Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 408 Likes Zhao Zilong who comes in and out.

Chapter 408 Likes Zhao Zilong who comes in and out.

Zhao Yun called Cheng Yaojin to get on the horse, and when Cheng Yaojin saw the horse approaching, he quickly got on the horse.Zhao Yunhu was in front of Cheng Yaojin, and the two of them were going to kill outside.

As soon as Jiang Qin looked at the scene, he thought to himself, this is bad, if these two people escape with Cheng Pu, then Jiang Qin can't bear it and walk away.

It can be said that Zhao Yun has unstoppable courage, and these soldiers of Wu Jun can't stop Zhao Yun at all.The present said that this fate is his own. Whoever rushes forward now will die at the hands of Zhao Yun. In this way, which of these Wu army soldiers is willing to go forward to die.

"If you don't shoot the arrow, I'm afraid you won't be able to stop Zhao Zilong."

"Come here, ask the crossbowman to come forward and shoot me an arrow." Jiang Qin ordered to his lieutenant general.

It's true that Zhao Yun has the courage of a million men. In the original book, Cao's army of millions on Changbanpo even killed seven in and seven out.But that's because Boss Cao loves talents and doesn't want to let his subordinates shoot arrows, which gave Zhao Yun a chance to play.

If a strong crossbow is used, not to mention a million troops killing seven in and seven out, even tens of thousands of crossbowmen can kill Zhao Yun.

This is like a person with high martial arts, he can beat a hundred strong men by himself, but a seven or eight-year-old child who can shoot can kill him with a submachine gun.

Regardless of how brave Zhao Yun is now, if Jiang Qin ordered to shoot arrows, there would be at least an [-]% chance that Zhao Yun and Cheng Yaojin would be left behind.

As soon as Jiang Qin said that he was going to shoot an arrow, the Wu Jun general next to him was also anxious, and hurriedly said to Jiang Qin: "General, that man has Old General Cheng on his back. If this person accidentally shoots Old Cheng General, we can't afford it."

At this time, Cheng Yaojin and Zhao Yun were running neck and neck, and they were about to break out of the encirclement.At this time, if they didn't shoot the arrows, the two of them would have killed out, but if they fired the arrows, they were worried that they would hurt the veteran Cheng Pu.

"Shoot that Zhao Zilong, the red bearded man next to him, don't shoot people, shoot his horse." Jiang Qin ordered to his subordinates.

Although Cheng Yaojin and Zhao Yun are powerful, Zhao Yun is the main fighting force.As long as Zhao Yun is shot dead, Cheng Yaojin's horse will be shot.Without Zhao Yun's guards, without the horses under his crotch, Cheng Yaojin would not be able to escape the encirclement of Wu Jun by himself.

As soon as Jiang Qin gave such an order, all the generals of Wu Jun immediately felt that this was a good idea.In this way, the old general Cheng Pu will definitely be rescued.

"Fire arrows!"

With Jiang Qin's order, most of these crossbowmen aimed at Zhao Yun, and a small number of them aimed at Cheng Yaojin's horse.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Wu Jun shot a rain of arrows, Zhao Yun's horse was a BMW, and Zhao Yun's martial arts skills were also high.The arrows shot towards Zhao Yun, together with Zhao Yun's flying arrows, and the silver horse under his crotch dodged.

A round of arrows shot down, and Zhao Yun didn't even hurt a single hair on the man and the horse.Although Cheng Yaojin's horse is a war horse from the Wu army that Zhao Yun snatched, it is still a healthy horse.Although Cheng Yaojin's martial arts are not very good, this kid is lucky.

The same Cheng Yaojin was not injured, but he shot a stray arrow into the buttock of the horse under him.But fortunately, the arrow didn't shoot deep, and it didn't make the horse lose its strength.


Jiang Qin ordered here that Wu Jun's crossbowmen draw their bows and set their arrows here.

Zhao Yun looked ahead, then turned his head to look behind.At this time, the battle zone between the Qin army and the Wu army was no longer willing. As long as they could kill them wherever they could, the soldiers of the Qin army would be able to meet them.

However, if the crossbowmen of the Wu army are allowed to shoot arrows like this now, they will definitely not be able to kill the battle zone between the two sides.

The horse under Cheng Yaojin's crotch had already been shot by an arrow, and it was carrying two more people.If this new round of arrows hit Cheng Yaojin, then Cheng Yaojin would have to fall to a large extent.And now, once they fall off the horse, they will lose the chance to fight out.

"Bite Jin brother, you retreat first!"

Zhao Yun yelled at Cheng Yaojin, turned his horse's head, turned around and killed Wu Jun.

"Zi Long!"

Seeing this scene, Cheng Yaojin was also very moved.Zhao Yun took the risk with his own body, just to let him get out first.

Lao Cheng is also a fastidious person, and he is determined not to leave his brother behind, but when he thinks that there is Cheng Pu behind him.Cheng Pu is the key to victory in this battle. Thinking of this, Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth and killed him.

Cheng Yaojin went out to kill, and Zhao Yun went in to kill.I saw that Zhao Yun's crotch was silver with the horse, and his four hooves were like the wind. In the blink of an eye, this person and horse rushed in front of the group of archers.

This is like, at this moment, a level [-] sixth god outfit rushed in front of an adc with a level [-] start outfit.Even if you have many people, there are not enough to kill Zhao Yun alone.

Under Zhao Yun's silver spear, these archers are like leeks under a sickle, and they have no power to fight back.

"I didn't want to kill you, but you don't know how to live or die!"

After killing these archers and fleeing in all directions, Zhao Yun snorted coldly and killed Jiang Qin.

Originally, Zhao Yun had no intention of killing Jiang Qin and other generals of the Wu army. Even when he was fighting Zhou Tai, Zhao Yun was merciful and intentionally left Zhou Tai alone.

Because in Zhao Yun's view, sooner or later, Soochow would be defeated by Daqin's troops.As long as Soochow is defeated, the generals of the Wu army will be able to surrender and serve Daqin.

It was with this idea in mind that Zhao Yun had no intention of massacring the generals of the Wu army.However, Jiang Qin ordered his subordinates to shoot arrows, which really angered Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yun thought to himself, if Jiang Qin was killed, Wu Jun would be flustered, so he could kill Brother Jin by biting him.

Seeing Zhao Yun coming towards him, Jiang Qin was shocked, and raised his knife in panic to resist.


There was only a loud bang, and when the swords and guns intersected, Zhao Yun pointed out a gap in Jiang Qin's long knife.

"This Zhao Zilong is so powerful."

In this fight, Zhao Yun pointed out a hole in the back of the knife, how could Jiang Qin not be surprised.

Jiang Qin was startled, he had no fighting spirit at all.Jiang Qin thought to himself, I am the opponent of this Changshan Zhao Zilong, and he guesses that if there are three tricks, I will have to be picked by him.Come on, let me stop fighting, let me run.

There were not many generals in Soochow, and there was only one Donglai Taishici who could compare with Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun in terms of force.

Among the generals of Soochow Wu, Tai Shici, Zhou Tai and others can be called first-class.Down below are Xu Sheng, Ding Feng and others, and then down are Jiang Qin and Dong Xi.

This Jiang Qin is really third-rate in Soochow, let alone compared with a general like Zhao Yun.

(End of this chapter)

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