Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 392 Chanling grain shortage.

Chapter 392 Chanling grain shortage.

As the saying goes, it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail.Despite Zhang Zhao's words, Li Chen's subordinates were like clouds, and fierce generals were like rain.Even if Zhang Zhao, Gu Yong and others took refuge in Li Chen, they might not be able to be reused.

It was a last resort to vote for Qin. Since there are still choices now, it is natural to help Sun Ce defend Soochow.

Now, under the command of Zhuge Liang, the entire Soochow Wu is like a precision pole, spinning continuously.From top to bottom, Soochow is working hard to resist Qin.

Chanling City.

above the city wall.

At this time, Cheng Pu, the deputy governor, was staring at a pair of dark circles, leading soldiers to patrol the city wall.

Ever since Zhou Yu fell ill, the burden of defending the entire Chanling City has been placed on the shoulders of veteran Cheng Pu.

You know, this Chanling City is now in a state of slack in the army, and there is already a shortage of food and grass.These days, the gruel that the soldiers ate was already enough to make people look like people.

"Mr. Zhuge, when will we come?" Cheng Pu sighed in his heart.

Cheng Pu knew how much he weighed. If he was to charge forward, it would be fine to lure him to ambush him.However, if he were to command hundreds of thousands of troops to strategize, then Cheng Puke would not be able to command them.

Even though he knew in his heart that he couldn't do it, now that Zhou Yu was sick on the bed, if Cheng Pu didn't shoulder this burden, then who would be able to shoulder this burden.Now, Cheng Pu only hoped that the Qin army would not come to attack before Zhuge's army division arrived.

"Da da da."

Cheng Pu was leading the soldiers to patrol the city wall when there was a sound of footsteps, and it was Zhou Tai who hurried over.

"Deputy Governor, I have something important to report." Zhou Tai said to Cheng Pu, which seemed to mean that it was inconvenient to say this on the city wall.

Cheng Pu is also a shrewd person, so he naturally understood what Zhou Tai meant.He quickly ordered the deputy general to inspect the city defense, and followed Zhou Tai down the city wall.

After the two went down the city wall, they came to a secluded place.Only then did Zhou Tai say to Cheng Pu: "Deputy governor, the food officer came to report, even if the food is so thin, our food and grass will last for three days at most."

"Also, many soldiers have already started talking about it. If things go on like this, I'm afraid there will be trouble."

Hearing this, Cheng Pu's heart sank, it was still raining all night because of the leak in the house.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the warehouse first." Cheng Pu said to Zhou Tai.

Cheng Pu and Zhou Tai came to the storehouse to count the grain and grass. Seeing it, they almost stopped crying.Now in Chanling City, there are empty warehouses and empty wells, so where is there any food left?

Right now, in the warehouse in Chanling City, the mice would cry when they came.

"Where is the grain officer?"

"Old man, let me ask you, if you slaughter the army horses, how long can you last?" Cheng Pu called the grain officer and asked him.

"Deputy governor, we are the city guards. Ordinary soldiers don't have horses. Only generals have horses?"

"Here, kill them all?" the grain officer asked hesitantly.

Soochow had few horses in the first place, so it had its own generals to have horses. A small grain officer would not dare to say much about the horse that killed the general.

"At this time, the life of a human is more valuable than that of a horse. Let alone a general, even my Cheng Pu's horse must be killed if it should be killed?" Cheng Pu said firmly.

"Deputy governor, if all of them are killed."

"That's about three days more." The grain officer thought about it in his mind, this horse meat, horse bones and even horse skin could be eaten.In the last three days, it shouldn't be a big problem.

"Then eat the food first. If there is no food, we will kill horses to satisfy our hunger." Cheng Pu gave the order decisively.

After leaving the warehouse, Cheng Pu told Zhou Tai: "Send out scouts quickly to see where Mr. Zhuge is. In addition, tell Mr. Zhuge that there is a shortage of food in the city, and ask Mr. Zhuge to think of a way."

At this moment, Cheng Pu became more and more flustered. Killing the horse was already the last step.If it was time to kill horses for the soldiers to eat, these soldiers were not fools, they would definitely be able to realize that the city was already running out of ammunition and food.At that time, the morale of the army in this city will inevitably become even more scattered.

Cheng Pu was anxious, now that the water in Chanling City was too deep, he was about to lose control, Zhuge Liang had to control it.

Zhou Tai got Cheng Pu's order, and quickly dispatched a team of scouts to deliver a letter to Zhuge Liang.At this time, Zhuge Liang was leading three thousand armored light cavalry to Chanling City.

"Report, Mr. Zhuge, the old general Cheng Pu sent someone to send an urgent military report."

On the main road to Chanling, a hurried voice came, and the former army who explored the way came to report the news.

"Quickly, give me the situation of the general." Zhuge Liang asked hastily.

At this time, Zhuge Liang was also eager to get news about Chanling City. Only when he got the specific situation of Chanling, could Zhuge Liang adapt to the situation.

The soldier handed the information in his hand to Zhuge Liang, Zhuge Liang opened the information and took a look, his face suddenly changed dramatically.That complexion was so gloomy that it could drip water.

Cheng Pu asked Zhuge Liang for food, which made Zhuge Liang very embarrassed.Now time is urgent, and Zhuge Liang came in a hurry.He only brought three thousand light cavalry, where did he bring any food and grass.

Seeing what Cheng Puxin said, the city of Chanling planned to slaughter horses for food, Zhuge Liang thought to himself, even if their 10 horses were slaughtered, it would not be enough to feed the [-] people in the city.

For food, we must find a way to solve the food crisis in Chanling City.Otherwise, even if Zhuge Liang arrived in Chanling City, Chanling City would not be able to defend without food.

While preparing food and grass for Chanling City, he could not delay his speed to Chanling City. This was also a big problem for Zhuge Liang.

However, Zhuge Liang is Zhuge Liang after all, and the famous people in the Three Kingdoms are naturally quick-witted.It didn't take long for Zhuge Liang to think of a clever plan.

Zhuge Liang rushed to Chanling City with three thousand light cavalry, and when he was five or six counties away from Chanling City, he stopped the team.

"Ding Feng, Xu Sheng, you two will each lead a thousand soldiers and search for food and grass along the way. No matter what, the food and grass can only be more or less." Zhuge Liang ordered.

Zhuge Liang said that he was searching for food and grass, but in fact he was searching for food and grass. If he said it more directly, it would be to grab food and grass.

At this time, the government's food storage has already been requisitioned.Now there is still food there, that is, the grain merchants in the city, the wealthy households, and the homes of ordinary people, who still have some rations.

At this time, there is no need to care about military discipline or not.The soldiers are going to starve to death, so how can they control military discipline or not.

The author said that during the court meeting in the Wu Palace a few days ago, the 72 counties including Chanling had already made up their minds to give up to the Qin army.Since this is the territory of the Qin army sooner or later, Zhuge Liang will not care about the lives of these ordinary people.

In Zhuge Liang's view, everything must be defended first, and there is no way to grab food.

(End of this chapter)

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