Becoming stronger from cutting Hu and Cao Cao

Chapter 416 The 8 formations block the Qin army.

Chapter 416 The eight formations block the Qin army.

Although Cheng Yaojin spoke rudely to Zhuge Liang, in fact he was still a little clever.At this time, the sky was already dark, and rushing into Cheng Yaojin rashly was afraid of any accidents.

After Cheng Yaojin withdrew his troops and went back, at this time, the army had already buried the pot to make food, and after eating and drinking, Cheng Yaojin first took a good night's sleep.

The next day was bright, but Cheng Yaojin still didn't rush into battle.Although Cheng Yaojin reckoned that the stone formation would not be very powerful, but Lao Cheng was still afraid of capsizing in the gutter.

Cheng Yaojin first found a relatively high place nearby. Standing on this high place and looking down, he could roughly see the structure of the small half of the stone city.

Cheng Yaojin looked at it from a high place, and the stone city looked like a nest of ants, or a hive of beehives.It is densely packed and stacked up and down. If this person enters it, he must get lost.

"Damn it, Mr. Zhuge built a maze!" Cheng Yaojin muttered to himself.

How did Lao Cheng know this? After looking at it from a high place for a long time, he didn't see why.

The camp of the Qin army and the big tent of the Chinese army.

"General Cheng, are we going to break this battle or not?" a general of the Qin army asked.

"Break it, of course it has to be broken!" Cheng Yaojin replied.

Cheng Yaojin's big talk has already been released, if he dare not break the formation at this time, then Cheng Yaojin will not be a big talker?

Moreover, Cheng Yaojin also calculated in his heart that Zhuge Liang's big formation was made of stones, and it was probably a maze.Since it is a maze, then the lethality should not be great, and if he can't break the formation by then, he will just go back the same way.

"In this way, I will personally lead three thousand soldiers to break the formation, and you guard the camp." Cheng Yaojin told his generals.

"General Cheng, if you are still guarding the camp, shall I lead a team of troops to break the formation?" said a partial general.

At this time, the depth of the formation ahead is still unknown, how can Cheng Yaojin, the main general, enter the formation rashly?
"Needless to say, I have to go this time!" Cheng Yaojin said.

Cheng Yaojin thought to himself, this is a maze in front of him, and there is no one in his army who knows how to break the maze.If you want to break this big formation, you can only rely on Meng.If it all depends on blindness, then it depends on luck.

Among the hundreds of thousands of Qin troops, if one had to pick the luckiest one, it would have to be Cheng Yaojin.It is precisely because of this that only Cheng Yaojin is most sure about breaking the formation.

In fact, since the formation will not be broken under such circumstances, the best way is to stand still and invite someone who can break the formation.For example, Military Advisor Jia Xu and Liu Bowen are all proficient in formations.

However, now that Lao Cheng has won battles one after another and done several major things, he is a little too inflated now, and he deserves to suffer some losses.

After Cheng Yaojin ordered three thousand soldiers and horses, he left the Qin army camp and marched towards the stone city ahead.Cheng Yaojin thought about it, anyway, my old Cheng is lucky, how can I stop Cheng Yaojin with mere dead creatures.

Cheng Yaojin didn't understand the formation method, as the saying goes, laymen watch the excitement, laymen watch the way.Only a reckless man like Cheng Yaojin dared to force his way into the formation as an outsider.If not, just find someone who is proficient in the formation, and you can see that the formation cannot be easily trespassed.

At the same time, behind Stone City and in front of Shanyin Pass.Soochow general Tai Shici personally led [-] soldiers in various armors and marched into the stone city.

Eight thousand soldiers led by Tai Shici were trained by Tai Shici according to Cheng Zhuge Liang's method.You 8000 people wear eight kinds of clothes, and the soldiers in each color of clothes are every kind of soldiers.

Of course, these soldiers cannot scurry around in the formation.The eight arrays are eight small arrays named after heaven, earth, wind, cloud, dragon, tiger, bird, and snake. Among the eight arrays, sky, earth, wind, and cloud are the "four positives", and the dragon (green dragon), Tiger (White Tiger), Bird (Suzaku), and Snake (Teng Snake) are the "Four Wonders".

Whatever color clothes these soldiers wore, they could only wander around in that small formation. Once they left the small formation he was in charge of, they would have to get lost in it just like the people who entered the formation.

"Everyone, cheer me up!"

"As long as Qin Jun dares to come in, no matter how many troops they come, I have to keep them in the formation."

"If Mr. Zhuge's stone city today can't be the tomb of his Qin army, it will have to be the tomb of the Eastern Wu." Tai Shi said with empathy.

Now the situation in Soochow has reached the most critical time. It can be said that the survival of the entire Soochow now depends on Zhuge Liang's stone formation.

If this large formation can stop Qin's army, then Soochow still has hope, but if these eight formations can't stop Qin's army, then Soochow will really perish.

Tai Shici led his brothers into the formation, and at the same time, Cheng Yaojin also brought his brothers to the front of the formation.

"Damn it, I feel a little flustered!" Cheng Yaojin muttered to himself as he stood in front of the formation.

Cheng Yaojin led the army to the front of the formation, and immediately felt that the formation was like a prehistoric monster that could eat people. Standing in front of the formation made people feel chilly and awe-inspiring.

If it was someone else, under such uncertain circumstances, he might just lead others to withdraw.But Cheng Yaojin is different, he has an inexplicable self-confidence, that is to say, whether he can do it or not, Cheng Yaojin thinks he can do it.


"Break me out!"

Cheng Yaojin led [-] elite cavalry and charged into Stone City.

The speed of Cheng Yaojin's elite cavalry is not slow, but as fast as he has been recently, he lost his way as fast as he could.

After wandering around in this formation for a long time, Cheng Yaojin simply circled around in place, and didn't go out with Ben.

"Where's the mark?"

"Didn't you ask you to make marks along the way when you came?" Cheng Yaojin asked his subordinates.

To say that Cheng Yaojin is actually a bit clever, before they came in, Cheng Yaojin ordered his men to make marks along the way after they came in, and if they couldn't break the big formation, they could also go back along the marks .

But what Cheng Yaojin didn't know was that there was a soldier like them in this big formation, and there were also [-] soldiers from Soochow hidden in the formation.The marks they made along the way were erased by the Soochow soldiers hiding in the formation not long after they were made.

"Back to the general, our marks are gone, and it looks like they were erased by someone." The general of the Qin army who was in charge of making the marks replied.

Hearing this, Cheng Yaojin was not angry, but happy.

"Okay, as long as there is someone. Don't make any marks, let's find a way to catch the tongue."

(End of this chapter)

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