among the crowd, a man named Xue The comprehensive ministers came out and said.

This Xue Zong is not very old, about [-] years old. Of course, he is not very old as an official, standing in the last row of civil servants.

After Xue Zong finished speaking, the civil servants headed by Gu Yong and Zhang Zhao first looked at Xue Zong and then at Sun Ce's face.

Since ancient times, when a weak country faced a strong country, it was always the generals who fought and the civil servants who surrendered.In fact, not only small officials like Xue Zong wanted to surrender to the Great Qin, but even important Jiangdong ministers like Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong also wanted to surrender to Qin.

However, since the old master Sun Jian died in the hands of the Qin army, Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong did not stand up as the leader.

Now, Xue Zong took the initiative to stand up as the young bird, Zhang Zhao and Gu Yong naturally wanted to see Sun Ce's attitude.

(End of this chapter)

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